Heroic Deeds
Heroic Deeds
Heroic Deeds cost Risk Dice and yield a chance of something beneficial occurring for the PC. They are special actions heroes can attempt, or desirable circumstances they can bring about.
Heroic Deeds are class-gated and sometimes also level- and/or ability score-gated. Unless stated otherwise in a specific Heroic Deed's description, a Heroic Deed used during combat can be done in addition to your normal movement, Fray Die usage, and melee/ranged attack.
Unless a particular Heroic Deed's description says otherwise, all Heroic Deeds require a Risk Die to be rolled and sacrificed in order to activate the effects of that deed — and any result other than a '1' on the d8 Risk Die roll indicates success. This sacrifice by rolling mechanic, with success indicated on Risk Die result greater than 1, is implied for all listed Heroic Deed descriptions unless explicitly stated otherwise.
A Risk Dice Pool powers Heroic Deeds. With very few exceptions, any time a Heroic Deed is attempted, a Risk Die must be sacrificed from the pool. When your Risk Dice pool is empty, you cannot attempt any further Heroic Deeds until a short rest restores a single Risk Die, or a long rest restores your full Risk Dice pool.
You may attempt to use up to three Heroic Deeds in a given round. If possible, using Dual Activation of two of these deeds is the smart play, because it counts as a single deed use. You may not use Dual Activation more than once per combat round.
A new PC in Scarlet Horizons begins play — at level 01 in a core class — knowing three Heroic Deeds, and with a Risk Dice Pool of four d8 dice. Upon attaining a new level, a PC gains additional Risk Dice and Heroic Deeds as shown in the table below — your PC may retcon known Heroic Deeds as desired when leveling up.
Risk Dice Pool size and Known Heroic Deeds are a function of overall character level.