XP Award On-The-Spot Shut Up Duergar

"Ye call me a a betrayer o' me Dwarven kin... Ye are not me kin... Ye and yer forefather's choosed a path that betrayed all o' Dwarf kind... Ye engage in despicable acts that fall in the face of all morals of decency and ye 'ave the nerve ta label me and other goodly Dwarves as betrayer's... Like we should turn a blind eye to yer treachery 'cause yer a Dwarf?  Ye shut yer mouth 'afor I shut it fer ye permanently... ye've committed a crime against the Beastmen and they will be the ones to mete out yer punishment but don't ye think fer one second I'm gonna tolerate the garbage you're spewing until we get ye there." 

Spot XP Award: 100 XP Well-said, Xavamros!