Cares Not Serial Story Length

The Earth - It Cares Not (a serial totaling 23,250 words)

Post Words Title Cumulative
1 1,110 The Adventure Begins 1,110
2 1,733 At Camp Scarface 2,843
3 2,206 Frogling Livers? 5,049
4 2,042 An Afternoon of Skeletons 7,091
5 1,705 Chief Hurg Imparts A Quest 8,796
6 1,681 Brother Jasyn & the Lizardmen 10,477
7 3,227 Tomb Robbery One 13,704
8 1,944 At the Brazen Strumpet 15,648
9 1,124 Duties at the Chapterhouse 16,772
10 1,350 To Brookhollow in Caldamis 18,122
11 1,540 After Overnighting at Caddyshanks 19,662
12 1,595 Kellen's Rock Just Outside of Smokeshadow 21,257
13 1,993 A Fish Fry With Thine Enemies 23,250