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Sizemordicus — a city many miles southeast of Helix. Ruled by a wizard autarch, this city is famous for its fences, cutthroats, and politicians. It has a population of over 20,000 people. The city is surrounded by a stone wall thirty feet high and ten thick, fashioned of cut limestone blocks quarried from the Soot Mountains in the years 06 to 24 PR. The circular Mordician Park at the center of the city is a mile in diameter, featuring numerous trails, various open areas, and considerable old growth forest. It is home to numerous treants and mandrakes.


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Lichdom — the state of being a lich.


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Anataraxis — the least of Sceeva's brood, though still a mighty red dragon in life who achieved 19 hit-dice before her transformation. In undeath as a dracolich, 'Anna' — as some members of the Cult of the Dragon affectionately call her — has the following stat-block:

Apply the dracolich template to Anataraxis. This particular dracolich may attempt Necropivot once per combat encounter, and up to three times between long rests.

Though temporarily defeated by the Phandalin Four in the Barrow Bog, Anataraxis' phylactery wasn't destroyed, so she will reform and again menace the region of Stigrix.

Belt of Toughness

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Belt of Toughness - confers a +4 bonus on Constitution-based saving throws. When the wearer enters combat — i.e., becomes non-flatfooted and engaged in melee after a period of at least five minutes outside of combat — the wearer gains four temporary HP. Note: Feyre has improved the belt's enchantment so that it confers seven temporary HP instead of four. For 6,000 GP and three days of work, she can improve the belt even further, so that it confers +10 temp HP.

This item is currently worn by Lancaster Fox.

Valtarexus "Valtrex" Ischaria

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Valtarexus "Valtrex" Ischaria — a vampire with approximately 350 years of un-life in his history, but who puts it about that he is nearing his second century (perhaps some vampire hunter will glom onto this false fact and will underestimate him).

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