Disclaimer: if you haven't yet played — or currently are playing — Barrowmaze, you may want to read no further. I'll be using my blog for some DM notes. This is done to leverage the search functionality.
You really shouldn't read any further if you are a player of Barrowmaze or if there is a fair chance you will be playing that megadungeon...
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Necromancers of Set
The Necromancers of Set, the most recent faction to arrive
in Barrowmaze, have been called by their god to seek
The Tablet of Chaos. They managed to and and plunder
a series of secret crypts and now use the location as their
primary lair. They are a small but formidable faction led
by the 10th level magic-user Nathalas the Despicable.
Nathalas, and his right hand Thala-Kul, have been slowly
recruiting apprentices from the surrounding villages and
teaching them the Black Art. Nathalas has been using
the loot from plundered crypts to build special golems,
called Steel Skeletons, to fight the Acolytes of Orcus.
They also maintain a force of undead.
In addition, Nathalas has hired a mercenary tribe of
bugbears from the Blackened Wood called the Red
Fangs. They are led by Gblug, their chief, and Kakta,
the tribal shaman.
The Necromancers are aware that somehow Nergal’s
power yet lingers in the maze. They are currently
unaware of the final resting place of The Tablet, but
Nathalas’ study can provide the PCs with clues.
Acolytes of Orcus
The Acolytes of Orcus entered Barrowmaze a year
before the Necromancers of Set and immediately set
about creating a defensive position. They converted
one of Nergal’s largest temples to the worship of The-
One-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. The Acolytes have been
given divine instruction to recover The Tablet. Led by
Zur the Black and his foremost pupil Emnuron, they are
aware that the forces of the Necromancers have grown.
Like the Necromancers, the Acolytes have captured and
pressed wayward youth from surrounding villages into
the faith.
Zur maintains a standing force of undead and recently
recruited a group of trolls from the Barrowmoor. The
Acolytes believe The Tablet rests somewhere to the
North of their temple, but they do not know its exact
position. They have formed an alliance with Vultrix and
the Barrow Harpies and have an uneasy truce with
Grizelda’s ghasts.
Like the Necromancers, they are
aware that somehow Nergal’s power lingers in the maze.
The Acolytes commonly raise their own dead to serve as
foot soldiers.