Cleric core class
Prime ability: Wisdom; the Cleric is the voice and tool of a Power, be it a power of Good or Evil. Clerics can detect good and evil at will. They can also Read Magic at will. Given sufficient time and materials — the latter being expensive — a cleric can create spell scrolls of clerical spells that are within the cleric's knowledge and power.
Party Boon at Cleric 1: A cleric who is part of an adventuring party or other small group may, once per round, cast the Boon orizon if no actions other than movement and Fray Die are undertaken. The Boon recipient must be within the cleric's line of sight and within sixty feet of the cleric. The recipient regains 1 HP and any detrimental status effects are suspended for the next {Cleric's level} rounds.
Personal Boon at Cleric 3: a Good cleric gains the ability to remove curse by sacrificing a Risk Die. An Evil cleric instead gains the ability to bestow curse in the same manner. A bestowed curse successfully resisted via a saving throw still imposes a -1 penalty to AC and to-hit for two rounds; a failed save imposes double the penalties for a full turn. These effects require physical contact — they may be delivered via either a touch attack or melee attack. Clerics can use these abilities innately up to twice between every long rest.
Clerics of any alignment can neutralize poison or cure disease once daily by sacrificing two Risk Dice.
Clerics gain spells per the spell progression table.