Matthias d'Slaytonthorpe
Classes & Levels3rd Overall (Fighter 2 / Magic-User 1)
HP ProgressionMage 0: 4+2(Con)=6, Mage 1 overall 1: 6+2(class)+2(Con)=10
Upon attaining FGT 1 (Overall 2nd): 4(class)+2(Con)=16
Upon attaining FGT 2 (Overall 3rd): 4(class)+2(Con)=22
Hit Points / Risk Dice / Deeds Known22 / 5 / 7
Heroic Deeds Known: 7
  1. Arcane Deflection
  2. Eldritch Swap
  3. Effortless Dodge
  4. Flanking Strike
  5. Manipulate Fate
  6. Oh Look, Torches!
  7. Skin of Your Teeth
Spellbook Spells
Blur (2nd), Mirror Image (2nd)

Eldritch Bolt (1st), Read Magic (1st), Detect Magic (1st), Unseen Servant (1st)

Journal (cantrip), Light (cantrip), Disrupt Undead (cantrip), Daze (cantrip)
Spells Memorized5 cantrips, 4 1st, 2 2nd

Detect Magic x 2, Read Magic x 1, Unseen Servant x 1

Journal x 1, Light x 1, Disrupt Undead x 1, Daze x 2

Blur x 1, Mirror Image x 1

Ability Scores STR 12/20 (+0) DEX 14/20 (+1) CON 16/35 (+2)
INT 16/20 (+2) WIS 13/20 (+1) CHA 12/20 (+0)
Armor Class5 (leather armor, ring of protection +1, cloak of protection +1, Dex bonus)
Traits • Eidetic Memory +2
• Natural Linguist +2
• Scribe +1
• Skilled Liar +2
Overall Attack Bonus / Raw THAC0 +2 / 18
Primary Weapon: Staff Modified THAC0: 18    Dmg: 1d8
Secondary Weapon: Dagger Modified THAC0: 17    Dmg: 1d4+1
AC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 or lower
Roll 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
  • one standard backpack
  • a pair of daggers
  • glass flask of oil x 5
  • iron spikes x 3
  • quarterstaff — ends are knobbed in orichalcum
  • neshralk ever-burning candle
  • spellbook containing: Detect Magic, Detect Passage/Portal, Eldritch Bolt,
         Unseen Servant, Ward Area
  • leather Armor
  • cloak of protection +1
  • ring of protection +1
  • a foldable shovel
  • metal spikes x 5
  • one pint of strong spirits
  • one pair of hip waders
  • poison antidote x 3
  • 50' of hemp rope
XP Accrued / Till Next Level 6,682 / 2,318
History upon attaining 3rd overall level (Fighter 2 / Magic-User 1):
           d4 rolls: 3,2,3,2,1,2
      (STR 12/20, DEX 14/20, CON 16/35, INT 16/20, WIS 13/20, CHA 12/20)

upon attaining 2nd overall level (Fighter 1 / Magic-User 1):
      d4 rolls: 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4
      (STR 12/10, DEX 14/10, CON 16/10, INT 16/10, WIS 13/10, CHA 12/10)