Ranger sub-class

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Prime ability: Dexterity & Wisdom; the Ranger subclass gives the PC +10 feet of movement in dungeons, and +20 feet outdoors. Rangers get advantage on any tracking or survival checks.


Party Boon at Ranger 1: If a party Ranger participates in the planning and execution of an ambush, the Ranger's allies receive a +3 bonus on d20 rolls and 2d8 checks during the round in which the ambush is launched.

Personal Boon at Ranger 3: At Ranger 3, against her favored enemy type, the ranger adds her Ranger levels to the to-hit roll and both her Ranger and Fighter levels to the sum of the rolled damage dice, before conversion using Scarlet Heroes rules. If the converted damage is 4, the Ranger then adds her Wisdom or Strength modifier to the damage and inflicts a bleeding wound that bleeds for 1d4 HP or 1 HD extra damage per round.

Examples of appropriate granularity for favored enemy type are goblinoid humanoids (goblins, kobolds, bugbears), scaled foes (dragons, hydrae, lizardmen), aberrations, or undead.

At Ranger 2, a ranger may fire two arrows from a short or longbow as part of a single-attack action. They may target the identical or different targets.

At Ranger 4, the Ranger adds a second favored enemy.

At Ranger 5, the Ranger adds a third and final favored enemy type.

At each Ranger level gained, the Ranger chooses a preferred environment she doesn't already have from the following list: temperate forest, tundra, mountains, subterranean, desert, jungle, ocean. When operating in a preferred environment, the Ranger adds her Ranger level to skill checks and saving throws, and gains a {Ranger level} point improvement to Armor Class when operating in that preferred environment.

The Ranger subclass is capped at 5.

The Ranger subclass gives access to the Improved Ambuscade Heroic Deed.