Available only to Cleric 1+. When you succeed at a standard heroic deed activation, a healing surge radiates from you. It affects up to {Risk Die Result + 1} of your allies who are within thirty feet of you. Each of those allies is healed {8 - Risk Die Result + either Wis or Cha bonus} (to a minimum of 1) HP. You may instead choose to use this surge to damage undead — though they get a saving throw for half-damage. The cleric herself regains {Risk Die Result + either Wis or Cha bonus + 1 HP per two overall character levels} HP (minimum 1). When using a Healing Surge, you may not move further than five feet that round, but you may make a single melee attack. You cannot cast a spell or use your Fray die in the same round that you use Healing Surge. You cannot initiate more than one Healing surge per combat round. However, you and allies may benefit from more than a single Healing Surge in a given round if they originate from different individuals. For each Healing Surge recipient who was not at maximum Hit Points prior to the Healing Surge but is afterward, you have a cumulative 1% chance of gaining one percentile point to either Wisdom or Charisma (determine randomly).