Available to Bard 1+, Magic-User 3+, Cleric 5+ or its sub-classes 3+. You attempt to disenchant a magical item. Roll and expend a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up 1, you: successfully disenchant a one-use magic item (potion, scroll, etc.), or you may roll a d20. On a result of 19 or 20, you successful remove one permanent enchantment from an item. This may or may not render the item non-magical. Regardless of the ultimate success or failure of the disenchant attempt, unless use of this deed fizzles (i.e., a '1' result on the Risk Die) you regain 3 HP by channeling a portion of the ambient magic into health renewal. If your disenchant attempt succeeds, gain one percentile point to an Ability Score of your choice.