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Vampiric — A weapon with this property restores two hit points to its wielder — up to the wielder's maximum hit points — whenever the weapon draws blood from another creature. Only a weapon able to deliver piercing damage may have this property. While wielding or carrying a Vampiric weapon, the owner enjoys a +4 bonus to saving throws against undead. On a critical miss, the weapon's Vampiric property is suppressed for the next 1d4 rounds. On a critical hit, an injured foe will bleed for an additional two points of damage per round for the remainder of that encounter, or until healed. This extra bleeding damage doesn't cause the Vampiric weapon wielder to regain two hit points.

Vampiric Skimming

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Available to NEC/WAR 1+. To activate this deed, roll and sacrifice a Risk Die. If the die result is not '1': each living flesh and blood creature within thirty feet of you must make a saving throw versus this spell-like effect using the Moldvay saving throw table. Failure indicates that the creature loses 1 HP and you gain that hit point. This can heal you up to your maximum normal hit points, plus your Necromancer level in temporary hit points. Using this ability on allies, bystanders, or helpless individuals may move your overall alignment toward chaotic evil. Regardless, it will cause you to detect as evil for the next full turn. There is a percentage chance equal to the number of hit points so drained with this deed (to a maximum of eight) of gaining ten percentile points to a random ability score.