Kaden Worst
Kaden Worst
Barbarian 2
AC 6 (leather, Dex)
29 Hit Points
Str: 18/80 (+3)
Dex 14/75 (+1)
Con: 14/20 (+1)
Int 10/25 (+0)
Wis 11/25 (+0)
Cha: 10/20 (+0)
Kaden is a Hippotian barbarian, resistant to slashing type damage. He carries the unique, rune-inscribed blade known as Cirocanth that deals 5d4 base damage on a hit. He will not speak of his childhood or from whence he originally hails, and he most certainly will not talk about his sword's origin.
His blade requires Strength 14 to lift and Strength 18+ to wield in combat. It crits on natural 19 or 20 attack roll.
In combat, Kaden says, in a rumbling, gravelly voice, "Drop your weapon, and I will make your death a quick one."
Saving Throws
Death Ray/Poison: 12
Wands: 13
Paralysis/Turn-to-Stone: 14
Dragon Breath: 15
Rods/Staves/Spells: 16