Matthias d'Slaytonthorpe

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Matthias d'Slaytonthorpe
40 HP
Overall Level 5
Neutral Evil Human
XP Total: 14,000
TNL: 6,000

Str: 12/50 (+0)
Dex: 14/55 (+1)
Con: 19/21 (+3)
Int: 17/65 (+2)
Wis: 14/50 (+1)
Cha: 13/90 (+0)

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 13 {12}
Paralysis/Petrify: 14 {13}
Spells/Rods/Staves: 13 {12}
Wands: 16 {15}
Breath: 15 {14}

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 9
Undressed 8
Harnessed 4 (armor/ring/cloak)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 5

Dark Magic +3
Eidetic Memory +2
Natural Linguist +2
Scribe +1
Skilled Liar +2

Pact Powers:
dominate person 2 x daily
produce hellbane 3 x daily
short sword counts as a +3 weapon
resistance to fire (gained at WAR 2)
pact blade deals TOT-CASTER-LV dmg
add Dark Magic trait to pact-blade dmg
regain half pact blade damage as HP

Mage/Warlock Spells:
4 of 1st level
3 of 2nd level
3 of 3rd level

Favored combo when not using Eldritch Blast :
Asmodeus' Disdain or Warlock's Wrath followed
by Fell Finger

Prepared Daily:
Asmodeus' Touch
Fell Finger

Asmodeus' Disdain x 2
blur (possibly sacrificed for Hellish Rebuke)
mirror image

Cloud of Daggers

Counterspell x 2
Gaseous Form

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +2
Equivalent Base THAC0: 18

Risk Dice Pool: 06
Deeds Known: 11

short sword:
   vs mundane foe m.THAC0 18 (1d6+1)

+1 boot knife
   m.THAC0 17 (1d4+2)

Heroic Deeds:

  1. Arcane Deflection
  2. Blessed Assurance
  3. Deft Blade
  4. Dweomer Determination
  5. Eldritch Blast
  6. Effortless Dodge
  7. Manipulate Fate
  8. Skin of Your Teeth
  9. Vampiric Skimming
  10. Warlock's Wrath
  11. player choice

Carceri's Ring
+1 cloak of deflection
+1 boot knife (1d4+3)
daggers (pair, mundane)
ethanol (1 pt., 40-proof)
inflammable oil x 5
leather armor
potion of extra-healing x 4
short sword
+1 ring of protection
short bow

Other Valuables:
- sapphire fragment worth 100 GP
- silver necklace with pearls worth 400 GP
- platinum necklace worth 300 GP
- 99 GP, 161 SP, 43 SC, 07 RD

Sagius Nithrexus
Devra True-aim

XP Awards
+3,500 siphoned scroll-battery; slew Magen Eisenthrast {total: 14,000/20K} +750 for striking an accord with the Kellen's Rock Culprits {total: 10,500/14K} +750 for gaining an audience with The Kellen's Rock Culprits {total: 9,750/14K}