Classes & Levels | Fighter 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hit Points / Risk Dice / Deeds Known | 22 / 5 / 7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Heroic Deeds Known: 7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ability Scores shows progression through lv 3 |
STR 16/35 (+2) DEX 17/35 (+3) CON 15/20 (+2) INT 12/20 (+0) WIS 13/20 (+0) CHA 13/20 (+0) |
Armor Class | 5 (leather armor is base AC 8, Dex makes it 5) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Traits |
• Prowls Like a Pather +3 • Outdoorsman +3 • Timbersea Beastiary +2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Overall Attack Bonus / |
+3 / 17 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Short Sword Longbow |
Gear |
XP Accrued / Till Next Level | 5,000 / 4,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
History |
upon attaining 3rd overall level (Fighter 3): (STR 16/20, DEX 17/50, CON 12/50, INT 13/10, WIS 13/20, CHA 13/20) upon attaining 2nd overall level (Fighter 2): (STR 16/10, DEX 17/25, CON 15/25, INT 12/10, WIS 13/10, CHA 13/10) |
Others' opinions about Thrisk |
Delenevar, a druid residing DownTree: "Young Thrisk? Why, he's the only person who ever drops by to visit me here, Canopyneath. I dare not say too much, lest I cause him to become shunned as am I, but — in truth, he has a strong Soil Leaning. I'd be not a bit surprised to learn he's been farther downtree than I myself. I'd not care to wager how many times the lad has been downcanopy these last seven years. A maverick, is Thrisk. The Vine-tender of Cresseltree: "Thrisk? He was a good child, but a bit too willing toward mischief and often more-inclined toward sole-jaunts than towards xylemnating with other Rootchildren. And these last seven years since Stomata-sync? Much taken with ruminations about all things Down-canopy. Concerning, to say the least..." |