The Silver Standard

Silver Standard Caravan Company, The

This building serves as the supply depot for the Silver Standard Merchant Caravan Company in Helix. Trade goods are both delivered and loaded at this location. Billworth Turgen oversees each shipment personally and normally has a small crew of men to load and unload the caravans. The building is locked at night. It may also be guarded by 0 level men-at-arms subject to the situation.

The Silver Standard Caravans follow a route that exchanges goods between the settlements at Helix, Ironguard Motte, and Bogtown. Iron ore, iron goods, and lumber are loaded at Bogtown and brought to Ironguard Motte. These goods are then sold or forwarded to Helix. The same takes place from Helix to Ironguard Motte and then to Bogtown.

In addition to the exchange of goods, the company is often asked to transport persons or cargo of import. In these situations the rate of pay is triple or more. Members of the Ironguard family and select merchants always travel with additional protection.