Westkeep (Village)
Population: 649
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Demographics: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, and Halflings
Political Structure: Ecclesiastical Law (St. Ygg); Endra of St. Ygg (Human Cleric)
Industry and Trade: Horses, Bison, Livestock (Cattle, Pigs, Sheep), Lumber, Charcoal.
A village on the far western edge of the Middenmark, Westkeep draws its name from a single watchtower-monastery built by the local populace and the clerics of St. Ygg.
The watchtower serves as a means of protection but also a place of study and training for young apprentice clerics and monks. The door to the watchtower is 20 feet above the ground and accessed by a temporary wooden staircase. In the event of an attack the guards retreat to the watchtower and the staircase can be destroyed or burned to ensure their safety. The Red Laws are observed in Westkeep, but not as strictly as Eastdale.