Scarlet Horizons
The DM's Notes
Work needed on website:
• Flesh out entry on Herne
• Finish Helix Village entries, then image map the image of Helix to those subpages
• Create Norker entry in Monsters; image is already sourced (done)
• add Lanky's +1 dagger and +1 short sword to magic items for the Phandelver PCs
Prep needed for session #3 of Lancaster-Phandelver Campaign:
• Grant and Lauren will roll for stat improvements at start of Session 3...
• Lanky & Celaena's online charsheets need ability score progressions added
• Update Lanky & Celaena's notebooks with character sheet info player use
• Update Feyre's notebook with character sheet info player use
• Reminder: party bought a 10-acre farm just outside Phandalin with creek/apple orchard
• Reminder: PCs are each lv 3; max HP: 16 (Feyre), 20 (Lancaster), 24 (Celaena)
• PC wealth: 18cp/155gp/15pp(Lanky), 165gp/09sp(Celaena), 163gp/10sp/09blkCu (Feyre)
• Party wealth: 2,000 GP-worth of silver/gold ingots remaining
• Award each PC a 300 XP story award for taking care of the Redbrand threat
• Roll d4 results for Feyre's ability score improvement for level 3: 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1
• Feyre's stats are: STR 10/20, DEX 15/35, CON 14/20, INT 16/50, WIS 12/20, CHA 08/35
• Upload Feyre's level 3 character sheet to website
Prep needed for session #2 of Lancaster-Phandelver Campaign:
• Give players handouts
• Give players link to regional map
• Show players goblins, bugbears, The Glass Staff
• Have players roll for ability score percentile increases
• Hand out dice sets to players
• Finish reading Lost Mine of Phandelver (I'm at 'Important NPCs' p 15)
• Determine each PC's treasure (done)
• Update existing Heroic Deeds (done)
◦ Assign missing Heroic Deeds to character sheets (done)
General Expected Flow of Play for Session #2:
• Sell lizards and mithril at the Phandalin Miners' Exchange
◦ 4,000 GP, making PCs a Redbrand target
• The dwarven cleric takes his share (1,000 GP) and leaves Phandelin, heading for Eastdale
• Quelline Alderleaf (Halfing farmer) invites PCs to supper
◦ her son Carp reveals knowledge of a tunnel to bandit hideout beneath manor
◦ offers PCs loft in barn to spare expense of the Stonehill Inn
• Possible Quests for Day 2 in Phandalin
◦ Orc trouble eastward on the Triboar Trail near Wyvern Tor (100 gp)
◦ Locate Cragmaw Castle and defeat goblin chieftain (500 gp)
◦ Orc trouble eastward on the Triboar Trail near Wyvern Tor (100 gp)
◦ Sildar Hallwinter: PCs investigate manor for Iarno (200 gp defeat Glasstaff)
◦ Confront Redbrands @ fem dwf Grista's 'Sleeping Giant' tap (400 gp)
Redbrands vs Party |
| vs Feyre (AC 8) | vs Celaena (AC 6) | vs Lancaster (AC 6) |
Mook | 12 | 14 | 14 |
Lieutenant | 10 | 12 | 12 |
GlassStaff | 12 | 14 | 14 |
Party vs Redbrands |
| vs Mook (AC 8) | vs Lieutenant (AC 6) | vs GlassStaff |
Lancaster | 10 | 12 | 12 |
Feyre | 12 | 14 | 14 |
Celaena | 09 | 11 | 11 |
Aury/Mattie Campaign
Current Party Equipment (evening of Oct. 23, 204 PR)
As below, except:
+ 10 torches (Aury 2, Jasyn 2, Mattie 6)
+ some coinage and other loot to be stored securely at Chapterhouse
Current Party Equipment (as of Oct. 23, 204 PR)
+ 1 week's worth of iron rations per party member (Aury, Jasyn, Mattie)
+ Wealth carried: (Aury - none, Jasyn - 4 chroma 6 cp, Mattie)
+ 9 8 torches (Aury 2, Jasyn 2, Mattie 5 4 3)
+ 3 tarps 12x12 (Aury 1, Jasyn 1, Mattie 1)
+ 3 balls of twine 40' each (Aury 1, Jasyn 1, Mattie 1)
+ 3 tin mess kits (Aury 1, Jasyn 1, Mattie 1)
+ 3 ropes of 50' hemp (Aury 1, Jasyn 1, Mattie 1)
+ 3 Flint & Steel or other fire-starter devices (Aury 1, Jasyn 1, Mattie 1)
+ 3 One-pint containers of strong spirits (Aury 1, Jasyn 1, Mattie 1)
+ 3 One-quart containers of water (Aury 1, Jasyn 1, Mattie 1)
+ 3 Pairs of hip-waders (Aury 1, Jasyn 1, Mattie 1)
+ 5 metal spikes (Mattie)
+ 1 prospector's pick-hammer (Aury)
+ 1 high-quality crowbar (Brother Jasyn)
+ 1 Visitor cuprous-fed heater weighing 2# (Brother Jasyn)
+ 1 sledgehammer weighing 10# (Aury)
+ 1 hardened iron wedge 3# (Aury)
+ 2 foldable shovels (Mattie 1, Brother Jasyn 1)
+ 3 doses of the alchemist Athelbyn's most potent poison antidote (Aury)
+ scroll with 3 remove curse spells (Aury)
+ scroll with 2 cure disease spells (Aury)
+ 2 1 potions of cure serious wounds (Jasyn)
Level 02 & Equipping - Oct. 23, 204 PR
Aury sells studded leather for 17 GP (Aury 157.2846 GP)
Aury buys scale armor for 60 GP (Aury 97.2846 GP)
Aury buys 3 doses of the alchemist Athelbyn's most potent poison antidote (67.0 GP)
Aury buys a scroll with 3 remove curse spells @ 10 GP ea. (37.0 GP)
Aury buys a scroll with 2 cure disease spells @ 15 GP ea. (7.0 GP)
Aury buys a spellbook (the vendor takes a bath) @ 7 GP
Mattie buys an enchanted orichalcum band for his quarterstaff
Mattie and Aury are flat broke, even after accepting minor funding from their chapterhouse
Aury chooses to gain his 1st level in Magic-User as he attains overall character level 02. He gains 2 more HP for the level in Mage, and two more for a 17 Constitution's bonus, for a total HP change from 13 max to 17 max.
Aury learns a magic-user spell: Eldritch Bolt, which can produce an eldritch bolt that unerringly strikes its target for 1d6+1 (converts to either 1 or 2 Scarlet Heroes damage).
Matthias chooses to take a level in Fighter, becoming Mage 1 / Fighter 1. He gains 4 HP for the level in Fighter, plus 2 more HP due to Constitution bonus. These +6 HP raise his maximum health to 16/16 HP. Mattie gains two new Heroic Deeds, and he chooses Effortless Dodge and Oh, Look, More Torches!
DM Fiat: Magic-Users can use up to medium armor. They cannot cast (usually) if using a shield, as many spells require both hands for somatic components. This means Matthias is definitely looking for a good set of armor. Funds simply ran out after Aury's armor upgrade to scale.
Matthias's Heroic Deeds known are now: Arcane Deflection, Effortless Dodge, Eldritch Swap, Manipulate Fate, and Oh Look — Torches! And given his high Intelligence, Mattie can now cast four 1st level spells daily. Auriochos' Heroic Deeds known are now: Arcane Deflection, Blessed Assurance, Eldritch Swap, Healing Surge, and Karmic Balance.
Gursk's Visions - Oct. 22, 204 PR
The first of the five undead incursions that goblin shaman Gursk Spiritspeaker has foreseen occurred on 18 Oct. 204 PR, the second on 22 Oct. 204 PR. The next will occur 30 Oct. 204; the fourth, on Nov 20, 204 PR, and the last (and fifth) on January 1st, 205 PR.
The foregoing timeline is accurate if heroes don't step in and alter the fate of the Scarface goblin tribe — and indeed of the whole region of Stigrix, for the undead are being created in increasing numbers by some ancient, dark power located somewhere within the bog, presumably within the extensive Barrowmaze, if Gursk's shamanic visions and intuitions are to be trusted.