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Anataraxis — the least of Sceeva's brood, though still a mighty red dragon in life who achieved 19 hit-dice before her transformation. In undeath as a dracolich, 'Anna' — as some members of the Cult of the Dragon affectionately call her — has the following stat-block:

Apply the dracolich template to Anataraxis. This particular dracolich may attempt Necropivot once per combat encounter, and up to three times between long rests.

Though temporarily defeated by the Phandalin Four in the Barrow Bog, Anataraxis' phylactery wasn't destroyed, so she will reform and again menace the region of Stigrix.


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• No. Enc: 2d4 (3d10)
• Alignment: Chaotic
• Movement: 30'
• Armor Class: 7
• Hit Dice: 2+1 (typically 10-13 HP)
• BAB +3
• Attacks: by weapon
• Damage: By single weapon attack, +1 to damage
• Save: F3
• Morale: 10
• Hoard: 2d6 chroma, 1d4-1 royals, 1d4+1 copper (25% it's Red Cuprous)

Experience Yielded: 285 per gnoll defeated

Anytime ten or more gnolls are found together, one of them will be a 3+3 HD specimen with 21 HP with 1d4-1 royals, 2d4+4 chroma, 1d4+6 copper (25% it's Red Cuprous). This leader will have the same Morale and saving throws as its fellows. A defeated leader gnoll is worth 325 xp.

Uvron Alygrean Kesloril

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Uvron Alygrean Kesloril is a potent necromancer residing deep within the Barrowmaze. He is allied with the vampire, Yattel Ette.

Yattel Ette

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Yattel Ette (pronounced yell-AY) — a powerful vampire allied with the necromancer Uvron Alygrean Kesloril. Yattel dwells deep within the Barrowmaze, making use of lesser undead as early warning expendables.


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monster — a creature, natural or supernatural, that is generally feared, and/or generally unwelcome. Monsters may be (but tend not to be) humanoids. They are often powerful combatants. Some have spells or spell-like abilities. Monsters generally pose a threat to travelers, hamlets, thorpes, and towns. Adventurers are sometimes hired to slay monsters that have become problematic. A monster may also be slain in order to use one or more of its parts for spell components or to catalyze certain rituals.


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• No. Enc: 1 (2d3) • Alignment: Neutral Good • Movement: 30' • Armor Class: 7 • Hit Dice: 12 (typically 110-125 HP) • BAB +9 (or by class) • Attacks: 2 - Eye Bane and melee attack • Damage: spear (3d4+2) • Save: F6 • Morale: 10 • Hoard: 9d4 chroma, 1d4+4 royals, 3d4+2 copper (40% it's Red Cuprous)

Experience Yielded: 1,225 per

The cyclops of Hamelet are generally peaceful, whereas those encountered in the Underdark usually are decidedly not. Eye Bane: usable once per round, this gaze attack slows a foe who doesn't succeed at a saving throw versus rods. A foe so-affected may make another saving throw attempt the following round, but at -2 penalty. If it fails, the slow effect lasts for the remainder of that encounter.

Cyclops stand seven to eight feet in height and generally weigh from 250 to 350 pounds. Because of their very tough skin, they have DR 1/-. Cyclops may not drink ethanol: it is poisonous to them. They're very literal creatures and often have difficulty understanding the idioms of other humanoid races.


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• No. Enc: 1 (12d3) • Alignment: Chaotic Evil • Movement: 20' • Armor Class: 6 (or by armor type) • Hit Dice: 4 (typically 23-28 HP), or by level if PC/NPC • BAB +4, or by class and level if any adventurer • Attacks: 2 • Damage: By dual-wielded axes — 1d6 + STR/magic bonuses • Special: perfect darkvision to 240 feet range • Special: paralysis, phantasms, alchemical poisons, or some types of illusion • Special: +4 to saves vs mind-affecting spells, items, and abilities • Save: F4, or by PC level if an adventurer • Morale: 10 • Hoard: 6d4 chroma, 3d4+4 royals, 2d4+8 copper (80% it's Red Cuprous, 50% black)

Experience Yielded: 600 XP per duergar Duergar should be treated as Fighters for determining their BAB. They are able to attack twice per round by dual-wielding axes. The second attack is at a -2 to-hit penalty.

Anytime five or more duergar are found together, one of them will be a leader with 5-7 HD (35-40 HP, and a 70% chance of having arcane or clerical spells. A defeated leader is worth 800 xp.

Millenia ago, the duergar were a clan of shield dwarves in the dwarven kingdom of Barakuir, located within the ancient realm of Shanatar. Clan Duergar, which venerated Laduguer as their patron, was an ambitious and powerful clan, believing that they should lead the kingdoms of Shanatar themselves.

When they were denied following the Second Spider War, Clan Duergar turned away from the other dwarven clans, paying only lip service to Shanatar's rulers. This proved a mistake when the mind flayers of Oryndoll, seeing the isolation of Barakuir, attacked the realm in about 8100 DR, enslaving or killing most of the population.

Most duergar worship Laduguer.


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Monster — a creature, natural or supernatural, that is generally feared, and/or generally unwelcome. Monsters may be (but tend not to be) humanoids. They are often powerful combatants. Some have spells or spell-like abilities. Monsters generally pose a threat to travelers, hamlets, thorpes, and towns. Adventurers are sometimes hired to slay monsters that have become problematic. A monster may also be slain in order to use one or more of its parts for spell components or to catalyze certain rituals.


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Monster — a creature, natural or supernatural, that is generally feared, and/or generally unwelcome. Monsters may be (but tend not to be) humanoids. They are often powerful combatants. Some have spells or spell-like abilities. Monsters generally pose a threat to travelers, hamlets, thorpes, and towns. Adventurers are sometimes hired to slay monsters that have become problematic. A monster may also be slain in order to use one or more of its parts for spell components or to catalyze certain rituals.