When Whiteheart was overall 8th level

- Posted in Scarlet-Horizons by

Whiteheart Stiffwhiskers
Paladin of Saint Ygg
Overall Level 9
Lawful Good Mousefolk, HP: 52
XP Total: 44,000
TNL: 9,999

Str: 16/35 (+2)
Dex: 12/20 (+0)
Con: 16/75 (+2)
Int: 12/20 (+0)
Wis: 13/35 (+1)
Cha: 17/20 (+3)

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 10
Paralysis/Petrify: 12
Spells/Rods/Staves: 14
Wands: 11
Breath: 13

Special Abilities:
- Advantage on CON-related saves
- Cure Disease
- Channel Energy 3 x daily
- Lay on Hands
- Smite 2 + {CHA bonus} times daily

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +8
Equivalent Base THAC0: 12
+2 Holy Keen Longsword, Andurel

* Damage Dealt:
   vs mundane foe m.THAC0 10 (1d8+4/19-20)
   vs evil foes m.THAC0 10 (2d8+9/19-20)
   vs aberration/outsider/undead:
      m.THAC0 07 (3d8+12/19-20)

Overall Smiting Damage
add +4 to the attack roll, and...
aberration/outsider/undead: 3d8+27/(19-20)
other evil creatures: 2d8+24/(19-20)

* If Whiteheart successfully uses Enlightened Strike, then he may add an additional four points (the sum of Wis & Cha modifiers) of damage to the damages shown above.

If under the effect of Divine Favor he has cast, improve the above m.THAC0 and damage rolls by +2. While divinely favored and smiting a mundane evil foe, m.THAC0 04 and 2d8+26/(19-20); If divinely favored and smiting an aberration, undead, or outsider, m.THAC0 04 and 3d8+29/(19-20).

Armor Class:
   Undressed 10
   +1 Chainmail only 04
   +3 Shield only 06
   Harnessed -2
   Harn & SYS -4, & DR 3
   Harnessed but Flat-Footed 0
   Har/SYS/SOF: -7/DR3

Clerical spells:
3 1st, 2 2nd
4 1st, 3 2nd (factoring Wis bonus)

Typically Prepared:

Bless x 2 (target: caster, allies w/i 50' burst)
Divine Favor x 1 (target: self)
Shield of Faith x 1 (target: single)
Resist Energy x 1
Spiritual Weapon x 1
Consecrate x 1

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 15
   Daily Risk Dice: 07

  1. Auspicious Fortune
  2. Bite the Bullet
  3. Blessed Assurance
  4. Brace
  5. Blitz
  6. Cleave
  7. Dual Heroic Deeds
  8. Effortless Dodge
  9. Enlightened Strike
  10. Healing Surge
  11. Holy Aura
  12. Iron Shell
  13. Primary Foe
  14. Skin of Your Teeth
  15. St. Ygg's Shield
  16. Unbreakable
  17. Unusual Prowess

Other Equipment:
black monster-hide belt
bronze ring
+1 chainmail
+2 keen holy longsword
daggers (pair, mundane)
ethanol (1 pt., 80-proof)
potion extra-healing x 5
scroll: group recall
+3 shield

Versus mundane evil creatures, a paladin adds his Charisma bonus to other to-hit bonuses and adds his paladin levels (max 5) to damage.

Versus aberrations, evil outsiders, and undead, a paladin gets the foregoing bonuses against evil creatures, plus gets to add his Charisma bonus to damage, and his weapon's base damage die/dice is doubled.


If accompanied by allies, Whiteheart attempts to prepare for any combat by casting Bless. If exigencies permit, the paladin will follow up the Bless spell with 2nd round use of Dual Heroic Deeds to invoke both Blessed Assurance and Holy Aura.

If fighting solo, Whiteheart attempts to begin by casting Divine Favor. He will follow this, if possible, with the Saint Ygg's Shield heroic deed. Finally, if fighting a particularly heinous foe or monster, he will seek to inflict maximum damage with his bronze ring, to be followed with healing for himself via Lay on Hands.