Heroic Deed: Stinging Second Attack

Available to FGT 7+, THF 12+, CLE 17+, MAG 22+

Sacrifice a Risk Die. If it doesn't come up '1', you may make a second melee attack this round. If it hits, add {+Risk Die Result} to the damage on a single damage die. There is a {Risk Die Result}% chance you gain one percentile point to your Strength score. If you choose to sacrifice two Risk Dice for this deed, this second attack is made at a +4 bonus to-hit. The deed succeeds as long as one of the two Risk Dice isn't a '1', and the damage added to the second attack may be taken from either of the two Risk Dice results. When you succeed in invoking this heroic deed, you may remove one negative status or spell effect from your person and you regain a number of hit points equal to half those inflicted with your second attack. These cannot be gained as temporary hit points.