The Seekers of Helix

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

The Seekers are brotherhood that works to reclaim the lost knowledge of Earth's previous ages, even back in the dimmest past — for the Earth is far older than even the wisest living sages can estimate.

In this, the Scarlet Horizons campaign setting bears kinship with Kevin Crawford's Worlds Without Number or Monte Cook's Numenera.

Busy day, but past 10000 words on Seekers solo

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Busy day. worked, and caught snatches of time with my granddaughter in between meetings. Aury and Mattie's adventures have now passed 10,000 words and they're at almost 2,500 xp apiece. They are about to break through into their first burial vault in the Barrowmoor southwest of Helix. Their guide, Brother Jasyn, has been injured by a giant constrictor but was saved by the two Seekers and isn't in too bad a shape.

Tomorrow (real-time) they'll break into their first crypt (on 23 Oct. 204 Post Ravaging, Scarlet Horizons time), and we'll see how they fare. There are monsters to defeat, traps to survive, treasures to gain, and another level to attain. And, crucially, they must get to the bottom of the goblin shaman, Gursk Spiritspeaker's, visions about a looming undead fate for Camp Scarface that will come from the marsh.