Heroic Deed: Primary Foe

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Available to FGT 2+/RNG 2+/PAL 3+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If the result does not come up '1', pick one of multiple foes with whom you are currently engaged in combat. This is your Primary Foe. You have {Risk Die Result + 3} Primary Foe points to use during this fight. On any round during this melee, choose to use up one or more of those points to enhance a to-hit roll against that foe, or to enhance a saving throw made necessary by that foe, or to increase damage you deal to that foe. There is a {Risk Die Result}% chance that you gain one percentile point to either your Wisdom or Charisma score, your choice which one. You may not have more than a single foe targeted with this heroic deed at one time, and you may not have multiple instances of this deed targeting the same foe simultaneously. You may have more than a single primary foe at one time if you have successfully target 2+ foes with this heroic deed.

Heroic Deed: Pact of Fang & Fur

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Heroic Deed: Penetrating Backstab

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Available to THF 7+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it when you successfully hit with a backstab attack. If the result does not come up '1', there is a 1% chance you gain a single percentile point to your Dex score and you re-roll any 1's or 2's on dice results before applying the x3 backstab multiplier for damage. If the damage die is a d6 or greater, also re-roll 3's.

Baron Orvair Leonas

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Leonas, Baron Orvair — ruler of the fiefdom of Caldamis in the southeastern Southern Reaches.

The Southern Reaches

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Southern Reaches, The — the region bounded upon its northern edge by the southernmost points of the Northern Reaches. Not far across that border to the north lies the southernmost of the Moon Peaks. At the base of one of these mountains, shrouded in coniferous trees, is a shrine to the mysterious, ancient entity known as Zorgon. The Principality of Brine stretches across the Southern Reaches, ruled over by the Triarchs.

The Northern Reaches

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Northern Reaches, The — refers to the region from The Greenlands at its southern edge to the Tundra at its northern. The map of this region is 44 x 36 hexes, each hex five miles on a side.


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Caldamis, Barony of — a small fiefdom in the southeastern quadrant of the Southern Reaches which engages in trade with various Southern and Northern Reaches communities. This small barony is ruled by Orvair Leonas.

Heroic Deed: Oh Look, More Torches

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Available to all classes at all levels. Sometimes you're in the dungeon longer than anticipated. You'd be surprised how many dungeon deaths are the result of the loss of illumination — one mis-step and a trap, monster, or crevasse takes your life! More often, however, it's your former allies who kill you: Adventurer A: "I told you to bring more torches!" Adventurer B: "You never said that, and I wield a two-hander! How would I even make use of a torch?" Adventurer A: "Try wielding this, you @!#!!"* When you sacrifice a Risk Die, you suddenly find three more torches: "Let me check my pack one more time..." or "Oh, look, a chest full of gold, gems, and ... three torches!" For each of the three torches found, there is a 50% chance of also finding 1d4 golden royals (or their equivalent). No sage can explain why this is the case, but wise adventurers have glommed onto it. Wealth collected via this Deed can be spent as Treasure to gain XP. On the first use of this deed after every long rest, there is an 3% chance you gain one percentile point to a random Ability score

Heroic Deed: Nature's Imprint

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Available to Druid 1+. Focus on an area extending outward from the Druid to a distance of one hundred yards/meters per druid level. Within that affected area, the Druid becomes aware of a number of things.

  1. All animals (this includes animal breeds as well as their attitudes)
  2. All plants (to the extent of knowing their types as well as which are edible, which are medicinal, and which are poisonous)
  3. All natural water sources (the area of effect extends above and below); distinguishing between potable and non-potable water sources.
  4. The geographical lay of the land along with all natural hazards present in that area

This imprinted information stays accessible in the druid's mind for 1 minute per druid level x the result of the rolled die. If you detect a monster of at least 6 HD and slay it yourself, solo, gain 1 percentile point to Wisdom.

Heroic Deed: Multishifting

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Available to Druid 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If the die doesn't come up '1', take the result and add your Druid level. This result determines how many times you can alter your shape within the duration of a single use of the Shapeshifting ability. If the Risk Die came up '8', gain five percentile points to Wisdom.

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