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My To-Do List

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Resume blog entries with B's in terminology; I finished the A's.

Ag-kirzhak, Krizhurg!

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"Ag-kirzhak, Krizhurg!" — Goblin for 'My Enemy's Strength, Now My Own'.


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AD&D — an acronym for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, a roleplaying game that has become a cultural phenomenon.


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Slaytonthorpe — A subregion in the northern quadrant of Southeastern Stigrix on the northeastern border of the Duchy of Aerik. Slaytonthorpe is famous for its Baron of Mutton inn and tavern. It is said to have the best mutton and beef brisket in the known world. Slaytonthorpe is also famous as the region in which a group of heroes famously recaptured Tornspire Keep in 25 PR.

Alemvean Banivardimor At Overall Level 3

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Overall Level 3
Lawful Good Halfling, HP: 17
XP Total: 4,000
TNL: 5,000

Str: 10/20 (+0)
Dex: 18/35 (+3)
Con: 09/20 (+0)
Int: 10/20 (+0)
Wis: 17/35 (+2)
Cha: 14/50 (+1)

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 10
Paralysis/Petrify: 11
Spells/Rods/Staves: 12
Wands: 13
Breath: 14

Special Abilities:
- Cure Disease
- Channel Energy 3 x daily
- Lay on Hands (@ PAL 2)
- Smite 2 + {CHA bonus} times daily

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +2
Equivalent Base THAC0: 18
+1 Bloodthirsty Vampiric dagger

* Damage Dealt:
   vs mundane foe m.THAC0 14 (1d4+4)

* If Alemvean successfully uses Enlightened Strike, then he may add an additional 3 points (the sum of Wis & Cha modifiers) of damage to the damages shown above.

Armor Class:
   Undressed/Prone 10
   full gear: -1
   flat-footed 3

Clerical spells:
3 1st

Typically Prepared:

Bless x 1 (target: caster, allies w/i 50' burst)
Divine Favor x 1 (target: self)
Shield of Faith x 1 (target: single)

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 7
   Daily Risk Dice: 5

  1. Bite the Bullet
  2. Call of the Wild
  3. Enlightened Strike
  4. Nature's Imprint
  5. Skin of Your Teeth
  6. Slow & Steady
  7. Staggering Strike

Other Equipment:
+1 bloodthirsty vampiric dagger
studded leather
+2 buckler
short bow
ethanol (1 pt., 80-proof)
potion extra-healing x 5

Versus mundane evil creatures, a paladin adds his Charisma bonus to other to-hit bonuses and adds his paladin levels (max 5) to damage.

Versus aberrations, evil outsiders, and undead, a paladin gets the foregoing bonuses against evil creatures, plus gets to add his Charisma bonus to damage, and his weapon's base damage die/dice is doubled.

Dark Magic

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Add your Dark Magic trait value to the saving throw penalty imposed when you cast an infernal or necromantic spell. The value of this trait may also be applied to damage inflicted by your spells or abilities.

Warlock subclass

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The warlock receives his pact blade upon first entering the Warlock class. This blade counts as a +3 weapon solely for the purpose of making touch and ranged touch attacks.

The party boon a warlock confers upon companions is that they receive 1 HP every time the warlock's pact blade inflicts damage.

The personal boon a warlock begins enjoying at Warlock 3: when your pact blade inflicts damage, you receive half the amount (rounded down) as restored Hit Points. If HP are already at maximum, instead gain these as temporary HP.

Regardless of whether the warlock is wielding the pact blade, whenever the warlock is struck in melee combat, the pact blade magically inflicts X damage on the attacker, where X is equal to the Warlock's total caster levels — as long as the pact blade is worn upon the warlock's person or carried in a pouch or backpack.

Area effect spells that include the warlock as one of multiple targets do not provoke this pact blade response, but spells targeted directly on the warlock do, as do ranged and melee attacks targeting the warlock.

At Warlock 2, the Warlock gains resistance to a damage type of his choice from the following list: radiant, necrotic, puncturing, slashing, bludgeoning, fire, cold, electricity, acid, and force.

At Warlock 4, the Warlock gains resistance to another damage type, not previously selected, from the foregoing list.

At the 5th and final level of Warlock, the warlock gains a permanent boon from its patron. Examples of such boons are the following at-will or automatic effects: regeneration 3, assume gaseous form, dispel magic 15' radius (as if cast by the warlock's patron), an AC improvement of 3, the ability to fly, or petrification. At Warlock 10, the warlock gains another boon from its patron, or increases the potency of an existing boon.

Warlocks may sacrifice prepared spells from other classes' spell lists to power their warlock spells.

Some patrons bestow lesser and or greater boons upon their warlocks at Warlock 1.

Monk sub-class

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Prime ability: Dexterity & Wisdom; the Monk subclass cannot wear armor, as the monk requires freedom of movement.


Party Boon at Monk 1: Once per long rest, a Monk can expend ki to rid herself and party members of fatigue and restore 2 HP to herself and up to {Monk level} allies. At Monk 3, she can instead do this once per short rest and restores 5 HP. At Monk 5 the restored HP rises to 10.

Personal Boon at Monk 3: At Monk 3, the Monk is never caught flat-footed, even when surprised. The monk can also reduce the number of 1d6's rolled for fall damage by their level in the monk class (and are still able to make a dexterity save for half damage on any remaining 1d6's to be rolled).

Monks can make a DC 13 saving throw to reduce falling damage or area effect damage by half upon success. If non-monk characters already get a saving throw for half-damage, then the monk suffers no damage on a successful save and half-damage on a failed save.

Because of their discipline, monks also may add their Wisdom modifier on saves against mind-influencing effects.

A monk's base armor class is 9, modified by Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers. For every two full levels in Monk up to and including Monk 10, this AC improves another step. Monks may wear magical rings and bracers, but cannot fight in armor. A monk applies her Monk level to saving throws against natural and magical diseases.

The Monk subclass gives access to the Flurry of Blows Heroic Deed.

NAudio playing mp3 files

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If you're going to play songs, you wanna use .mp3 format. That's not quite as simple. After some research, I found it's not difficult if you use a freely available library called NAudio. Your code must reference this library, whose code is contained in file NAudio.dll

Your code must reference this library, whose code is contained in file NAudio.dll (downloadable here). I should note that the following code will suffice equally well whether you wish to play .wav or .mp3 files.

<script src=""></script>

Autoscroll webpage

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Today, I changed the font face of blog posts to Lato, and the color from black to a dark gray (i.e., #494949). I'm using the clean theme with HTMLy. The style.css file is located in /themes/clean/

I'm wanting to learn coding skills so that I can create games that run in people's browsers and that may use some connectivity to a website. I'm not even really sure where to start, so I'm just reading some articles -- here's one; here's another.

I have a player in my mythweaver game that has some javascript background, so I'm gonna pick his brain. We'll see where it leads...

Also, the echoed output from my count_entries.php webpage is lengthy. I found a solution to make it auto-scroll to the bottom of the page after a one second delay.

I also found a javascript solution to scroll the above page to the bottom automatically, so that I see the summary data at the end of the page:

    function autoScrolling() {   
    window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight); }         
    setInterval(autoScrolling, 1000);

Placing the above javascript inside the tags of a webpage will cause the page to scroll to the bottom one second after loading.

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