Cut-Throat subclass

Prime ability: Strength or Dexterity. A Cut-Throat raises the Thief's deadliness to a whole new plateau. Cut-Throats largely fill the roles of assassins, bounty hunters, and enforcers.


Party Boon at Cut-Throat 1: a party with a Cut-Throat enjoys Advantage on any Sense Motive or Intimidate checks made as individual party members.

Personal Boon at Cut-Throat 3: At third level the Cut-Throat gains Advantage on Circle attacks.

A Cut-Throat at 2nd level adds both Dexterity and Strength modifiers to damage on Circle and Backstab attacks.

A Cut-Throat at 4th level may deliver bleeding wounds that inflict 1d3 HP per round until healed or bandaged.

A Cut-Throat gains Advantage on Backstab attacks at Level 5. The Cutthroat subclass does not extend beyond Level 5.