Bryce Lightstep

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Bryce Lightstep — a ranger who lives in the vicinity of Phandalin. It is rumored — though not by many — that Bryce is a member of the Harpers.

PhanCamp Session 15

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Session 15 Phandelver Tabletop Campaign

? May 2024 (6:00-? CST) ? hr session; cumulative: ? hrs

Postponed from 23rd May 2024 to 30th May 2024 due to Vivian's birthday party.

previous session

Session 15 Synopsis:

Breldik Blackbeard

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Breldik Blackbeard, Blacksmith — a 6'4" man, 275 lbs and with a bushy black beard and very muscular physique (STR 18). Breldik is the lone blacksmith in Phandalin. Breldik is married to Brenda, and they have a Saint Bernard named Big Ben.

Phandalin, Town of

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Phandalin — a small town of about two hundred people, Phandalin is still considered a frontier town. It is built on the ruins of a much older settlement that was contemporaneous with the ancient, now lost Netheril Empire. Breldik Blackbeard and Barclay Festerton are notable residents.

Barclay Festerton

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Barclay Festerton — Townmaster of Phandalin.

Feyre Archeron

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Feyre Archeron
Overall Level 13
Lawful Good Human, HP: 50
XP Total: 90,000
TNL: 24,000

Str: 11/15 (+0)
Dex: 16/60 (+2)
Con: 15/90 (+1)
Int: 18/80 (+3)
Wis: 13/60 (+1)
Cha: 10/20 (+0)

Magic Resistance: 45%
Allies get +1 vs spell effects
Affinity: fire
Immune to level/ability-drain
Fighter Personal Boon
Fighter Party Boon
Mage Party Boon
Mage Personal Boon
Enchanter Personal Boon
Enchanter Party Boon
Necromancer Personal Boon At-will Life Tap ability

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 08 {05} (bracers/robe)
Unharnessed & prone: 10 {07}
Unharnessed 08 {05}
Harnessed -2 {-5} (shirt/robe/ring)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 0 {-3}
Touch 8

{the above boosted 3 if mage armored}

Arcane Adept: +3
Book Seller: +3
Curse Lifter: +3
Historian: +3
Loremaster: +3
Intensifier: +3

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12 (11)
Paralysis/Petrify: 13 (12)
Spells/Rods/Staves: 15 (14)
Wands: 13 (12)
Breath: 15 (14)

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +5
Equivalent Base THAC0: 15

Masterwork Longsword
m.THAC0: 15 (or 11) (1d8+0, or 1d8+5)

+2 Quarterstaff:
   m.THAC0 13 (or 9) (1d8+2, or 1d8+7)

+2 Short Bow:
   m.THAC0 11 (or 7) (1d6+4, or 1d6+9)

+2 quarterstaff
AC -4 | roll needed = 17+
AC -2 | roll needed = 15+
AC 0 | roll needed = 13+
AC 2 | roll needed = 11+
AC 4 | roll needed = 09+
AC 6 | roll needed = 07+
AC 8 | roll needed = 05+
AC 10 | roll needed = 03+

+2 silver dagger or +2 shortbow:
   m.THAC0 12 (1d4+5)

+2 silver dagger
AC 6 | roll needed = 17+
AC 4 | roll needed = 15+
AC 2 | roll needed = 13+
AC 0 | roll needed = 11+
AC 2 | roll needed = 09+
AC 4 | roll needed = 07+
AC 6 | roll needed = 05+
AC 8 | roll needed = 03+
AC 10 | roll needed = 02+
AC 11 | roll needed = 02+

Spells 24/day - 7 1st/6 2nd/6 3rd/5 4th/4 5th:

1st: burning hands, comprehend languages, eldritch bolt, hold portal, identify, sleep

2nd: invisibility, knock, levitate, mage armor, silence

3rd: fireball, fly, major image, spirit guardians

4th cone of cold, lesser sending, scrying, zone of glacial cold

5th Restore Life/Spirit Recall

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 19
   Daily Risk Dice: 10

  1. Aim Carefully
  2. Arcane Deflection
  3. Attune to Item
  4. Aura of Enchantment
  5. Charge Item
  6. Dazing Spell
  7. Death Ward
  8. Death Word
  9. Disenchant
  10. Dual Heroic Deeds
  11. Dweomer Determination
  12. Eldritch Wrath
  13. Enhance Enchantment
  14. Flawless Construction
  15. Intensify Spell
  16. Manipulate Fate
  17. Short Port
  18. player's choice
  19. player's choice

Other Equipment: Circlet of Iron Necromancy Wand of petrification (10 charges; can't be recharged) Robe of Many Eyes bark from tree of healing (usage: d12)
bracers of protection +1
cave-fisher filament (25 ft)
daggers (pair, mundane)
enchanter's ear-rings
enchanter's robe
+1 dagger
ethanol (1 pint, 40-proof)
inflammable oil x 5
+2 mithril shirt
poison antidote x 3
potion of healing (2d6+2) x 3
potion of extra-healing (6d6+6) x 2
potion of prot. vs red dragon
potion of rejuvenation x 4
potion of vigorous voodoo x 1
potion of invisibility x 1
red dragon blood (12 vials)
scroll: flying & invisibility at 5th
wand of burning hands (13 charges)
+2 quarterstaff
sharpening stone
+2 short bow
spellbook (glyph of warding)

The Argent Twilight

Celaena Sardothien

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Overall Level 13
Lawful Good Human, HP: 87
XP Total: 102,000
TNL: 12,000

Str: 17/35(+2)
Dex: 16/45 (+2)
Con: 16/90 (+2)
Int: 13/20 (+1)
Wis: 13/90 (+1)
Cha: 11/25 (+0)

Special Abilities:
Fighter Party Boon
Fighter Personal Boon
Movement 40 ft dungeon
Movement 50 ft outdoors
Ranger Party Boon
Ranger Personal Boon
Favored Enemy #1: Drow
Favored Enemy #2: Illithids (mind-flayers)
Favored Terrain #1: Forests
Favored Terain #2: Subterranean

Longbow Expert +3
Monster Slayer +3
Tough-Minded +3
Ruins Explorer +3
Arms Merchant +3
Animal Empathy +3

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12 {10}
Paralysis/Petrify: 13 {11}
Spells/Rods/Staves: 15 {13}
Wands: 13 {11}
Breath: 15 {13}

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 10
Undressed 09
Harnessed -1 (+2 mithril shirt/cloak)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 0
Touch 6

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +13
Equivalent Base THAC0: 7
+2 Two-Handed Sword 1d10/3d6 vs large (m.THAC0: 03)
+1 Longbow 1d10 (m.THAC0 04)

+2 Two-Handed Sword:
   vs mundane foes 1d10+4+situational
   vs Large+ monsters 3d6+4+situational
   vs drow 1d10+16
   vs mind-flayers 1d10+19

+1 Longbow:
1d10+18 vs Drow
1d10+21 vs mind-flayers

+1 Obsidian Spider-Banes
vs mundane foe m.THAC0 4 (1d6+3)
vs spiders & kin treat spider AC as 9 (3d6+3)

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 19
   Daily Risk Dice: 10

  1. Aim Carefully
  2. Blitz
  3. Brace
  4. Cleave
  5. Deft Blade
  6. Eagle Eye
  7. Hunter's Mark
  8. Improved Ambuscade
  9. Improved Cleave
  10. Indomitable Defense
  11. Primary Foe
  12. Show Your Specialization
  13. Skin of Your Teeth
  14. Stinging Second Attack
  15. Soul of the Warrior
  16. Staggering Strike
  17. Unbreakable
  18. Unusual Prowess
  19. Vicious Focus

2-hander has 7 uses of basilisk venom +2 blue cloak of protection (can change colors) black hydra scabbard
+1 boot knife (1d4+3)
Lesser Belt of Charisma (raises CHA 2 pts) bag of pocket dimension
a dozen arrows dealing +1d6 fire
daggers (pair, mundane)
ethanol (1 pt., 40-proof)
inflammable oil x 5
lenses of infravision
+2 mithril shirt
potion of extra-healing x 4
potion of invisibility x 1
+3 two-handed sword
longsword +2 (+4 vs halflings)
+1 longbow
+1 spider-banes (mated)

Order of the Gauntlet