Heroic Deed: Righteous Fervor

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Available to anyone with at least one level in Paladin. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. Let Y equal the sum or your Wisdom and Charisma modifiers (if this results in a value less than 2, set X to 2). Let Z equal your total paladin levels. If you successfully activate this deed, deal an additional {Risk Die Result x (Y+Z)} points of radiant damage to the foe, and it receives a penalty of -{8 - Risk Die Result} on its very next attack roll or saving throw, whichever happens first. You may only use Righteous Fervor once in a given combat encounter. You may activate it after confirming that one of your melee attacks hits successfully. If you deal in excess of 99 damage on the attack to which Righteous Fervor is applied, automatically gain a percentile point in Wisdom. Otherwise, there is a (Y+Z)% chance of same.