Paladin sub-class

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Prime ability: Charisma; Paladins in Scarlet Horizons are a sub-class of cleric rather than of fighter. But though they use the Cleric's d6 hit die, Paladins enjoy a fighter's base attack bonus. A paladin has the ability to Smite a subset of evil creatures. When attacking an evil outsider, aberration, or undead, a paladin adds her Charisma bonus to other attack roll modifiers, and on a successful hit deals weapon damage dice + Paladin levels.

Party Boon at Paladin 1: When an adventuring party containing a paladin fights evil creatures, the paladin and his allies are protected against certain types of creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. Creatures of those types have disadvantage on attack rolls against their targets. The targets also can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them. If the targets are already charmed, frightened, or possessed by such a creature, the targets have advantage on any new saving throw against the relevant effect. The duration of this effect on the paladin's allies, per encounter, is {Paladin Level(s) rounds}. The paladin herself enjoys this protection perpetually.

Personal Boon at Paladin 3: At Paladin 3, the paladin gains the Lay on Hands ability. The paladin can lay hands on herself or an ally and restore up to {Paladin level x 12} HP in total, daily. Any portion of the remaining daily allotment may be used/expended once per round. The use of this ability requires the sacrifice of a Risk Die. Alternatively, a paladin may sacrifice two Risk Dice to Cure Disease. A paladin may only Lay on Hands once per round, but may use any amount of daily healing still held in reserve. When using Cure Disease, two full, consecutive rounds are required, during which time the paladin may do nothing else.

The Paladin subclass gives access to the Enlightened Strike Heroic Deed.

Upon becoming a paladin, a good-aligned cleric has three 1st and two 2nd level clerical spells appropriate to his deity's portfolio. Add one to each level of spells per point of Wisdom bonus. Any of these spells may be sacrificed to power the casting of Hand of Succor, a healing spell that restores 2d6+2 Hit Points.