Heroic Deed: Dissonant Vocalization

Available to Bard 1+, Magic-User 3+, Cleric 5+ or its sub-classes 3+. Your voice carries power. When a foe attacks a comerade within twenty feet of your position, or a foe that can hear or has tremorsense attempts spellcasting within twenty feet of you and within your line of sight, you may sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. Assign to variable Penalty the result of the Risk Die roll. If Penalty is greater than 4, instead assign {8 - Risk Die result} to Penalty. The foe must make a Moldvay saving throw versus Rods (adjusted for the level/HD difference) at a penalty of Penalty. Failure indicates the foe's spellcasting is foiled, or the foe's melee attack suffers disadvantage. This deed is a swift action that does not preclude movement or making an attack or Fray Die roll. If you successfully foil a spell or attack with this deed, add one percentile point to either CHA, INT, or WIS. Regardless of whether or not the target makes its saving throw, activation of this heroic deed is a sonic attack that deals 2d6 damage to the target if it is within twenty feet of the activating hero.