Phancamp Session 16

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Session 16 Phandelver Tabletop Campaign

06th June 2024 (6:00-9:00 CST) 3.0 hr session; cumulative: 47.25 hrs

previous session

In Session 16, the heroes traveled to Valtrex's ancestral home, Helmfast Keep, some two days' journey northwest from Helix. There, they destroyed some wererats, slew a guardian alligator, confronted and slew one of Valtrex's vampire offspring, and returned home victorious. Their alliance with Valtrex has resulted in the party acquiring several potent magical items.

At the end of the session, the PCs leveled up to overall level 13.

PhanCamp Session 15

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Session 15 Phandelver Tabletop Campaign

30th May 2024 (6:00-8:45 CST) 2.75 hr session; cumulative: 44.25 hrs

Postponed from 23rd May 2024 to 30th May 2024 due to Vivian's birthday party.

previous session

In our most recent tabletop session two weeks ago (16 May 2024), Thraxis — your friend the dragonkin expert from the Brotherhood of the Seekers in Helix — had made you aware of an emergent threat in the swamp to the southwest.

Traveling there, the Phandalin Four dealt successfully with Anataraxis, a dracolich — thanks in part to due to surprising the monster, but also due to teamwork, as Feyre and Celaena dealt with giant zombies while Lanky took full advantage of his expert skills and magic items to make a devastating surprise attack on the dracolich.

The encounter was over in less than a minute. In Lanky's expert opinion, the monster must have only recently moved to this enclave in the swamp, for the treasure pickings after combat were relatively slim: only a few thousand gold pieces worth of loot, and many of that in the form of valuable equipment or art objects that, were it not for the portable pocket dimension carried by Celaena, would have required multiple trips to get it back to Helix.

The party joint treasure is now valued at 18,000 GP! That's enough to improve a couple magic items. Or, to take one of you to Level 13.

Everyone attained OVL 12 last time. Lanky now has access to heroic deeds that can considerably increase his Circle and Backstab damage. As a 4th level ranger, Celaena now has two favored enemies — drow and illithids (mind-flayers) — and will now be a whirling dervish against those sorts of enemies. And Feyre gained her first level in necromancer. A necromancer is immune to level- and ability-drain attacks, and his companions get a bonus equal to the necromancer's level on saving throws against necromantic effects.

And so, you are back at your farm. Xaiko, Saphira, and Vrakthis are absent. They spend much of their time nowadays hunting. Dwargon has gotten word to the Seeker Brotherhood via Todd the Troglodyte that skeletons are boiling out of the swamp from the location where the dracolich was defeated — a sure sign that the monster is slowly reforming.

As has become his wont a couple nights each week, Thraxis has stopped to visit and have supper with you, and is explaining, "So, it turns out that any sort of lich, whether it formed from a dragon or humanoid, has a very special magical item called a phylactery. This magic item holds their soul if their physical form is destroyed, and also powers the gradual reformation of their body. Only if this phylactery is destroyed can a lich be permanently defeated."


In Session 15, the party traveled to the city of Sizemordicus, where Lanky used his extensive underworld connections to discern the location of the Geppettin Lair beneath the city's sewers.

To get there, the party defeated some wererats and a massive alligator in the sewers. They then successfully negotiated with Vatarexus, a vampire and guild master of the city's thieves' guild.

Lancaster struck a deal with the vampire to start thieves' guilds in Helix and Phandalin, and netted himself a 10,000-gp sign-on bonus. The party recovered Chucky the Geppettin warlock and headed back to their farm on the western outskirts of Phandalin.

next session

PhanCamp Session 15

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Session 15 Phandelver Tabletop Campaign

? May 2024 (6:00-? CST) ? hr session; cumulative: ? hrs

Postponed from 23rd May 2024 to 30th May 2024 due to Vivian's birthday party.

previous session

Session 15 Synopsis:

PhanCamp Session 14

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Session 14 Phandelver Tabletop Campaign

16th May 2024 (6:00-9:00 CST) 3.0 hr session; cumulative: 41.5 hrs

Postponed from 9th May 2024 to 16th May 2024 due to DM having an audit at work.

previous session

In tonight's game session, the PCs received an update from Thraxis Corvale that their respective dragons — Vrakthis, Saphira, and Xaiko — are now approximately two tons each and with twenty-foot wingspans. Some discussion centered around possibly training them to carry the PCs in flight.

The Four postponed that task in order to respond to a new danger: the emergence of Anatharaxis from her deeper lair within the Barrowmaze. The PCs managed to locate this dracolich and its giant zombie servitors and dispatch them before they could visit destruction and terror upon communities surrounding the Barrowdown.

In this fight, Lanky drew upon his incredible assassin skills and the magic of his magical cape, enabling the halfling and Keven, his cave lizard mount, to disappear into shadows and move along the walls and ceiling of the dracolich's cavern.

Lanky slew the monster by using up most of his acidic murdayne root poison, while the other party members dealt with the not-insignificant giant zombies. The party emerged victorious and each PC attained Level 12 overall, whereupon Celaena took her 4th level in Ranger, Feyre took her 1st level in Necromancer, and Lanky took his 3rd level in Cut-Throat. Whiteheart took Level 4 in Sohei.

next session

Phandelver Campaign History

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This page picks up the Phandelver Campaign History beginning with Session 13. Prior sessions' histories can be found here.

Celaena Sardothien

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Overall Level 13
Lawful Good Human, HP: 87
XP Total: 102,000
TNL: 12,000

Str: 17/35(+2)
Dex: 16/45 (+2)
Con: 16/90 (+2)
Int: 13/20 (+1)
Wis: 13/90 (+1)
Cha: 11/25 (+0)

Special Abilities:
Fighter Party Boon
Fighter Personal Boon
Movement 40 ft dungeon
Movement 50 ft outdoors
Ranger Party Boon
Ranger Personal Boon
Favored Enemy #1: Drow
Favored Enemy #2: Illithids (mind-flayers)
Favored Terrain #1: Forests
Favored Terain #2: Subterranean

Longbow Expert +3
Monster Slayer +3
Tough-Minded +3
Ruins Explorer +3
Arms Merchant +3
Animal Empathy +3

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12 {10}
Paralysis/Petrify: 13 {11}
Spells/Rods/Staves: 15 {13}
Wands: 13 {11}
Breath: 15 {13}

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 10
Undressed 09
Harnessed -1 (+2 mithril shirt/cloak)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 0
Touch 6

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +13
Equivalent Base THAC0: 7
+2 Two-Handed Sword 1d10/3d6 vs large (m.THAC0: 03)
+1 Longbow 1d10 (m.THAC0 04)

+2 Two-Handed Sword:
   vs mundane foes 1d10+4+situational
   vs Large+ monsters 3d6+4+situational
   vs drow 1d10+16
   vs mind-flayers 1d10+19

+1 Longbow:
1d10+18 vs Drow
1d10+21 vs mind-flayers

+1 Obsidian Spider-Banes
vs mundane foe m.THAC0 4 (1d6+3)
vs spiders & kin treat spider AC as 9 (3d6+3)

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 19
   Daily Risk Dice: 10

  1. Aim Carefully
  2. Blitz
  3. Brace
  4. Cleave
  5. Deft Blade
  6. Eagle Eye
  7. Hunter's Mark
  8. Improved Ambuscade
  9. Improved Cleave
  10. Indomitable Defense
  11. Primary Foe
  12. Show Your Specialization
  13. Skin of Your Teeth
  14. Stinging Second Attack
  15. Soul of the Warrior
  16. Staggering Strike
  17. Unbreakable
  18. Unusual Prowess
  19. Vicious Focus

2-hander has 7 uses of basilisk venom +2 blue cloak of protection (can change colors) black hydra scabbard
+1 boot knife (1d4+3)
Lesser Belt of Charisma (raises CHA 2 pts) bag of pocket dimension
a dozen arrows dealing +1d6 fire
daggers (pair, mundane)
ethanol (1 pt., 40-proof)
inflammable oil x 5
lenses of infravision
+2 mithril shirt
potion of extra-healing x 4
potion of invisibility x 1
+3 two-handed sword
longsword +2 (+4 vs halflings)
+1 longbow
+1 spider-banes (mated)

Order of the Gauntlet

Phandelver Tabletop Campaign Character Sheets

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Phandelver Tabletop Campaign Character Sheets

Character Lev 9 HP Lev 10 HP Lev 11 HP Lev 13 HP
Celaena 63 69 75 87
Feyre 34 39 44 50
Lanky 41 44 47 53
Whiteheart 52 57 62 85
Character Lev 5 HP Lev 6 HP Lev 7 HP Lev 8 HP
Celaena 34 39 44 57
Feyre 20 23 26 29
Lanky 21 24 27 38
Whiteheart 27 31 35 47