Dax Scofflaw

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Dax Scofflaw
played by Grant Cockerham
Overall Level 1
AC: 6 (4 if you buy chainmail)
Neutral Good Beastman, HP: 14
Hgt: 7'0" Wgt: 350#
XP Total: 500
TNL: 1,500

Str: 16/10 (+2)
Dex: 15/10 (+1)
Con: 16/65 (+1)
Int: 13/10 (+1)
Wis: 11/10 (+0)
Cha: 14/10 (+1)

Special Abilities:
Fighter Party Boon
Advantage on all STR checks
+2 bonus on STR-based checks
+2 bonus on saves vs disease
on crit, foe makes Con check or knocked prone

need 2 to 6 traits totaling 6 pts
no trait greater than +3
Greatsword Expert +3

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12
Paralysis/Petrify: 13
Spells/Rods/Staves: 14
Wands: 15
Breath: 16

Armor Class:
to be determined after equipment is bought, or...
hide armor gives base AC 7

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +1
Equivalent Base THAC0: 19

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 3
   Daily Risk Dice: 4

player to choose 3 known Heroic Deeds

greatsword (masterwork quality, non-magical)
   mod.THAC0: 17, dmg: 1d10/3d6+5
hide armor (may upgrade to chainmail)

to be determined

Celaena Sardothien

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Celaena Sardothien — a human fighter operating in southeast Stigrix in PR 204 and forward. Celaena's companions are Feyre Archeron and Lancaster Fox.

Player Character

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player-character — In the tabletop version of a roleplaying game, there are usually two or more people who take on the role of players, and each player controls and makes decisions for a character. These characters are the actors in the unfolding adventure or story.

The players are the people sitting around the table, each player assuming the role of his or her character — in essence, stepping into that character's shoes, living in their skin. Because of this intimate connection between the player and her character, that character is often known as a PC — a player character. You may also want to read here.

Celaena Sardothien

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Overall Level 13
Lawful Good Human, HP: 87
XP Total: 102,000
TNL: 12,000

Str: 17/35(+2)
Dex: 16/45 (+2)
Con: 16/90 (+2)
Int: 13/20 (+1)
Wis: 13/90 (+1)
Cha: 11/25 (+0)

Special Abilities:
Fighter Party Boon
Fighter Personal Boon
Movement 40 ft dungeon
Movement 50 ft outdoors
Ranger Party Boon
Ranger Personal Boon
Favored Enemy #1: Drow
Favored Enemy #2: Illithids (mind-flayers)
Favored Terrain #1: Forests
Favored Terain #2: Subterranean

Longbow Expert +3
Monster Slayer +3
Tough-Minded +3
Ruins Explorer +3
Arms Merchant +3
Animal Empathy +3

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12 {10}
Paralysis/Petrify: 13 {11}
Spells/Rods/Staves: 15 {13}
Wands: 13 {11}
Breath: 15 {13}

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 10
Undressed 09
Harnessed -1 (+2 mithril shirt/cloak)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 0
Touch 6

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +13
Equivalent Base THAC0: 7
+2 Two-Handed Sword 1d10/3d6 vs large (m.THAC0: 03)
+1 Longbow 1d10 (m.THAC0 04)

+2 Two-Handed Sword:
   vs mundane foes 1d10+4+situational
   vs Large+ monsters 3d6+4+situational
   vs drow 1d10+16
   vs mind-flayers 1d10+19

+1 Longbow:
1d10+18 vs Drow
1d10+21 vs mind-flayers

+1 Obsidian Spider-Banes
vs mundane foe m.THAC0 4 (1d6+3)
vs spiders & kin treat spider AC as 9 (3d6+3)

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 19
   Daily Risk Dice: 10

  1. Aim Carefully
  2. Blitz
  3. Brace
  4. Cleave
  5. Deft Blade
  6. Eagle Eye
  7. Hunter's Mark
  8. Improved Ambuscade
  9. Improved Cleave
  10. Indomitable Defense
  11. Primary Foe
  12. Show Your Specialization
  13. Skin of Your Teeth
  14. Stinging Second Attack
  15. Soul of the Warrior
  16. Staggering Strike
  17. Unbreakable
  18. Unusual Prowess
  19. Vicious Focus

2-hander has 7 uses of basilisk venom +2 blue cloak of protection (can change colors) black hydra scabbard
+1 boot knife (1d4+3)
Lesser Belt of Charisma (raises CHA 2 pts) bag of pocket dimension
a dozen arrows dealing +1d6 fire
daggers (pair, mundane)
ethanol (1 pt., 40-proof)
inflammable oil x 5
lenses of infravision
+2 mithril shirt
potion of extra-healing x 4
potion of invisibility x 1
+3 two-handed sword
longsword +2 (+4 vs halflings)
+1 longbow
+1 spider-banes (mated)

Order of the Gauntlet

Azulle Plus PC

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I just installed a new wireless keyboard and mouse on my ThinkCentre M53 desktop PC. That leaves me a smaller wireless keyboard I can use at work on our TR media computer, but I'll still need to get a wireless mouse for it. The Kensington lock to secure the Azulle Plus PC to the table on which it sits should arrive tomorrow.

Also, I've made the decision to move my blog to my NAS, as it doesn't require starting and stopping the Zwamp mini-server on Windows. I'll archive and backup the /cms directory regularly, for protection against data loss.

Thursday 10th October 2019

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Thursday, 10/10/2019 Work wasn't too busy. I started work on an OTR for JM. I billed on eight clients today. Carla remains rather anal retentive but also quite helpful and with a good work ethic. Susan and I had leftover pinto beans, whole cakes, and mashed potatoes, along with tuna casserole, for supper. Now she's seeing a patient and I'm sitting with Jimmie while Barbara is gone to Rugs.

I've done some rearranging of my blog, pulling out the DokuWiki archive, which I'm no longer using, and replacing the screenshots of my monthly jogging records with the more space-conservative text-version of the data.

Today, I got my Azulle Plus PC installed at work. I hooked it into the HDMI monitor in the play room. So, I now have my own personal PC at work, connected wirelessly to the network. I can use TeamViewer to connect to it from my workstation. I've got a 16 Gb flash drive attached. It's encrypted, so if someone takes it they can't get at its contents. I also put a guest account on the Azulle so that I can present it as a resource for child clients if questioned at some future time.

I also commented out some of the code in zippem.cs so that the re-compiled program no longer archives my wiki and a couple other little-used directories. The only directories it archives now are csdev, fp-content, and cms/downloads.

I ran 6.23 miles this afternoon after work. It was my second jog in October. I'm hoping to do another Saturday.

SETI at home is pretty cool

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I've discovered the blog of Mr. Riley, a web programmer. He has lots of great Twine code examples.

Mr. Riley is a teacher. He has a good starting point example of a combat system for a Twine game called Twine Fray.

I plan to scour his blog for learning purposes.

Lately, I've been reading some articles put out by prominent researchers in the SETI at Home project: Here is an explanation of the Drake Equation. And here is an article of what we might expect from E.T.

For a while now, I've had my desktop PC (which I don't use on a daily basis but do leave running) executing BOINC and assisting the SETI @ Home program to process telescopic data.

BOINC downloads scientific computing jobs to your computer and runs them invisibly in the background. It's easy and safe.

About 30 science projects use BOINC; examples include Einstein@Home, IBM World Community Grid, and SETI@home. These projects investigate diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research.