Available to THF 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If it does not come up '1', add the result — modified by your Dexterity bonus — to a Move Silently check called for by the Dungeon Master. If you succeed at your Move Silently check after activation of this deed, you are utterly quiet in your movement. If it is dark or there are deep shadows, you are also lost in shadows and unable to be tracked by foes or allies, unless they have some magical means of doing so. This state lasts for a number of rounds equal to your total Thief and Thief-subclass levels. If you successfully Circle attack or Backstab while under this deed's effects, add your Thief levels to damage after applying the appropriate multiplier, and gain HP equal to your DEX modifier, and there is a {DEX modifier}% chance you gain one percentile point to your DEX score.