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lich — arguably at the top of the undead food chain, a lich is a skeletal undead humanoid who in life was a potent spellcaster. Not all liches are created from humanoid spellcasters. For instance, dragons can become dracoliches.

Yattel Ette

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Yattel Ette (pronounced yell-AY) — a powerful vampire allied with the necromancer Uvron Alygrean Kesloril. Yattel dwells deep within the Barrowmaze, making use of lesser undead as early warning expendables.

The Undead

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Undead, The — The undead are beings in mythology, legend, or fiction that are deceased but behave as if alive. Most commonly the term refers to corporeal forms of formerly alive humans, such as mummies, vampires, and zombies, which have been reanimated by supernatural means, technology, or disease. In some cases (for example, in Dungeons & Dragons), the term also includes incorporeal forms of the dead, such as ghosts.