Eastdale — Population: 2,057
Alignment: Lawful Good and Lawful Neutral
Demographics: Primarily humans with a smattering of halflings, elves, and dwarves.
Political Structure: Ecclesiastical law (St. Ygg); His Venerable Mercy and Prelate of Middenmark, Mordicar Justhand (Human Cleric)
Industry and Trade: Trade and Financial Center, Lumber, Charcoal, Livestock (Cattle, Pigs, Sheep), Agriculture (Corn)
Eastdale is located on the eastern tip of the Darkwood Forest. Eastdale is a stockade-surrounded town, it's double gates flanked by two stone towers with wooden roofed observation posts above each. Each tower is emblazoned with the symbol of St. Ygg - a large red cross.
The town consists primarily of humans and dwarves from Citadel Silver. There is a smattering of elves, half elves, and halfings. The dwarves of Citadel Silver trade almost exclusively with Eastdale and their raw materials and finished goods filter across the rest of the region from that point. The dwarves and men of the region maintain strong relations for trade and defense. The local men o dale as they are called, are hardy folk drawn from the nomadic tribes that migrated across the Northern Reaches long ago.
The church of St. Ygg holds political and administrative control of the town, though ostensibly the heads of the merchant guillds form a ruling council that controls the town. The clerics both lead and employ men-at-arms to defend the town's wooden palisade. They also serve as civil and religious authorities.
Eastdale is not only an economic hub of human/dwarven trade, but also a religious center — providing everything from the training of new adepts to barracking a small company of Red Bannermen, St. Ygg's order of sacred paladins. Due to ecclesiastical law, Eastdale has a reputation as a stern and somber place.