Celaena Sardothien (Age: 24)
the pdf version is the most up-to-date

Classes & Levels4 (Fighter 4)
Hit Points / Risk Dice / Deeds Known30 / 5 / 7
Heroic Deeds Known: 7
  1. Effortless Dodge
  2. Primary Foe
  3. Skin of Your Teeth
  4. Slow & Steady
  5. Soul of the Warrior
  6. Staggering Strike
  7. Unusual Prowess
Ability Scores (@ FGT 3)
shows progression through lv 3
STR 14/50 (+1) DEX 16/35 (+2) CON 15/20 (+2)
INT 11/20 (+0) WIS 13/20 (+1) CHA 09/20 (-1)
Armor Class02 (mithril shirt is base AC 4, Dex bonus +2)
Traits • Monster Slayer +3
• Ruin Explorer +3
• Hunter +3
• Arms Merchant +1
Overall Attack Bonus / Raw THAC0 +4 / 16
Primary Weapon: Greatsword
   Damage (1d10+2)
Modified (for BAB/STR bonus) THAC0: 16     Dmg: 1d10
AC 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 or lower
Roll 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18

Secondary Weapons:
   Longbow 1d10+2
   Dagger 1d4+2
   +1 Boot Knife 1d3+3 (THAC0: 14)
Modified (for BAB & Dex bonus) THAC0: 15    Dmg: 1d10
AC 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 or lower
Roll 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  • one standard backpack
  • leather armor
  • a pair of daggers
  • +1 boot knife
  • glass flask of oil x 5
  • long bow
  • +1 greatsword
  • one pint of strong spirits
  • 50' of hemp rope
XP Accrued / Till Next Level 9,100 / 4,900
History upon attaining 4th overall level (Fighter 4):

      (STR 14/?, DEX 16/?, CON 15/?, INT 11/?, WIS 13/?, CHA 09/?)

upon attaining 3rd overall level (Fighter 3):

      (STR 14/50, DEX 16/35, CON 15/20, INT 11/20, WIS 13/20, CHA 09/20)

upon attaining 2nd overall level (Fighter 2):
      (STR 14/25, DEX 16/10, CON 15/10, INT 11/10, WIS 13/10, CHA 09/10)