Monk sub-class

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Prime ability: Dexterity & Wisdom; the Monk subclass cannot wear armor, as the monk requires freedom of movement.


Party Boon at Monk 1: Once per long rest, a Monk can expend ki to rid herself and party members of fatigue and restore 2 HP to herself and up to {Monk level} allies. At Monk 3, she can instead do this once per short rest and restores 5 HP. At Monk 5 the restored HP rises to 10.

Personal Boon at Monk 3: At Monk 3, the Monk is never caught flat-footed, even when surprised. The monk can also reduce the number of 1d6's rolled for fall damage by their level in the monk class (and are still able to make a dexterity save for half damage on any remaining 1d6's to be rolled).

Monks can make a DC 13 saving throw to reduce falling damage or area effect damage by half upon success. If non-monk characters already get a saving throw for half-damage, then the monk suffers no damage on a successful save and half-damage on a failed save.

Because of their discipline, monks also may add their Wisdom modifier on saves against mind-influencing effects.

A monk's base armor class is 9, modified by Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers. For every two full levels in Monk up to and including Monk 10, this AC improves another step. Monks may wear magical rings and bracers, but cannot fight in armor. A monk applies her Monk level to saving throws against natural and magical diseases.

The Monk subclass gives access to the Flurry of Blows Heroic Deed.