Feyre Archeron
Overall Level 13
Lawful Good Human, HP: 50
XP Total: 90,000
TNL: 24,000
Str: 11/15 (+0)
Dex: 16/60 (+2)
Con: 15/90 (+1)
Int: 18/80 (+3)
Wis: 13/60 (+1)
Cha: 10/20 (+0)
Magic Resistance: 45%
Allies get +1 vs spell effects
Affinity: fire
Immune to level/ability-drain
Fighter Personal Boon
Fighter Party Boon
Mage Party Boon
Mage Personal Boon
Enchanter Personal Boon
Enchanter Party Boon
Necromancer Personal Boon
At-will Life Tap ability
Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 08 {05} (bracers/robe)
Unharnessed & prone: 10 {07}
Unharnessed 08 {05}
Harnessed -2 {-5} (shirt/robe/ring)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 0 {-3}
Touch 8
{the above boosted 3 if mage armored}
Arcane Adept: +3
Book Seller: +3
Curse Lifter: +3
Historian: +3
Loremaster: +3
Intensifier: +3
Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12 (11)
Paralysis/Petrify: 13 (12)
Spells/Rods/Staves: 15 (14)
Wands: 13 (12)
Breath: 15 (14)
Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +5
Equivalent Base THAC0: 15
Masterwork Longsword
m.THAC0: 15 (or 11) (1d8+0, or 1d8+5)
+2 Quarterstaff:
m.THAC0 13 (or 9) (1d8+2, or 1d8+7)
+2 Short Bow:
m.THAC0 11 (or 7) (1d6+4, or 1d6+9)
+2 quarterstaff |
AC -4 | roll needed = 17+
AC -2 | roll needed = 15+
AC 0 | roll needed = 13+
AC 2 | roll needed = 11+
AC 4 | roll needed = 09+
AC 6 | roll needed = 07+
AC 8 | roll needed = 05+
AC 10 | roll needed = 03+
+2 silver dagger or +2 shortbow:
m.THAC0 12 (1d4+5)
+2 silver dagger |
AC 6 | roll needed = 17+
AC 4 | roll needed = 15+
AC 2 | roll needed = 13+
AC 0 | roll needed = 11+
AC 2 | roll needed = 09+
AC 4 | roll needed = 07+
AC 6 | roll needed = 05+
AC 8 | roll needed = 03+
AC 10 | roll needed = 02+
AC 11 | roll needed = 02+
Spells 24/day - 7 1st/6 2nd/6 3rd/5 4th/4 5th:
1st: burning hands, comprehend languages, eldritch bolt, hold portal, identify, sleep
2nd: invisibility, knock, levitate, mage armor, silence
3rd: fireball, fly, major image, spirit guardians
4th cone of cold, lesser sending, scrying, zone of glacial cold
5th Restore Life/Spirit Recall
Heroic Deeds:
Known: 19
Daily Risk Dice: 10
- Aim Carefully
- Arcane Deflection
- Attune to Item
- Aura of Enchantment
- Charge Item
- Dazing Spell
- Death Ward
- Death Word
- Disenchant
- Dual Heroic Deeds
- Dweomer Determination
- Eldritch Wrath
- Enhance Enchantment
- Flawless Construction
- Intensify Spell
- Manipulate Fate
- Short Port
- player's choice
- player's choice
Other Equipment:
Circlet of Iron Necromancy
Wand of petrification (10 charges; can't be recharged)
Robe of Many Eyes
bark from tree of healing (usage: d12)
bracers of protection +1
cave-fisher filament (25 ft)
daggers (pair, mundane)
enchanter's ear-rings
enchanter's robe
+1 dagger
ethanol (1 pint, 40-proof)
inflammable oil x 5
+2 mithril shirt
poison antidote x 3
potion of healing (2d6+2) x 3
potion of extra-healing (6d6+6) x 2
potion of prot. vs red dragon
potion of rejuvenation x 4
potion of vigorous voodoo x 1
potion of invisibility x 1
red dragon blood (12 vials)
scroll: flying & invisibility at 5th
wand of burning hands (13 charges)
+2 quarterstaff
sharpening stone
+2 short bow
spellbook (glyph of warding)
The Argent Twilight