Prime ability: Wisdom; the Sohei is a warrior-priest with the d6 hit-die of a cleric, but the base attack bonus of a fighter. Sohei can use all types of armor, disdain shields, and their special training in the naginata and kanabo (maul) allows Sohei to inflict the full 1d10 damage die with those weapons. Sohei have advantage on all Constitution checks.
Party Boon at Sohei 1: Once daily, a Sohei can expand her ki aura for a single round to encompass allies within a twenty-feet radius of the Sohei's position. For that single round, the sohei and affected allies enjoy Damage Reduction equal to the Sohei's level plus the Sohei's Wisdom modifier. The Sohei can exercise this ability even at Sohei 1 and 2, before the Sohei gains ongoing DR.
Personal Boon at Sohei 3: the Sohei gains damage reduction 1, shrugging off 1 HP of damage from each attack that breaches her defenses. This DR increases to 3 at Sohei 4 and caps at DR 5 at Sohei 5. The Sohei class doesn't go beyond level 5.
The Sohei subclass gives access to the Unflappable Warrior Heroic Deed.