Scarlet Horizons
Heroic Deeds
Heroic Deeds cost Risk Dice and yield a chance of something beneficial occurring for the PC. They are special actions heroes can attempt, or desirable circumstances they can bring about.
Heroic Deeds are class-gated and sometimes also level- and/or ability score-gated. Unless stated otherwise in a specific Heroic Deed's description, a Heroic Deed used during combat can be done in addition to your normal movement, Fray Die usage, and melee/ranged attack.
Unless a particular Heroic Deed's description says otherwise, all Heroic Deeds require a Risk Die to be rolled and sacrificed in order to activate the effects of that deed — and any result other than a '1' on the d8 Risk Die roll indicates success. This sacrifice by rolling mechanic, with success indicated on Risk Die result greater than 1, is implied for all listed Heroic Deed descriptions unless explicitly stated otherwise.
A Risk Dice Pool powers Heroic Deeds. Any time a Heroic Deed is attempted, a Risk Die must be sacrificed from the pool. When your Risk Dice pool is empty, you cannot attempt any further Heroic Deeds until a short rest restores a single Risk Die, or a long rest restores your full Risk Dice pool.
A new PC in Scarlet Horizons begins play — at level 01 in a core class — knowing three Heroic Deeds, and with a Risk Dice Pool of four d8 dice. Upon attaining a new level, a PC gains additional Risk Dice and Heroic Deeds as shown in the table below — your PC may retcon known Heroic Deeds as desired when leveling up.
You may attempt to use up to three Heroic Deeds in a given round. If possible, using Dual Activation of two of these deeds is the smart play, because it counts as a single deed use. You may not use Dual Activation more than once per combat round.
Heroic Deeds Indices
Master List
- Additional Shapeshifting (DRU 1+)
- Agonizing Sneak Attack (THF 10+ or THF-subs 7+)
- Aim Carefully (ALL)
- Ancestral Animus (any DWF)
- Animal Companion (DRU 2+)
- Animate Dead (NEC 1+)
- Arcane Deflection (BRD 2+, MAG 1+)
- Ancient Aura (DWF CLE 3+)
- Attune to Item (MAGE 2+, CLE 4+)
- Aura of Enchantment (ENC 4+)
- Auspicious Fortune (ALL 6+)
- Bardic Warding (BRD 3+)
- Blessed Assurance (ALL)
- Blitz (PAL 1+, FGT 3+, SOH 5+, CLE 9+)
- Bite the Bullet (CLE ov6+, CLE-sub 3+, GUN 1+, PAL 1+)
- Brace (FGT 4+, CLE 8+, PAL 1+)
- Call of the Wild (DRU 1+)
- Charge Item (MAG 3+, CLE 5+)
- Cleave (all, FGT 7+/PAL 4+)
- Coordinated Strike (FGT 1+, THF 3+)
- Covering Fire (GUN 1+, RNG 9+, THF 9+, THF subs 6+)
- Dastardly Backstab (CUT 3+)
- Dazing Spell (MAG 8+)
- Death Ward (MAG 3+)
- Death Word (MAG 3+)
- Deft Blade (FGT 8+)
- Disenchant (MAG 2+)
- Dissonant Vocalization (BRD 1+, CLE 5+ and subs 3+, MAG 3+)
- Dual Heroic Deeds (overall lv 8+)
- Double Thrust (BRD 1+, FGT 5+ or subs 3+, THF 3+)
- Drunken Master (MNK 3+)
- Dweomer Determination (BRD 3+, MAG 1+, CLE 4 or subclass 1+)
- Eagle Eye (FGT 4+, BRD 2+, RNG 1+, THF 6+)
- Eldritch Blast (WAR 1+)
- Eldritch Swap (BRD 3+, MAG 1+)
- Eldritch Wrath (MAG 7+, or mage subclass 4+)
- Effortless Dodge (FGT 1+, CLE 6+ & subs 3+, MAG 9+, THF 1+)
- Enhance Ability (BRD 2+)
- Enhance Enchantment (BRD 11+, CLE 9+ & subs 6+, MAG 7+ & subs 4+)
- Enlightened Strike (PAL 1+, BRD 3+)
- Flanking Strike (FGT 2+, RNG 1+, THF 6+ or subclass 3+, others ov12+)
- Flawless Construction (BRD 9+, CLE 7+ & subclasses 4+, MAG 5+ & subclasses 2+)
- Flurry of Blows (MNK 1+)
- Greater Communication (DRU 3+)
- Guidance (BRD 1+)
- Healing Surge (CLE 1+)
- Hunter's Mark (RNG 2+)
- Holy Aura (PAL 1+)
- Improved Ambuscade (RNG 1+, CUT 1+, THF 3+)
- Improved Cleave (FGT 8+, PAL 5+, RNG 3+)
- Improve Equipment (CLE 5+ or sub 2+; MAG 3+, THF 6+ or subclass 3+)
- Indomitable Defense (FGT 2+)
- Intensify Spell (MAG 3+)
- Iron Shell (CLE 3+)
- Karmic Balance (BRD 1+, CLE 1+, MAG 6+ & subs 3+)
- Lead by Example (any classes/levels)
- Leap of the Heavens (Monk 3+, Sohei 1+, Thief 9+ or its non-Bard subclasses 6+)
- Limb Shot (GUN 2+, RNG 2+, THF 9+ or its non-Bard subclasses 6+)
- Lucky Moment (any Halfing, MAG 3+, THF 2+)
- Manipulate Fate (MAG 1+)
- Master of Many Forms (DRU 2+)
- Multishifting (DRU 3+)
- Murder Hobo (FGT/THF or subclasses totaling 10+)
- Nature's Imprint (any DRU)
- Oh, Look! More Torches! (any classes/levels)
- Pact of Fang & Fur (any druid)
- PenetratingBackstab (THF 7+)
- Primary Foe (FGT 2+)
- Prolonged Shapechange (DRU 2+)
- Rage of the Hero (BAR 1+)
- Rally (PAL 1+/CLE 4+/RNG 2+/FGT 7+/SOH 1+)
- Rapid Fire (RNG 3+, FGT 7+, GUN 4+, FGT subs 4+)
- Rebuking Third Attack (FGT 12+, THF 17+, CLE 22+, MAG 27+)
- Recharge Item (CLE/MAG 3+)
- Ridiculous Luck (Halfling or THF/SUB 8+)
- Righteous Fervor (PAL 1+)
- Saint Ygg's Shield (PAL 3+, CLE 12+ of St. Ygg)
- Sheathing the Sword (FGT 2+, SOH 2+)
- Short Port (DRU 1+, MAG 2+)
- Show Your Specialization (FGT/FGT-SUBS 5+ overall levels)
- Silent Sneak (THF 3+)
- Skin of Your Teeth (FGT 1+, THF 1+, PAL 4+)
- Slow & Steady (FGT/THF 1+, DRU 1+, SOH 3+)
- Soul of the Warrior (FGT 1+)
- Staggering Strike (FGT 3+, THF 1+)
- Steely Gaze (GUN 1+/THF 2+)
- Stinging Second Attack (FGT 7+/THF 12+/CLE 17+/MAG 22+)
- Superlative Enchantment (BRD 13+, CLE 11+ & subs 8+, MAG 8+ & subs 5+)
- The Trail Goes Cold (DRU 1+, RNG 2+, THF 7+)
- Tricky Footwork (BRD 1+, else overall 4+ levels)
- Unbreakable (BAR 1+, FGT 10+, MNK/SOH 3+, PAL 5+, DUN 9+)
- Unflappable Warrior (SOH 5+, FGT 13+, and others at 17+)
- Unusual Prowess (FGT 1+, SOH/PAL 3+, and THF 6+/CUT 3+)
- Vampiric Skimming (NEC/WAR 1+)
- Vantage Point (THF 6+ or THF-sub 3+)
- Vicious Focus (FGT 6+)
- Warlock's Wrath (WAR 1+)
Available to New OVL 1 Characters
- Aim Carefully (ALL)
- Ancestral Animus (any DWF)
- Arcane Deflection (BRD 2+, MAG 1+)
- Auspicious Fortune (ALL)
- Blessed Assurance (ALL)
- Coordinated Strike (FGT 1+, THF 3+)
- Deft Blade (FGT 1+)
- Dweomer Determination (BRD 3+, MAG 1+, CLE 4 or subclass 1+)
- Eldritch Swap (BRD 3+, MAG 1+)
- Effortless Dodge (FGT 1+, CLE 6+ & subs 3+, MAG 9+, THF 1+)
- Healing Surge (CLE 1+)
- Karmic Balance (BRD 1+, CLE 1+, MAG 6+ & subs 3+)
- Lead by Example (any classes/levels)
- Lucky Moment (any Halfing, MAG 3+, THF 2+)
- Manipulate Fate (MAG 1+)
- Oh, Look! More Torches! (any classes/levels)
- Ridiculous Luck (Halfling or THF/SUB 8+)
- Skin of Your Teeth (FGT 1+, THF 1+, PAL 4+)
- Slow & Steady (FGT/THF 1+, DRU 1+, SOH 3+)
- Soul of the Warrior (FGT 1+)
- Staggering Strike (FGT 3+, THF 1+)
- Steely Gaze (GUN 1+/THF 2+)
- Unusual Prowess (FGT 1+, SOH/PAL 3+, and THF 6+/CUT 3+)
Deeds for Clerics & Cleric Subclasses
- Animal Companion (DRU 2+)
- Additional Shapeshifting (DRU 1+)
- Aim Carefully (ALL)
- Ancient Aura (DWF CLE 3+)
- Attune to Item (MAGE 2+, CLE 4+)
- Auspicious Fortune (ALL 6+)
- Blessed Assurance (ALL)
- Blitz (PAL 1+, FGT 3+, SOH 5+, CLE 9+)
- Bite the Bullet (CLE ov6+, CLE-sub 3+, GUN 1+, PAL 1+)
- Brace (FGT 4+, CLE 8+, PAL 1+)
- Charge Item (MAG 3+, CLE 5+)
- Cleave (all, FGT 7+/PAL 4+)
- Dissonant Vocalization (BRD 1+, CLE 5+ and subs 3+, MAG 3+)
- Dual Heroic Deeds (overall lv 8+)
- Dweomer Determination (BRD 3+, MAG 1+, CLE 4 or subclass 1+)
- Effortless Dodge (FGT 1+, CLE 6+ & subs 3+, MAG 9+, THF 1+)
- Enhance Enchantment (BRD 11+, CLE 9+ & subs 6+, MAG 7+ & subs 4+)
- Enlightened Strike (PAL 1+, BRD 3+)
- Flanking Strike (FGT 2+, RNG 1+, THF 6+ or subclass 3+, others ov12+)
- Flawless Construction (BRD 9+, CLE 7+ & subclasses 4+, MAG 5+ & subclasses 2+)
- Greater Communication (DRU 3+)
- Healing Surge (CLE 1+)
- Holy Aura (PAL 1+)
- Improved Cleave (FGT 8+, PAL 5+, RNG 3+)
- Improve Equipment (CLE 5+ or sub 2+; MAG 3+, THF 6+ or subclass 3+)
- Iron Shell (CLE 3+)
- Karmic Balance (BRD 1+, CLE 1+, MAG 6+ & subs 3+)
- Lead by Example (any classes/levels)
- Leap of the Heavens (Monk 3+, Sohei 1+, Thief 9+ or its non-Bard subclasses 6+)
- Master of Many Forms (DRU 2+)
- Multishifting (DRU 3+)
- Oh, Look! More Torches! (any classes/levels)
- Prolonged Shapechange (DRU 2+)
- Rally (PAL 1+, CLE 4+, RNG 2+, Fighters with overall level 7+, and SOH 6+)
- Rebuking Third Attack (FGT 12+, THF 17+, CLE 22+, MAG 27+)
- Recharge Item (CLE/MAG 3+)
- Righteous Fervor (PAL 1+)
- Saint Ygg's Shield (PAL 3+, CLE 12+ of St. Ygg)
- Sheathing the Sword (FGT 2+, SOH 2+)
- Short Port (DRU 1+, MAG 2+)
- Skin of Your Teeth (FGT 1+, THF 1+, PAL 4+)
- Slow & Steady (FGT/THF 1+, DRU 1+, SOH 3+)
- Stinging Second Attack (FGT 7+/THF 12+/CLE 17+/MAG 22+)
- Superlative Enchantment (BRD 13+, CLE 11+ & subs 8+, MAG 8+ & subs 5+)
- The Trail Goes Cold (DRU 1+, RNG 2+, THF 7+)
- Tricky Footwork (BRD 1+, else overall 4+ levels)
- Unbreakable (BAR 1+, FGT 10+, MNK/SOH 3+, PAL 5+, DUN 9+)
- Unflappable Warrior (SOH 5+, FGT 13+, and others at 17+)
- Unusual Prowess (FGT 1+, SOH/PAL 3+, and THF 6+/CUT 3+)
Deeds for Mages & Mage Subclasses
- Agonizing Sneak Attack (THF 10+, THF-subs 7+)
- Aim Carefully (ALL)
- Ancestral Animus (any DWF)
- Animate Dead (NEC 1+)
- Arcane Deflection (BRD 2+, MAG 1+)
- Attune to Item (MAGE 2+, CLE 4+)
- Aura of Enchantment (ENC 4+)
- Auspicious Fortune (ALL 6+)
- Blessed Assurance (ALL)
- Charge Item (MAG 3+, CLE 5+)
- Dazing Spell (MAG 8+)
- Death Ward (MAG 3+)
- Death Word (MAG 3+)
- Disenchant (MAG 2+)
- Dissonant Vocalization (BRD 1+, CLE 5+ and subs 3+, MAG 3+)
- Dual Heroic Deeds (overall lv 8+)
- Dweomer Determination (BRD 3+, MAG 1+, CLE 4 or subclass 1+)
- Eldritch Blast (WAR 1+)
- Eldritch Swap (BRD 3+, MAG 1+)
- Eldritch Wrath (MAG 7+, or mage subclass 4+)
- Effortless Dodge (FGT 1+, CLE 6+ & subs 3+, MAG 9+, THF 1+)
- Enhance Enchantment (BRD 11+, CLE 9+ & subs 6+, MAG 7+ & subs 4+)
- Flanking Strike (FGT 2+, RNG 1+, THF 6+ or subclass 3+, others ov12+)
- Flawless Construction (BRD 9+, CLE 7+ & subclasses 4+, MAG 5+ & subclasses 2+)
- Improve Equipment (CLE 5+ or sub 2+; MAG 3+, THF 6+ or subclass 3+)
- Intensify Spell (MAG 3+)
- Karmic Balance (BRD 1+, CLE 1+, MAG 6+ & subs 3+)
- Lead by Example (any classes/levels)
- Lucky Moment (any Halfing, MAG 3+, THF 2+)
- Manipulate Fate (MAG 1+)
- Oh, Look! More Torches! (any classes/levels)
- Rebuking Third Attack (FGT 12+, THF 17+, CLE 22+, MAG 27+)
- Recharge Item (CLE/MAG 3+)
- Short Port (DRU 1+, MAG 2+)
- Stinging Second Attack (FGT 7+/THF 12+/CLE 17+/MAG 22+)
- Superlative Enchantment (BRD 13+, CLE 11+ & subs 8+, MAG 8+ & subs 5+)
- Tricky Footwork (BRD 1+, else overall 4+ levels)
- Unflappable Warrior (SOH 5+, FGT 13+, and others at 17+)
- Vampiric Skimming (NEC/WAR 1+)
Heroic Deeds: Agonizing Sneak AttackAvailable to Thief 7+, Thief subclasses 4+. When you successfully
Circle attack or
Backstab a foe, add your total Thief and thief-subclass levels to the doubled or tripled base damage, instead of the usual Dex or Str modifier being added. You still add any weapon bonuses as usual.
Heroic Deeds: Aim CarefullyAvailable to ALL. This heroic deed may be used in the same round as
Eagle Eye. Take six seconds (one full round) to control your breathing and mindfully aim before making a ranged attack. That attack gains a +4 bonus to-hit, +5 if you are a halfling making a ranged attack with a sling; also +5 if you are an elf using a bow. If the shot hits, you also deal two additional dice of damage. If nudged, bumped, or you suffer damage while aiming, you fail to benefit from this deed. If the aimed shot hits and the Risk Die result was '8', add one percentile point to your Dexterity score.
Heroic Deeds: Ancestral AnimusAvailable to Dwarves (of any classes/levels) only. You gain a {Risk Die Result} to-hit roll bonus against giants, goblinoids of all sorts, and ogres for the duration of the current active combat in which you are engaged. Against other foe-types, the bonus to-hit is equal to your Wisdom modifier or the Risk Die result minus one, whichever is least. If you crit an ancestral foe while under the effects of this deed, there is a 5% chance you gain five percentile points to your Strength attribute.
Heroic Deeds: Animal CompanionAvailable to Druid 2+. You befriend a number of animals whose total HD do not exceed the Druid's level + the result of the rolled risk dice. These befriended animals will travel with the Druid as a companion and protector. If the druid focuses on a specific animal she has befriended, she can experience the world through their senses (ie: hear what they hear, see through their eyes, etc.). This befriending lasts for 24 hours. The druid can attempt to re-befriend these allies by sacrificing another Risk Die as originally required and defined by this Heroic Deed.
Heroic Deeds: Animate DeadAvailable to NEC 1+. You animate and control one dead creature whose remains lie within thirty feet of you — whether buried or not. While controlling this animated corpse, you cannot make attacks or cast spells of your own, but you may move and may use any Heroic Deed that doesn't require more than 5-feet of movement or an attack of any sort. The animated corpse or skeleton has double your maximum HP, DR 3/-, a THAC0 four points better than your raw THAC0, a movement rate of 30, and never checks morale. The controlled undead always seeks to interpose itself between you and incoming melee attacks. Each successful use raises and allows you to control one corpse. You may control up to {Necromancer Level} corpses simultaneously, through multiple uses of this Heroic Deed. The duration of each is one hour per level you hold in Necromancer.
Heroic Deeds: Arcane DeflectionAvailable to Magic-User 1+ and Bards 2+. A faintly-visible field forms around you and endures for the remainder of this round, plus the next X rounds where X is equal to your overall caster levels. Any corporeal melee or ranged attack that hits you for the duration has its incoming damage reduced by Y, where Y is equal to the sum of your Intelligence modifier and one other ability score's modifier of your choice (minimum '1' result). Exception: on the round in which the shield
forms, it blocks (Y + Z) damage, where Z is the ability score modifier of a
third Ability Score not yet selected (minimum Z value of 1). Each time the shield thus reduces incoming damage, there is a cumulative one-percent chance that you gain 1 percentile point to an Ability Score of your choice. Arcane Deflection
can stack with
Bardic Warding.
Heroic Deeds:
Ancient AuraAvailable to dwarven clerics 3+. You gain a +X bonus to saving throws for the remainder of this and the next Y rounds, and +Z improvement to Armor Class for the same duration — where X is the Risk Die result, Y is your levels in Cleric to a dwarven deity, and Z is equal to (8 minus X). This deed makes clerics to Geddinthor, Thaneduhr, and Moradin extremely resilient in battle. A given cleric cannot be under the influence of multiple
Ancient Auras simultaneously.
Heroic Deeds:
Attune to ItemAvailable to MAG 2+, CLE 4+. After an hour of holding the target item, you become attuned to it. You may only attempt this deed once daily. You may be attuned to no more than three charged items simultaneously. You must be attuned to an item in order to
charge it. When you are attuned to one or more magic items, your damage dealing spells with dice in their descriptions re-roll results of 1 and 2 in addition to exploding. When you are unattuned, you
only gain exploding dice but not the re-roll of 1 and 2 results.
Heroic Deed:
Aura of EnchantmentAvalable to Enchanter 4+. You surround yourself with a visible aura that flickers rapidly between red and purple. Invoking this aura does not use up your action for the round. This aura endures for ten consecutive rounds, or until you lose consciousness or die — whichever condition is met first. Allies within sixty feet of your position gain a +2 bonus to all rolls for the duration, so long as they remain in range. You gain Advantage on the first saving throw or attack you make after invoking this deed and you gain resistance to one form of either attack (slashing, piercing, bludgeoning) or energy (fire, ice, necrotic, etc) damage. A given mage or other party member cannot be under the influence of multiple simultaneous
Auras of Enchantment.
Heroic Deed:
Auspicious FortuneAvailable to ALL. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If it comes up '1', fate deals you a blow: you lose 1 HP, and your next to-hit roll, skill check, and saving throw in the next ten minutes suffers a -1 penalty. Else, you gain {Risk Die Result + Your Overall Level} HP, and your next roll gets a {8 - Risk Die Result + Your Charisma Bonus} bonus. If this usage of
Auspicious Fortune puts you back at maximum Hit Points, there is a 10% chance that you gain one percentile point to your CON ability score (if most of your levels are in a non-spellcasting class) or to your INT, WIS, or CHA (if most of your levels are in a spellcasting class).
Heroic Deed: Bardic WardingAvailable to
Bard 3+ only. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. With a musical, subaudible four-syllable vocalization in the language of the Far Ancients, you breathe into existence a shimmering, hovering golden ward. It can only be dispelled by a foe who makes a DC {25 + Bard level} opposed check. Unless dispelled or released prior to its duration by the bard herself, this ward endures for {Bard levels + Die Result + Charisma modifier} rounds. While the ward endures, the Bard has
resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from
all sources. Bardic Warding
can stack with
Arcane Deflection.
Heroic Deed: Bite the BulletAvailable to
Paladin 1+, Gunslinger 1+, or to a
Cleric with overall character level 6+, or Cleric sub-class 3+. Add either your Charisma bonus or your Wisdom bonus to your next to-hit and damage roll. You and up to three allies who are within thirty feet of you gain HP equal to your CHA or WIS bonus — choose one or the other and that is the HP gain for everyone. If these gained hit points would put you or an ally above their maximum HP, then you (or they) gain them as temporary Hit Points. For each person who gained HP in this manner, there is a 1% cumulative chance of a one percentile point increase in a random Ability Score for the character who invoked this Heroic Deed.
Heroic Deed: Blessed AssuranceAvailable to ALL. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it: You or an ally within 60 feet of you receives a 1+{your core
Cleric levels} bonus to the first to-hit roll and the first saving throw roll made this round. If the result of the Risk Die roll is greater than your total core Cleric levels, use it instead. When you successfully invoke Blessed Assurance, you or one ally regains hit points (or gains temporary hit points) equal to your cleric levels. If the recipient of these hit points is under the effect of a
bless spell, they instead gain twice your total clerical (and sub-clerical) caster levels hit points. Paladin levels count as cleric levels for the purpose of using this heroic deed, but druid and sohei levels do not. If you affect an injured ally with this heroic deed invocation, there is a 5% chance you gain one percentile point to your WIS ability score.
Heroic Deed: BlitzAvailable to
Paladin/Ranger 1+, other Fighters of overall level 3+, Sohei 5+, and other clerics with overall level 9+. You may direct a friendly creature within 60 feet of you that can see or hear you to fight alongside you. The chosen creature can move up to its speed or make a single weapon attack even if it's already moved and/or already attacked this round. And, it gains +{Risk Die Result} to the to-hit and damage rolls. If your total Fighter levels are greater than the Risk Die Roll, substitute that value. If both you and the ally inflict HP damage that round, you each have a 5% chance of gaining one percentile point to a random Ability Score.
Heroic Deed: BraceAvailable to
Paladin 1+, Fighter 4+, and to Cleric 8+ and its sub-classes with overall character level 5+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. Let X equal (Risk Die Result + 1 + CHA bonus). All allies within thirty feet of you who can hear your voice gain gain X Brace Points. Affected allies may, until these Brace Points are depleted, each combat round choose to apply these Brace Points in any combination to saving throws, to-hit rolls, skill checks, or as a bonus to AC. Alternatively, two Brace Points may be spent to regain 1 Hit Point. Choose one affected ally: s/he regains a spent Risk Die. A given character cannot enjoy Brace Points from more than a single source at one time. Choose an affected ally or yourself. That character has a 5% of gaining a one percentile point improvement to a random Ability Score.
Heroic Deed: Call of the Wild
Available to DRU 1+. The druid can focus on an area extending outward from the Druid to a distance of one hundred yards/meters per druid level. The druid can then call to it a number of animals and/or beasts whose total HD do not exceed the Druid's level + the Druid's Wisdom modifier + the result of the rolled dice. He can call to specific animals that he can see, hear, or otherwise possesses an awareness of (ie: through use of the
Nature's Imprint heroic deed) or, if the druid is unaware of specific animals in the area, the druid can instead call to a specific type of animal that it is aware of within the area of effect of this heroic deed. If a druid is unaware of the types of animals in the area, the druid can instead call to it random animals, starting with those with the most favorable attitude working down to those of the least, if need be.
Heroic Deed: Charge ItemAvailable to
Mage 3+, Cleric 5+ (and subclasses 2+). If you know the spell or effect stored in the item, you may imbue the item with one additional charge — or, if you rolled '8' with your Risk Die, two charges. You may not charge an item to which you are not attuned. If a charged item ever uses the last remaining charge, the item disintegrates and is forever lost. You may, alternatively, use this deed to pull a charge from an untended magical item or enduring area effect. Tend (worn, held, warded) items get a saving throw. When you pull from a charged item, it loses 1 charge and you may do one of the following: gain 3 hit points, add a charge to one of your attuned items, or regain a 1st level spell. When you use this alternative way of enacting this deed, if you target a charged item you carry and to which you are attuned, you may draw a number of charges from the item in the range 1 to [Risk Die result]. Use those charges for healing or to regain one or more cast spells.
Heroic Deed: CleaveAvailable to FGT 7+, PAL 4+. When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points or score a critical hit with a melee weapon on your turn, you can spend a Risk Die by rolling it. If the Risk Die result isn't '1', move up to 15 feet and make another melee weapon attack as part of the same action, regaining a Hit Point. This is
not considered a
second attack. On a hit, you add the Risk Die's result to the attack's damage roll, and if that attack slays/destroys the target: regain a spent Risk Die and gain one percentile point to your STR Ability Score. If your
Cleave results in a foe's death, you
may trigger yet
another Cleave, so long as you have an available Risk Die in your Pool.
Heroic Deed: Coordinated StrikeAvailable to any character with one or more levels in Fighter, or with three or more levels in Thief or a Thief sub-class. Use this deed
only when you
and an ally have both successfully hit the same foe in melee in a given combat round. Your ally must also use Coordinated Strike this round.
Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. Compare your Risk Die Result with that of your ally. Pick the higher result. This is the Preferred Risk Die Result. Choose the better damage result from your damage die/dice result and that of your ally. This is the Preferred Damage Result. Sum the two and apply it as damage to your mutual foe. If using
Scarlet Heroes damage, add 1 additional HD of damage for every two full points that this sum is above "7". Example: 16 would resolve to 8 HD of damage dealt.
If the two of you
would have dealt more damage without
Coordinated Strike, apply uncoordinated damage instead. Both you and your ally who also activated this heroic deed gain a one percentile improvement to an Ability Score of your respective choice.
Heroic Deed: Covering FireAvailable to Gunslinger 1+, Ranger 1+, Thief 9+, Thief sub-classes 6+. Roll a Risk Die, record the result, and sacrifice it. You have rapidly fired a volley of {(Risk Die Result)/2} (rounded down; minimum of 2) bullets or arrows (depending upon the weapon used). A foe — visible within your line of sight and at range of sixty feet or less — must make a Moldvay saving throw versus Death for
each projectile. On a successful save, the foe gets winged by each bullet/arrow for 1 HP. On a failed saving throw, each of those bullets/arrows hits for (8 damage + DEX modifier)
each (or 1 HD each, if converted to
Scarlet Heroes damage). For each projectile for which the saving throw failed, you have a cumulative 3% chance of gaining a percentile point to an Ability Score of your choice.
Heroic Deed: Dazing SpellAvailable to MAG8 or SUB5+. Roll a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1': a spell you cast this round that inflicts damage also
dazes the target if the target fails a Moldvay saving throw versus Death Ray.
Heroic Deed: Dastardly BackstabAvailable to CUT 3+. Roll a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1': the next time in the minute that you successfully Circle or Backstab a foe, add your STR and/or DEX modifier(s) to the damage before multiplying with the x3 backstab multiplier, instead of afterward. If this attack kills your target, gain one percentile to either your STR or DEX Ability Score.
Heroic Deed: Death WardAvailable to Mage 3+. Roll a Risk Die. If it comes up '1', your attempt to ward yourself fails — and you
know it failed. Otherwise: an invisible aura forms around you. This death ward persists for eight hours, until you dismiss it, or until it is dispelled or is triggered. If you are targeted with a Finger of Death or Disintegrate spell, or
Death Word while protected in this fashion, your Death Ward defeats it (you do not need to make a saving throw), and is itself ended. You may instead opt to surrender your Death Ward when you take damage from a spell, weapon, fall, or trap. In this event, the ward winks out after preventing 3d8+X damage to your person — where X is your total caster levels.
Heroic Deed: Death WordAvailable to Mage 3+. Select one living creature within thirty feet of your position. That creature must make a DC 15 saving throw against your magic (or save vs Death, if using Moldvay saves), or else fall dead. If the creature is of higher level or has more hit dice than you have total levels, it gains a +1 bonus to its saving throw per level of difference that exists. If you are higher level, apply the difference as a penalty to the creature's saving throw. This deed can be thwarted by spell resistance. Adjust the target's SR appropriately, based on level difference between caster and target — not to fall below 5% and not to rise above 95%.
Consequences of failure in using this heroic deed.
Heroic Deed: Deft BladeAvailable to Fighter 1+. Let T equal the rolled result, and let D equal (8 minus T). Apply T as a bonus to your THAC0 this round of combat, and add (D + {your total Fighter and Fighter-subclass levels}) to your damage if you score a hit. You may declare a use of
Deft Blade before or after making an attack in combat. If that attack hits, you are immune to all melee damage for the remainder of the round, so masterful is your bladework. When you successfully hit in combat in a round that you used Deft Blade, there is a 5% chance of gaining 5 percentile points to STR, CON, or DEX — determined randomly. A given character cannot use Deft Blade more than once per combat round.
Heroic Deed: DisenchantAvailable to Bard 1+, Magic-User 3+, Cleric 5+ or its sub-classes 3+. You attempt to disenchant a magical item. Roll and expend a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up 1, you: successfully disenchant a one-use magic item (potion, scroll, etc.),
or you may roll a d20. On a result of 19 or 20, you successful remove one permanent enchantment from an item. This may or may not render the item non-magical. Regardless of the ultimate success or failure of the disenchant attempt, unless use of this deed fizzles (i.e., a '1' result on the Risk Die) you regain 3 HP by channeling a portion of the ambient magic into health renewal. If your disenchant attempt succeeds, gain one percentile point to an Ability Score of your choice.
Heroic Deed: Dissonant VocalizationAvailable to Bard 1+, Magic-User 3+, Cleric 5+ or its sub-classes 3+. Your voice carries power. When a foe attacks a comerade within twenty feet of your position, or a foe that can hear or has tremorsense attempts spellcasting within twenty feet of you and within your line of sight, you may sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. Assign to variable
Penalty the result of the Risk Die roll. If
Penalty is greater than 4, instead assign {8 - Risk Die result} to
Penalty. The foe must make a Moldvay saving throw versus Rods (adjusted for the level/HD difference) at a penalty of
Penalty. Failure indicates the foe's spellcasting is foiled, or the foe's melee attack suffers disadvantage. This deed is a swift action that does not preclude movement or making an attack or Fray Die roll. If you successfully foil a spell or attack with this deed, add one percentile point to either CHA, INT, or WIS. Regardless of whether or not the target makes its saving throw, activation of this heroic deed is a sonic attack that deals 2d6 damage to the target if it is within twenty feet of the activating hero.
Heroic Deed: Double ThrustBard 1+, THF 3+, FGT 5+ or subs 3+. When you attack with a finesse weapon that permits optional use of your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier in determining to-hit, sacrifice a Risk Die. If successful, you may make an immediate (same round) 2nd attack with the weapon, adding {Risk Die Result} to the other to-hit modifiers, and {8 - Risk Die Result) to the rolled damage sum — before conversion, if using
Scarlet Heroes damage. This doesn't count as a second attack. You may not benefit from Double Thrust more than once in a single combat round. If your Double-Thrust enabled attack slays or incapacitates its target, gain one percentile point to a random Ability Score.
Heroic Deed: Drunken MasterAvailable to Monk 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If successful: the next time you use
Flurry of Blows in the current combat encounter, if it is successful then you make five attacks rather than the usual three.
Heroic Deed: Dual Heroic Deeds ActivationAvailable to PC with overall level 8+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If it doesn't come up '1', then choose any two other Heroic Deeds and activate them without expending a Risk Die. Each of those two deeds activates successfully. When you succeed in the use of this Dual Heroic Deeds, you — and any allies within 30 feet of you — regain 3 hit points. Optionally, also remove one condition or spell-effect from your person. Choose an ability score that is currently below 17 and role d100. On a result in the range 01-05, add +10 percentile points to that ability score. If none of your Ability scores are below 17, choose an ability score and there is a 5% chance it gains 5 percentile points. You may only use Dual Heroic Deeds once in any given combat round.
Heroic Deed: Dweomer DeterminationBard 3+, MAG 1+, CLE 4+ or subclass 1+. When you sacrifice a Risk Die to activate this ability, then for the next eight hours you may detect magical auras on beings and items, identify an item as per the
Identify spell, or use up the deed's duration in order to mimic the
Legend Lore spell as you study a particular item. Mages who are running this when targeted by spells gain a +3 circumstance bonus to saving throw versus those spells, due to the insight their dweomer determination yields regarding the spells' functioning. This bonus is also added if Dissonant Vocalization is used during a round in which Dweomer Determination was running and the hero was targeted by a spell the hero attempted to counter with
Dissonant Vocalization.
Heroic Deed: Eagle EyeAvailable to Ranger 1+, Bard 2+, Fighter 4+, Thief 6+. This heroic deed may be used in the same round as
Aim Carefully. Make a ranged weapon attack roll against a creature this round, adding the Risk Die result to your ranged to-hit roll. You can use this ability before or after making the attack roll, but before the GM says whether the attack hits or misses. If used in conjunction with
Aim Carefully, this deed adds three additional damage dice.
Heroic Deed: Effortless DodgeAvailable to Fighter 1+, Thief 1+, Cleric 6+/Cleric-subclass 3+, and Magic-User 9+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If the result is a "1" your dodge attempt fails, but otherwise add the die result as a bonus to your AC against a specific attack that has just been rolled against you. You
may attempt this deed after the DM determines you've been hit: recalculate the foe's to-hit against your Improved AC. You may use this deed only when wearing light and medium armor. If this deed
fails due to a '1' result on the Risk Die, gain 1 HP, but if it succeeds gain two HP and a 5% chance of gaining one percentile point to a random Ability Score.
Heroic Deed: Eldritch BlastAvailable to WAR 1+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If the result comes up '1', succeed at a DC 9 Charisma check in order to push through momentary interference to your connection with your patron. If the Risk Die comes up '8', you'll add your Charisma modifier (if positive) to damage you inflict this encounter with Eldritch Blast. For the remainder of this combat encounter, you are able to call freely upon your patron's power in order to cast an eldritch blast of force at a target within 120 ft. for which you have a line of sight each round. You may use this ability to unerringly strike the target once per round. This counts as your attack for the round, though you may still move up to your movement rate. The blast hits automatically for 1d10 force damage. If you have 11+ overall character levels, two such blasts may be used. If level 17+, three; and if level 21+, four. If you get multiple blasts, they may all be directed at the same target, or you may choose different targets. If you are struck for combat damage or take on a negative status effect while targeting a blast, a DC 11 Constitution check is required to successfully target the blast(s).
Heroic Deed: Eldritch SwapAvailable to Magic-User 1+, Bard 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If you roll a 1, nothing happens; otherwise, you disappear from your current location and reappear ten milliseconds later behind one bipedal creature or construct that is within sixty feet of your original position. You
may attack that humanoid from behind with a +4 bonus to-hit — even if you've already made a melee attack this round. You may attempt this Deed before or after using your
Fray Die for the round. There is a five percent chance of a random ability score gaining 10 percentile points when you use this deed. If you
don't gain percentile points, then you
do regain 1 HP.
Heroic Deed: Eldritch WrathAvailable to MAG 7+, mage subclass 4+. Expend a Risk Die by rolling it. If it comes up '1', you suffer X points of arcane backlash; otherwise, apply 5X damage split any way you desire among up to three targets within sixty feet of your position. If a target has more hit dice or levels than you, it gets a saving throw versus spells to suffer only half this damage, rounded up. If a living creature is slain by this effect, you gain a hit point. 'X' is equal to your total caster levels. You must have Intelligence of 16+ to use this heroic deed. You may choose to apply all the damage to a single target. There is a flat five-percent chance, each time you successfully slay a foe with damage dealt solely from this deed, to inflict damage on another, of gaining +5 percentile points to an ability score of your choice. You may not benefit in this way more than five times while at any given overall character level. If any ability score is greater than 18 and you choose to increase it, you only gain a single percentile point.
Heroic Deed: Enhance AbilityAvailable to Bard 2+. Expend a Risk Die by rolling it. As long as it doesn't come up '1':
You touch a creature and bestow upon it a magical enhancement. Choose one of the following effects - the target gains the effect for the next full minute.
Bear's Endurance: The target has
advantage on Constitution checks. It also gains 4d6 temporary hit points, which are lost when this effect ends.
Bull's Strength: The target has
advantage on Strength checks, and his or her carrying capacity doubles.
Cat's Grace: The target has
advantage on Dexterity checks. It also doesn't take damage from falling 20 feet or less if it isn't incapacitated.
Eagle's Splendor: The target has
advantage on Charisma checks.
Fox's Cunning: The target has
advantage on Intelligence checks.
Owl's Wisdom: The target has
advantage on Wisdom checks.
Heroic Deed: Enhance EnchantmentAvailable to Bard 11+, Magic-User 7+, Mage subclasses 4+, Cleric 9+, and Cleric sub-classes 6+. Spend 500 gp in alchemical oils and three full days working on a piece of equipment of
Flawless Construction. Make a Wisdom or Intelligence check at DC 13. If you are an Enchanter also add your Enchanter level. If you succeed, you have enhanced the equipment's existing magical bonus by one point. If a weapon, it now has +2 bonus to both to-hit and damage rolls (+3 if you're an Enchanter). If armor, it yields AC two steps better (three steps if you are an Enchanter) than mundane armor of the same sort. If a shield, it adds a bonus to AC two steps better (three steps better if you are an Enchanter) than a mundane shield of the same type. This item won't rust, pit, fray at the edges, or otherwise show signs of aging. It succeeds on saving throws against destruction if the raw d20 roll is above 2. If you fail the check, you must spend another two days and another 500 gp (1 day and 400 gp if you are an Enchanter) and then make the same check again, with a cumulative +1 bonus. If the item has charges, it's maximum charges increases by two (or by three, if you are an Enchanter). The item is now a candidate for the
Superlative Enchantment heroic deed.
Heroic Deed: Enlightened StrikeAvailable to Paladin 1+, Bard 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If you roll a 1, nothing happens; otherwise, your first melee attack this round hits automatically — no need for a to-hit die roll. If the creature is evil in alignment, add X to your damage, where X is the
product of your Wisdom and Charisma (minimum 1). If the
sum of these modifiers is greater than their product, use that instead. Add this amount to only one of the damage dice — if there are more than one. This wave of enlightenment also restores 1 HP to the hero invoking this heroic deed. If this attack slays or incapacitates the target, gain one percentile point to a random Ability Score.
Heroic Deed: Flanking StrikeAvailable to Ranger 1+, Fighter 2+, Thief 6+, Thief subclasses 3+, or any PC with overall level 12+. When you are fighting an opponent and an ally is within 5 feet of that foe, make a to-hit roll, simultaneously sacrificing a Risk Die by rolling it, and you may add your Strength modifier
and your Dexterity modifier as a
heroic bonus to the to-hit roll. If your attack hits, add the Risk Die result + X to damage — where X is the sum or both your and your ally's DEX and STR modifiers. If using
Scarlet Heroes damage conversion, count every two full points above 10 damage as another HD of damage: 10 becomes 4 HD, 12 becomes 5 HD ... 18 becomes 8 HD, etc.
Heroic Deed: Flawless ConstructionAvailable to Bard 9+, Magic-User 5+, Mage subclasses 2+, Cleric 7+, and Cleric sub-classes 4+. Spend 250 gp in alchemical oils and two full days working on a piece of Improved Equipment. Make a Wisdom or Intelligence check at DC 11. If you succeed, you have converted the equipment into a +1 magical item. If you are an Enchanter, this is instead a +{Enchanter Level} bonus. If a weapon, it now has +1 bonus to both to-hit and damage rolls (+{Enchanter Level} if you are an Enchanter). If armor, it yields AC one step better than mundane armor of the same sort. If a shield, it adds a bonus to AC one step better than a mundane shield of the same type. This item won't rust, pit, fray at the edges, or otherwise show signs of aging. If you fail the check, you must spend another day and another 250 gp and then make the same check again, with a cumulative +1 bonus (cumulative is +2 if you are an Enchanter). If the item is
not a weapon, shield, or piece of armor (i.e., it's a wand, rod, necklace, etc.), it now has a +1 (+2 if you're an Enchanter) bonus if protective in nature (i.e., ring of protection +1), or else 2d4+4 charges (if you are an Enchanter you may 'take ten' instead of rolling) that can be used to produce one spell effect of levels 1-3, or a single daily use that mimics/reproduces up to a fourth level spell effect. An item that is the successful recipient of Flawless Construction becomes a candidate item for
Enhance Enchantment.
Heroic Deed: Flurry of BlowsAvailable to anyone with at least one level in
Monk. If you succeed in activating this deed, make three attacks, each with a +{Risk Die Result} bonus to-hit. You may target the three blows on any foe(s) within striking distance. Each blow deals 1d4 (if unarmed attacks) or appropriate weapon damage on a hit, and the monk adds either STR or DEX modifier to the damage — his choice. If
all three blows land: you achieve momentary
ki harmony, regaining 1 hit point. There is a five-percent chance of gaining one percentile point to DEX, STR, or CON — determine randomly. This heroic deed cannot be used when employing any weapon other than Unarmed Attack or a monk-specific weapon.
Heroic Deed: Greater CommunicationAvailable to Druid 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If the die doesn't come up '1', a druid can communicate with any creature that matches the form that they are in for the remaining duration of their current use of Shapeshifting. The form this communication takes can be both verbal and telepathic (at the druids choosing, and they can alternate between the two), if the form taken is capable of communicating verbally; or, it is strictly telepathic if the form taken is not capable of communicating verbally. However, any monstrous creature being communicated with in this way doesn't automatically have a favorable reaction to the druid.
Heroic Deed: GuidanceAvailable to Bard 1+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. Unless it comes up '1', you confer a {2 + Risk Die Result} bonus to an attack, saving throw, or skill check that you or an ally makes this round — you may retroactively apply this bonus
after learning the roll failed. Bards may not stack multiple
Guidance effects. If the roll succeeds with this Guidance, the Bard gains one percentile point to an Ability Score of her choice.
Heroic Deed: Healing SurgeAvailable only to Cleric 1+. When you succeed at a standard heroic deed activation, a healing surge radiates from you. It affects up to {Risk Die Result + 1} of your allies who are within thirty feet of you. Each of those allies is healed {8 - Risk Die Result + either Wis or Cha bonus} (to a minimum of 1) HP. You may instead choose to use this surge to damage undead — though they get a saving throw for half-damage. The cleric herself regains {Risk Die Result + either Wis or Cha bonus + 1 HP per two overall character levels} HP (minimum 1). When using a Healing Surge, you may not move further than five feet that round, but you may make a single melee attack. You cannot cast a spell or use your Fray die in the same round that you use Healing Surge. You cannot initiate more than one Healing surge per combat round. However, you and allies may benefit from more than a single Healing Surge in a given round if they originate from different individuals. For each Healing Surge recipient who was
not at maximum Hit Points prior to the Healing Surge but
is afterward, you have a cumulative 1% chance of gaining one percentile point to either Wisdom or Charisma (determine randomly).
Heroic Deed: Holy AuraAvailable only to good-aligned PAL 1+/CLE 9+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool. You draw down holy power to aid allies within thirty feet at the time of invocation. Allies gain 2 HP. For the remainder of this round and for the next ten rounds you gain an additional die of melee weapon damage, and those allies gain DR 2 against damage inflicted by evil foes. Whenever an ally is spared some damage by this DR, you have a 1% chance of gaining one percentile point to either your Wisdom or Charisma ability score.
Heroic Deed: Hunter's MarkAvailable only to RNG 1+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If you are RNG 4+, you succeed automatically in placing a hunter's mark on a target of your choice that is within 90 ft. of your position when you activate this Heroic Deed. If your Ranger level is less than 4, then you succeed as long as the Risk Die result isn't '1'. For the remainder of this round and for the next ten rounds, any attacks you make against the marked target gain a +1 to-hit bonus. Those that successfully strike the target inflict additional damage equal to your Wisdom bonus, or equal to one, if you have no Wisdom bonus or suffer a Wisdom penalty. If using
Scarlet Heroes damage system, apply this bonus damage to one of the successful hit's damage dice only.
Heroic Deed: Improved AmbuscadeAvailable to anyone with at least one level in
Ranger, or four levels in
Thief, or one level in
Cutthroat. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. As long as the result isn't '1': Apply the Risk Die Result to your first attack in an ambush you join or orchestrate (that occurs within {your [choose one: Cutthroat/Ranger/Thief] level(s)} hours). The bonus applies to the to-hit roll. Should your initial ambush attack succeed, add the Risk Die result plus your Dexterity modifier to your combat damage and/or to the rolled damage of a trap you've set. Both you and your allies in the ambush gain the to-hit bonus, but only
you gain the damage bonus. These bonuses apply only the surprise round of the ambush encounter. For each victim slain or immobilized by your ambush, there is a 1% cumulative chance that you gain one percentile point to your Dexterity ability score.
Heroic Deed: Improved CleaveAvailable to FGT 8+, PAL 5+, RNG 3+. Prerequisite:
Cleave. When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points or score a critical hit with a melee weapon on your turn, you can spend a Risk Die by rolling it. If the Risk Die result isn't '1', move up to 15 feet and make another melee weapon attack as part of the same action, with a +4 to-hit bonus. This is not considered a second attack. On a hit, you add
twice the Risk Die's result to the attack's damage roll, and if that attack slays/destroys the target, regain a spent Risk Die and 5 hit points. These
may be temporary hit points.
Heroic Deed: Improve EquipmentAvailable to Magic-User 3+, Cleric 5+, and Cleric sub-classes 3+. If this is your first day of enchanting and alchemically treating this particular item of equipment, then create a variable,
Progress, and assign the value zero to it. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. Simultaneously, spend 25 gp on the cost to acquire and use a single day's worth of an array of special alchemical liquids to enhance and intensify the dweomers you weave upon this good quality weapon or piece of armor. Add the Risk Die Result to variable,
Progress. If you are an Enchanter, also add your Enchanter level. If
Progress already holds a value greater than zero, add the Risk Die Result to
that value and assign the sum back to variable
Progress. If the variable holds a cumulative result of sixteen or greater, you have dweomered the weapon, shield, or suit of armor into a masterwork item. If the item is a weapon, it now gets a +1
masterwork bonus that applies to to-hit rolls with the weapon. If it is a shield or armor, it gains in durability and will not rust, patinae, or mildew. If the item is
not a weapon, shield, or piece of armor (i.e., it's a wand, rod, necklace, etc.), it must be made of precious materials valued at not less than 150 GP. Upon successfully improving such an item, it becomes a candidate for
Flawless Construction.
Heroic Deed: Indomitable DefenseAvailable to core fighter class at level 2. Sacrifice a Risk Die. If successful, then for the remainder of the current round and the next {your total FGT levels + Risk Die Result} rounds, you gain an improvement of X to your AC, where X is the sum of your Dexterity and Strength modifiers (minimum 1). When you successfully activate this deed, you marshal your inner resources and regain 5 HP. There is an X% chance you gain a percentile point either to DEX or STR (determine randomly).
Heroic Deed: Intensify SpellAvailable to
MAG 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If you succeed, add 50% to the damage the spell inflicts — calculate dice totals first,
then add 50% of that amount. Intensifying a spell is dangerous: if your Risk Die comes up '1', you suffer the calculated 50% of damage as arcane backlash as your attempt fails. Successfully intensifying a spell of at least 3rd level results in a gain of one percentile point to your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma — your choice.
Heroic Deed: Iron ShellAvailable to Cleric 3+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If you succeed, an ally you can see within thirty feet of your position gains a bonus of {Risk Die Result} to her AC until the start of your next turn, and you gain +{8 - Risk Die Result} to your next roll. You both regain 1 HP, and you gain one percentile point to your Wisdom score. This divine ability can be used simultaneously with a Fray Die use, a cast spell, or a regular combat attack.
Heroic Deed: Karmic BalanceAvailable to Bard 1+, Cleric 1+,
MAG 6+ & subs 3+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it when — in the midst of combat — you fail a saving throw or take damage. On the following round, that foe suffers a penalty to one saving throw of your choice, or to its to-hit roll, that is equal to
X, where X is the number of points by which you failed
your saving throw or by which your Hit Points dropped. If the foe fails a save or misses a melee/ranged attack the next round, gain one percentile point to your Wisdom or Charisma, your choice which one. If you fail your Risk Die activation roll (by rolling a '1' on the d8), you experience Karmic Backlash and are -1 on all rolls for the remainder of this encounter.
Heroic Deed: Lead by ExampleAvailable to all adventuring classes at any level. When you successfully make a saving throw or succeed in an attack, then — if you successfully activate this deed — choose one ally. That ally gains a +4 bonus to his next saving throw or to-hit roll, and you gain one percentile point to your Charisma.
Heroic Deed: Leap of the HeavensAvailable to Sohei 1+, Monk 3+, Thief 9+ or its non-Bard subclasses 6+. Roll and expend a Risk Die. If you succeed, you are able to jump up to and including {Risk Die Result + overall character level} feet horizontally and three-fourths that distance (rounded up) vertically. Fail the check and the jump's range is one-half those distances. If you use this ability as part of an attack, that to-hit roll gains a +6 bonus and you add +10 bonus damage if you successfully hit. If used in conjunction with Circle or Backstab, the +10 damage is only applied after the multiplier.
Heroic Deed: Limb ShotAvailable to Gunslinger 2+, Ranger 2+, Thief 9+ or its non-Bard subclasses 6+. When you hit with a ranged weapon against a humanoid foe within thirty feet and clear line of sight, roll and expend a Risk Die. If successful, that creature must make a Moldvay save versus death or suffers a hit to one of her arms (your choice which arm), drops anything in the hand on that side of her body, and makes any melee attacks at -6 the remainder of this encounter
if she wields using that hand. If a foe is hit but succeeds at the save, they still suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls the remainder of the current round and all of the next round. If your target fails the save, you gain one percentile point to your Dexterity score. If they succeed at the saving throw, there is still a 5% chance you gain the one percentile point to Dex.
Heroic Deed: Lucky MomentAvailable to Halfling characters of any class and level, and to THF 2+ and MAG 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If successful, you gain Advantage on the next to-hit roll, saving throw, or ability check you make within the next full minute — you may also use this ability retroactively.
Or, you may reduce a single die result to '1' when
Defying Death. If this deed results in a hit, a successful saving throw or ability check, or successfully Defying Death, you gain one percentile point to any
two Ability Scores of your choice.
Heroic Deed: Manipulate FateAvailable to MAG 1+. 'Foes' are enemy combatants within 60' of you when you enact this heroic deed. Roll and expend a Risk Die. If the result is 1, you lose 1 HP and foes suffer -1 to all their rolls the remainder of the current and all of the next round. If the result is 2-7, you regain 5 HP and foes suffer -2. On an 8 result, you and all allies within 30 feet of you regain 3 HP and all foes suffer -3 to all rolls next round (and if any foes qualify for Advantage, they
don't get it). A given mage may not use this heroic deed more than once per round, and it takes the place of any spellcasting or melee attacks. However, different mages' simultaneous use of this deed
may stack with one another. If the Risk Die comes up '8', there is a five percent chance of gaining 10 percentile points to a random ability score. Otherwise, a single percentile point is gained, instead, to a random Ability Score.
Heroic Deed: Master Many FormsAvailable to
Druid 2+. Sacrifice a Risk Die. If you succeed at a DC 9 Intelligence check (to have knowledge of a specific creature), you can shapeshift into any creature of a total HD equal to your Druid level. Once you've assumed a creature type, you no longer need to make an Intelligence check to assume that form. There is a {Risk Die Result}% chance that you gain one percentile point to your Wisdom score.
Heroic Deed: MultishiftingAvailable to Druid 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If the die doesn't come up '1', take the result and add your Druid level. This result determines how many times you can alter your shape within the duration of a single use of the Shapeshifting ability. If the Risk Die came up '8', gain five percentile points to Wisdom.
Heroic Deed: MurderHobo MadnessAvailable to characters with 10+ collective levels in Fighter and fighter-subclasses, or in Thief and thief-subclasses. Target up to five foes, each of which is at least four or more levels or Hit Dice less powerful than you. They must all be within thirty feet of your position when you declare this heroic deed. Make an attack roll against each. If it hits, the target must make a successful Constitution check or die. If it succeeds at the Constitution check or doesn't have a CON score, it instead takes 5X damage, where X is your total Fighter and Thief (and their sublcasses) levels. You may not attempt this deed more than once on a given target during the same encounter.
Heroic Deed: Nature's ImprintAvailable to
Druid 1+. Focus on an area extending outward from the Druid to a distance of one hundred yards/meters per druid level. Within that affected area, the Druid becomes aware of a number of things.
1. All animals (this includes animal breeds as well as their attitudes)
2. All plants (to the extent of knowing their types as well as which are edible, which are medicinal, and which are poisonous)
3. All natural water sources (the area of effect extends above and below); distinguishing between potable and non-potable water sources.
3. The geographical lay of the land along with all natural hazards present in that area
This imprinted information stays accessible in the druid's mind for 1 minute per druid level x the result of the rolled die.
Heroic Deed: Oh, Look! More Torches! ![](../icons/torch.png)
Available to all classes at all levels. Sometimes you're in the dungeon longer than anticipated. You'd be surprised how many dungeon deaths are the result of the loss of illumination — one mis-step and a trap, monster, or crevasse takes your life! More often, however, it's your former allies who kill you: Adventurer A:
"I told you to bring more torches!" Adventurer B:
"You never said that, and I wield a two-hander! How would I even make use of a torch? Adventurer A:
"Try wielding this,
you @*!#!!" When you sacrifice a Risk Die, you suddenly find three more torches:
"Let me check my pack one
more time..." or
"Oh, look, a chest full of gold, gems, and ... three torches!" For each of the three torches found, there is a 50% chance of also finding 1d4 golden royals (or their equivalent). No sage can explain why this is the case, but wise adventurers have glommed onto it. Wealth collected via this Deed can be spent as Treasure to gain XP.
Heroic Deed: The Pact of Fang and Fur Available only to Druids. Upon taking this Heroic Deed a Druid 2+ can activate a state of mind that allows them to alter the attitudes of the animals and beasts that it encounters. All animals and/or beasts that are within 10'/druid level of a druid with this heroic deed automatically have their attitude toward the druid improve by one step per two levels of Druid (see below), to a max of an automatic 5 step improvement at 10th level. (note: the automatic nature of this deed can be supressed at the Druid's choosing).
A Druid 2+ may sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If the die doesn't come up '1', a druid further improves the attitude of a number of animals and/or beasts whose total HD do not exceed the Druid's level + the Druids Wisdom modifier + the result of the rolled dice, by one step per two levels of druid they possess to a maximum of up to 5 additional steps of improvement at 10th level, for a duration of {Risk Die Result + Druid level} hours.
A Druid 3+ may sacrifice a 2nd Risk Die by rolling it. If the die doesn't come up '1', a druid increases the types of creatures he can affect with this ability. At 3rd level they are able to add: ??, At 5th level they are able to add: ??, at 7th level they are able to add: ??, and at 9th level they are able to add: ??.
NOTE: I didn't fill in the creature types but rather decided to allow you to determine what they should be at each given level.
Attitude Levels:
Heroic: Heroic animals exhibit extraordinary bravery, courage, and selflessness in their interactions with strangers. They willingly put themselves in dangerous situations to protect others or to perform acts of exceptional valor. Heroic animals may display behaviors such as fearlessly confronting threats, rescuing individuals in peril, or demonstrating unwavering loyalty in the face of adversity. Their actions often go above and beyond the call of duty, inspiring awe and admiration. Heroic animals exemplify the highest level of bravery and sacrifice, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the well-being and safety of others.
* NOTE: this attitude level is only available to Druids of 10th level or higher.
Devoted: Devoted animals display an unwavering commitment and loyalty towards the Druid. They are willing to go to great lengths and even put their lives in danger to fulfill their duties and protect the one they are devoted to. Devoted animals may exhibit behaviors such as fearlessly confronting threats, enduring hardships, or performing tasks that require great courage or self-sacrifice. Their dedication and loyalty are evident in their unwavering support and willingness to defend the person they hold dear. Devoted animals are driven by a deep sense of purpose and their actions reflect their profound commitment the Druid.
Helpful: Helpful animals exhibit a strong inclination to assist strangers or provide aid when needed. They display a cooperative and supportive attitude, often going out of their way to lend a helping hand. Helpful animals may actively seek opportunities to assist and may display behaviors such as fetching objects, guiding or leading the stranger, or responding to their requests or commands. They show a genuine desire to be of service and make a positive impact on the well-being of others.
Attentive: Attentive animals demonstrate a high level of focus and attentiveness towards strangers. They have a keen ability to listen and respond to the needs and cues of the individuals they encounter. Attentive animals may display behaviors such as maintaining eye contact, actively listening to verbal cues, or responding promptly to requests or commands. They excel at creating a sense of being heard and understood, making interactions with strangers feel valued and appreciated.
Curious: Curious animals exhibit a sense of intrigue and interest towards strangers. They may approach cautiously and observe the stranger from a distance, but they do not display any signs of aggression. They are more likely to investigate and explore rather than attack or withdraw. Curious animals may display behaviors such as attentively watching, sniffing, or following the stranger at a safe distance.
Indifferent: Indifferent animals exhibit a lack of interest or emotional response towards strangers. They may appear apathetic, uninterested, or disengaged. Indifferent animals typically do not seek interaction with strangers and may ignore their presence. They may display behaviors such as turning away, avoiding eye contact, or showing minimal physical or vocal response. Indifferent animals are neither friendly nor hostile, simply displaying a neutral stance towards strangers.
Watchful: Watchful animals exhibit a heightened state of alertness and vigilance towards strangers. They maintain a keen observation of their surroundings and closely monitor the actions and behaviors of unfamiliar individuals. Watchful animals may display behaviors such as maintaining a steady gaze, turning their ears towards the stranger, or adopting a cautious stance. They are attentive to any potential signs of threat or danger and may exhibit defensive reactions if they perceive any hostile intent. While watchful animals share similarities with cautious animals, their focus is primarily on being observant and ready to respond to any potential threats in their environment.
Cautious: Cautious animals are characterized by their wariness and vigilance towards strangers. They approach unfamiliar individuals with a sense of suspicion and take measures to protect themselves. Cautious animals may display behaviors such as keeping a safe distance, maintaining a defensive posture, or exhibiting alertness and heightened awareness of their surroundings. They may assess the intentions and actions of strangers before deciding to engage or withdraw. Cautious animals are prepared to defend themselves if they perceive a threat.
Threatened: Threatened animals feel a sense of danger or perceive a potential threat from strangers. They may display defensive behaviors in response to perceived aggression or invasion of their territory. Threatened animals may exhibit defensive postures, vocalizations, or warning displays such as growling, hissing, or puffing up their fur or feathers. They are more likely to attack if they feel provoked or if the stranger approaches too closely. It is important to exercise caution and give them space to alleviate their sense of threat.
Hostile: Hostile animals exhibit aggressive and violent behavior towards strangers. They are driven by anger, rage, or fear, and may pose a significant risk to the safety of both strangers and themselves. Hostile animals may display overtly aggressive behaviors such as lunging, biting, clawing, or chasing, even without provocation. They may persistently pursue and attack strangers, disregarding any attempts to withdraw or de-escalate the situation. It is crucial to avoid confrontation and seek professional help when dealing with hostile animals.
Vicious: Vicious animals exhibit extreme aggression, cruelty, and a relentless propensity for violence in their interactions with strangers. They pose a significant threat to the safety and well-being of others, showing no remorse or mercy. Vicious animals may display behaviors such as launching unprovoked attacks, inflicting severe harm, or engaging in ruthless territorial disputes. Their actions are driven by a deep-seated aggression and a complete disregard for the welfare of others. Interactions with vicious animals can be highly dangerous and require extreme caution and protective measures.
Heroic Deed: Penetrating BackstabAvailable to THF 7+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it when you successfully hit with a backstab attack. If the result does not come up '1', re-roll any 1's or 2's on dice results before applying the x3 backstab multiplier for damage.
Heroic Deed: Primary FoeAvailable to FGT 2+/RNG 2+/PAL 3+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If the result does not come up '1', pick one of multiple foes with whom you are currently engaged in combat. This is your
Primary Foe. You have {Risk Die Result + 3}
Primary Foe points to use during this fight. On any round during this melee, choose to use up one or more of those points to enhance a to-hit roll against that foe, or to enhance a saving throw made necessary by that foe, or to increase damage you deal to that foe. There is a {Risk Die Result}% chance that you gain one percentile point to either your Wisdom or Charisma score, your choice which one. You may not have more than a single foe targeted with this heroic deed at one time, and you may not have multiple instances of this deed targeting the same foe simultaneously. You
may have more than a single primary foe at one time if you have successfully target 2+ foes with this heroic deed.
Heroic Deed: Prolonged ShapechangeAvailable to DRU 2+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If the result does not come up '1' and you are currently in an animal form, you add +X minutes to the remaining duration of your shapechange, where X is the product of the Risk Die result and your Druid level. Once per long rest, when you prolong your shapechange, add one percentile point to your Wisdom score.
Heroic Deed: RallyAvailable to PAL 1+/CLE 4+/RNG 2+/FGT 7+/SOH 1+. You can roll and sacrifice a Risk Die to choose one allied creature within 60 feet of you who can see and/or hear you. If deed activation succeeds, that ally regains hit points equal to the number rolled + your Charisma modifier, and gains your Charisma modifier as a bonus to its AC, saving throws, and to-hit rolls for the remainder of the round. You can't use this ability to heal a creature who has 0 hit points. There is a {your Charisma modifier}% chance that you gain one percentile point to your Charisma score (minimum 1% chance).
Heroic Deed: Rage of the HeroAvailable to BAR. A BAR 1+ who does not suffer a negative Intelligence modifier may voluntarily enter a
Rage at will by sacrificing a Risk Die and succeeding at a DC 9 Constitution check. A BAR 3+ may, while
Raging, expend a Risk Die by rolling it. If it doesn't come up '1', the Barbarian enjoys {Risk Die Result-2 (min. +1)} bonus to Constitution modifier. A BAR 5 while
Raging, may expend a Risk Die by rolling it. If it doesn't come up '1', then the Barbarian enjoys a {Risk Die Result-2 (min. +1)} bonus to both Constitution and Strength modifiers.
Heroic Deed: Rapid FireAvailable to RNG 3+, FGT 7+, GUN 4+, FGT subs 4+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. Divide the result in half, rounded up, and assign it to variable
N. If you succeed at a DC 9 Dexterity check, you're able to get off {1 + N} rapid shots with a bow (non-gunslingers) or revolvers (gunslingers only). The first attack is at your normal to-hit, and succeeding shots suffer a -1 cumulative to-hit penalty. You may divide these attacks among as many targets as desired. For the next
N rounds, you cannot attempt Rapid Fire — it's a cool-down period. Rapid Fire is not usable in the same round that you use either Aim Carefully or Eagle Eye. Let X equal the number of shots that actually hit their target. There is an X% chance you gain one percentile point to your Dexterity score.
Heroic Deed: Rebuking Third AttackAvailable to FGT 12+, THF 17+, CLE 22+, MAG 27+
If you have already used the
Stinging Second Attack Heroic Deed in the current round, sacrifice a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1', you may make a third melee attack at a -4 penalty on the to-hit roll. If it hits, add {(Risk Die Result)x3} to the damage on a single damage die. There's a {Risk Die Result}% chance you gain one percentile point to your Strength score. If you choose to sacrifice two Risk Dice for this deed, the level requirements are decreased by two. The deed succeeds as long as one of the two Risk Dice isn't a '1', and the damage added to the third attack may be calculated by using either of the two Risk Dice results.
Heroic Deed: Recharge ItemAvailable to CLE/MAG 3+. After a long rest, and when you are not exhausted or under other debilitating status effects, you may concentrate for a single turn and add (X/2) rounded down charges to a magic item, up to and including its maximum charge capacity — where X is your total mage and cleric levels (and any subclass levels of those core classes). If you are an Enchanter, you may add one additional charge to the item — above and beyond the amount just calculated — per Enchanter level you possess. Unless a given magic item description says otherwise, you may only do this for charge-bearing magic items (wands, for instance) that you personally created. There is an X% chance you gain one percentile point to your Intelligence score, where X equals the number of charges you restored.
Heroic Deed: Ridiculous LuckAvailable to Halfling or 8+ combo in THF and its subclasses. Roll a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1', you may roll a single attack roll, damage roll, saving throw, or skill check three times and choose which to use. If you invoke another heroic deed the round after successfully activating
Ridiculous Luck, you have triple the usual chance of gaining a percentile point to a score.
Heroic Deed: Righteous FervorAvailable to anyone with at least one level in
Paladin. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. Let Y equal the sum or your Wisdom and Charisma modifiers (if this results in a value less than 2, set X to 2). Let Z equal your total paladin levels. If you successfully activate this deed, deal an additional {Risk Die Result x (Y+Z)} points of radiant damage to the foe, and it receives a penalty of -{8 - Risk Die Result} on its very next attack roll or saving throw, whichever happens first. You may only use Righteous Fervor once in a given combat encounter. You may activate it after confirming that one of your melee attacks hits successfully. If you deal in excess of 99 damage on the attack to which Righteous Fervor is applied, automatically gain a percentile point in Wisdom. Otherwise, there is a (Y+Z)% chance of same.
Heroic Deed: Show Your SpecializationAvailable to Fighter or its subclasses where total core+subs=5+. Roll a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1', you have {5 + Risk Die Result + Strength modifier} (minimum 7) specialization points. If your Fighter core-class levels exceed your Strength modifier, substitute them for the Strength modifier. Use up and expend these
specialization points in any amount desired to modify your to-hit rolls, armor class, and damage rolls during the current combat. This deed cannot be implemented outside of combat or without a weapon in hand(s). This deed takes no appreciable time to invoke, and is often the first declared action of combat for skilled fighters. Roll a d20. If the roll result is less than or equal to your Strength modifier, add one percentile point to your Strength score.
Heroic Deed: Saint Ygg's ShieldAvailable to PAL 3+, CLE 12+ of Saint Ygg
Sacrifice a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1', your shield floats free of your grasp and flies about you magically at high speed, improving your AC two points further than the equipped shield normally imparts. You gain DR 3 that stacks with any other DR you already possess. The duration is one round per each cleric and paladin level. You must, minimally, be a first level cleric of St. Ygg to gain and use this heroic deed. The DR and AC improvement from this deed
will stack with any other bonuses. However, you may not benefit from more than one instance of this deed at one time. Should the duration of combat make it desirable, you may sacrifice another Risk Die to prolong the duration — at just the moment the effect would normally end. Doing so prevents interruption in the protection and does not require a roll of the sacrificed Risk Die.
Heroic Deed: Stinging Second AttackAvailable to FGT 7+, THF 12+, CLE 17+, MAG 22+
Sacrifice a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1', you may make a second melee attack this round. If it hits, add {+Risk Die Result} to the damage on a single damage die. There is a {Risk Die Result}% chance you gain one percentile point to your Strength score. If you choose to sacrifice two Risk Dice for this deed, this second attack is made at a +4 bonus to-hit. The deed succeeds as long as one of the two Risk Dice isn't a '1', and the damage added to the second attack may be taken from either of the two Risk Dice results. When you succeed in invoking this heroic deed, you may remove one negative status or spell effect from your person
and you regain a number of hit points equal to half those inflicted with your second attack. These cannot be gained as temporary hit points.
Heroic Deed: Sheathing the SwordAvailable to FGT 2+, SOH 2+
You allow the next melee attack made against you to strike you by actually stepping into the attack so that you use your body to sheath your foe's blade (only works against bladed slashing, hacking, or piercing weapons). To trigger this deed, wait for your toe-to-toe melee foe to successfully strike you, then declare use of Sheathing the Sword. Roll and sacrifice a Risk Die. As long as it doesn't come up '1', you have succeeded in sheathing your foe's weapon in your body. You may, in turn, make an attack roll. As long as it's not a fumble, you hit and deal twice your normal damage if using a knife, dagger, or sword — or else max damage if using some other type of weapon. You sustain max damage from the foe's blade. There is an X% chance you gain one percentile point to your Strength score — where X is equal to the total damage you received from Sheathing the Sword.
Heroic Deed: Short PortDRU 1+/MAG 2+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If you succeed at the check, you instantly engage in a short teleportation (a
short port). You reappear within range of {1 + Risk Die Result} yards of the position at which you engaged this Deed, so long as you can see the destination clearly and that spot is not already occupied. You may port to a raised balcony, across a rushing stream, or behind an enemy in combat. There is an X% chance you gain one additional percentile point to your Intelligence score, where X is equal to the number of yards you ported.
Heroic Deed: Skin of Your TeethAvailable to FGT 1+/THF 1+/PAL 1+/RNG 1+
class and their subclasses. When you miss with an attack, roll and sacrifice a Risk Die from your pool. If the die doesn't come up '1', add it to the d20 roll and recalculate success/failure of the to-hit or saving throw
and regain a hit point. If this hit point gain puts you
exactly at your maximum HP, then there is a ten percent chance of adding ten percentile points to a random ability score. Otherwise, there is a 5% chance of adding 5 percentile points to a random ability score.
Heroic Deed: Slow & SteadyAvailable to the Fighter and Thief core
classes and their subclasses and to CLE/MAG 1+. When you successfully activate this deed, any hasted foes lose
haste, you and your allies and foes alike lose de-buffs and negative status, and — if they don't successfully save versus spells — also lose any buffs. Your own buffs are not affected. Everyone within sixty feet of you is affected. For each foe that loses any buffs, there is a 1% that you gain one percentile point to your Wisdom score. Regardless of whether you successfully activate this Heroic Deed, you gain 10 HP when it is attempted. You may not attempt this deed more than once in a given combat round.
Heroic Deed: Silent SneakAvailable to THF 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If it does not come up '1', add the result — modified by your Dexterity bonus — to a Move Silently check called for by the Dungeon Master. If you succeed at your Move Silently check after activation of this deed, you are utterly quiet in your movement. If it is dark or there are deep shadows, you are also lost in shadows and unable to be tracked by foes or allies, unless they have some magical means of doing so. This state lasts for a number of rounds equal to your total Thief and Thief-subclass levels. If you successfully Circle attack or Backstab while under this deed's effects, add your Thief levels to damage after applying the appropriate multiplier, and gain HP equal to your DEX modifier, and there is a {DEX modifier}% chance you gain one percentile point to your DEX score.
Heroic Deed: Soul of the WarriorAvailable only to the Fighter core
class and its subclasses. If your rolled Risk Die doesn't come up '1', you gain a number of Soul of the Warrior points equal to (Risk Die result + 2 + STR bonus + Dex Bonus), and there is a {Soul of the Warrior points}% chance you gain one percentile to STR. During the current combat encounter, apply one or more of these points as desired to
your to-hit or damage rolls at any time. Whenever you do this in a given combat round, you may also move an additional ten feet, so long as you are not hindered or moving through difficult terrain.
Heroic Deed: Staggering StrikeAvailable to FGT 6+
class, and to THF 10+. When you make a successful weapon attack against a humanoid whose level or HD are less than your overall level, you can expend a Risk Die by rolling it. If it doesn't come up '1', you deal an additional die of weapon damage with the current attack, and with any future attacks you land of this particular foe in this particular combat encounter. At the end of the encounter, there is an X% chance that you gain one percentile point to your DEX, where X is the total number of attacks you landed on that foe.
Heroic Deed: Steely GazeAvailable to GUN 1+, THF 2+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. Make a DC 9 Charisma or Dexterity-based check (2d8 + ability bonus + highest relevant trait). If you succeed at the check, all humanoid foes within sixty feet that can see you — and which have HD or level lower than your overall level — will suffer -{Risk Die Result} to their next attack roll against
you or saving throw that
you caused, whichever occurs first. If your GUN/THF level is greater than the Risk Die's result, use it instead.
Heroic Deed: Superlative EnchantmentAvailable to Bard 13+, Magic-User 8+, Mage subclasses 5+, Cleric 11+, and Cleric sub-classes 8+. Spend 5000 gp in alchemical oils and two full weeks (10 days if you are an Enchanter) working at minimum four hours daily on a piece of equipment of
Flawless Construction and
Enhanced Enchantment. Make a Wisdom or Intelligence check at DC 16, adding your Enchanter level if any. If you succeed, you have enhanced the equipment's existing magical bonus by one step. If a weapon, it now has +3 bonus to both to-hit and damage rolls (+4 if you are an Enchanter). If armor, it yields AC three steps better (four steps better if you are an Enchanter) than mundane armor of the same sort. If a shield, it adds a bonus to AC three steps better (four steps better if you are an Enchanter) than a mundane shield of the same type. This item won't rust, pit, fray at the edges, or otherwise show signs of aging. It succeeds on saving throws against destruction if the raw d20 roll is above 2 and is allowed
advantage when making an item saving throw. If you fail the DC 16 Int or Wis check, you must spend another five days and another 1500 gp and then make the same check again, with a cumulative +1 bonus. If the item has charges, it gains an additional 1d3+3 charges to its daily maximum (or 6 more charges automatically, if you are an Enchanter) When an Enchanter attains the lofty level of Enchanter 5th and 10+ overall caster levels, she may
again use
Superlative Enchantment to bring a +4 item to +5, or to add an additional six charges to a charged item's maximum charges.
Heroic Deed: The Trail Goes ColdAvailable to DRU 1+, RNG 2+, THF 7+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. The
Dungeon Master will also secretly roll a d8. If the rolls match, your attempt fizzles. Otherwise: for the next ten minutes your movement cannot be tracked by tracks or heat signature that you leave behind you. If the die rolls
did match, the DM won't tell you and you believe you attempt effective. You cannot attempt this deed more than once every ten minutes. This ability cannot defeat tremorsense or scent-based tracking. When you successfully use this ability, carry forward two
Luck points which you may apply to any roll in your very next encounter — or
this encounter, if applicable. Luck Points so gained are not cumulative if you use the deed multiple times in short order.
Heroic Deed: Tricky FootworkAvailable to
Bard 1+ and other characters at 4+ overall levels. When fighting a humanoid your size category or smaller, expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. Unless the result is '1' you've maneuvered your opponent and the two of you switch positions. If this brings your foe into adjacency with your ally, that ally gets a free attack on the foe at +2 to-hit and your fancy footwork has set you up for a {Risk Die Result} bonus to your next to-hit roll against that foe. If use of this heroic deed results in an ally getting a free attack, there is a 5% chance you gain five percentile points to a random ability score. If the randomly determined ability score is already 18+, the 1 percentile point is gained instead.
Heroic Deed: UnbreakableAvailable to Barbarian 1+, Monk/Sohei 3+, Paladin 5+, Dungeoneer 5+, Fighter 8+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If it doesn't come up '1', then you gain {(Risk Die Result + 2) x 4
Soak points. Over the next full turn of combat (10 rounds) whenever you get hit by a ranged or melee attack, you may reduce the damage by expending these
Soak points. You may, optionally, expend two Risk Dice when you attempt this Deed. As long as
not both Risk Dice come up '1', you gain {(Risk Die Result + 2) x 8}
Soak points.
Heroic Deed: Unflappable WarriorAvailable to Sohei 1, Fighter 13+, and other classes at 17+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If you do not already enjoy Damage Reduction 5 or better, you benefit from DR 5 for the remainder of the round and all of the following round. However, if you are a Sohei, your DR instead is {Sohei Level + 5} or {Risk Die Result}, whichever is greater.
Heroic Deed: Unusual ProwessAvailable to Fighter 1+, Sohei/Paladin 3+, and Thief 6+/Cutthroat 3+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it; if it doesn't come up '1', you enjoy a bonus of {Risk Die Result + 1} to your to-hit and a {8 minus Risk Die Result} improvement to your AC until the beginning of your next turn. This exercise of your heroic aura also restores one hit point to your total. If you successfully damage a foe this turn, there is a five percent chance you gain ten percentile points to one random ability score.
Heroic Deed:
Vampiric SkimmingAvailable to NEC/WAR 1+. To activate this deed, roll and sacrifice a Risk Die. If the die result is not '1': each living flesh and blood creature within thirty feet of you must make a saving throw versus this spell-like effect using the
Moldvay saving throw table. Failure indicates that the creature loses 1 HP and
you gain that hit point. This can heal you up to your maximum normal hit points, plus your Necromancer level in temporary hit points. Using this ability on allies, bystanders, or helpless individuals
may move your overall alignment toward chaotic evil. Regardless, it will cause you to detect as evil for the next full turn. There is a percentage chance equal to the number of hit points so drained with this deed (to a maximum of eight) of gaining ten percentile points to a random ability score.
Heroic Deed: Vantage PointAvailable to Thief 6+ or Thief subclasses 3+. Roll a Risk Die and sacrifice it. If you succeed at a DC 9 Dexterity check, you can quickly scale a wall or other vertical surface to gain a perch above your foes. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. By climbing at half speed, you can climb up difficult surfaces (such as slippery vertical walls). If you make a ranged attack from this vantage point, it is at +3 to-hit. If you leap down upon your foe in attack, it is at +6 to-hit. If the DM rules that you can use Circle or Backstab, those abilities' to-hit bonuses stack with those of this Heroic Deed. If a leap attack hits, add your Dexterity modifier as additional damage after all damage resolution is calculated, plus one additional point of damage per ten feet fallen. Upon impact with your foe, you sustain exactly one-quarter the damage inflicted upon your foe. If you drop on a foe but fumble your to-hit roll, calculate normal falling damage. You miss your target and sustain that falling damage.
Heroic Deed: Vicious FocusAvailable only to the core Fighter class at 6th level and above. When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points or score a
critical hit, sacrifice a Risk Die and make a DC 11 Strength or Dexterity check. If the check succeeds, you enter a zen state of battle for 1 minute. For the duration, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
Each time during the duration that you reduce
another hostile creature to 0 hit points or score
another critical hit, this critical hit range increases, first allowing your melee weapon attacks to score a critical hit on a roll of 18 to 20, then on a roll of 17 to 20, etc. If you fall unconscious, this effect ends early.
Heroic Deed: Warlock's WrathWarlock 1+. When the warlock is successfully targeted by a spell he did not cast himself, he may sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If the result isn't '1', choose to divide {Risk Die Result} any way you wish between damage done to the offending caster and a penalty applied to their next roll within the current encounter. For Warlock 3+, add your Warlock level to the Risk Die Result before assigning damage and a penalty. After applying this damage and this die roll penalty, steal 10% of the target's remaining hit points (no saving throw) and add them to your own.