Heroic Deed: Master Many Forms

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Available to Druid 2+. Sacrifice a Risk Die. If you succeed at a DC 9 Intelligence check (to have knowledge of a specific creature), you can shapeshift into any creature of a total HD equal to your Druid level. Once you've assumed a creature type, you no longer need to make an Intelligence check to assume that form. There is a {Risk Die Result}% chance that you gain one percentile point to your Wisdom score.

Heroic Deed: Manipulate Fate

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Available to MAG 1+. 'Foes' are enemy combatants within 60' of you when you enact this heroic deed. Roll and expend a Risk Die. If the result is 1, you lose 1 HP and foes suffer -1 to all their rolls the remainder of the current and all of the next round. If the result is 2-7, you regain 5 HP and foes suffer -2. On an 8 result, you and all allies within 30 feet of you regain 3 HP and all foes suffer -3 to all rolls next round (and if any foes qualify for Advantage, they don't get it). A given mage may not use this heroic deed more than once per round, and it takes the place of any spellcasting or melee attacks. However, different mages' simultaneous use of this deed may stack with one another. If the Risk Die comes up '8', there is a five percent chance of gaining 10 percentile points to a random ability score.

Lucky Moment

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Available to Halfling characters of any class and level, and to THF 2+ and MAG 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If successful, you gain Advantage on the next to-hit roll, saving throw, or ability check you make within the next full minute — you may also use this ability retroactively. Or, you may reduce a single die result to '1' when Defying Death. If this deed results in a hit, a successful saving throw or ability check, or successfully Defying Death, you gain one percentile point to any two Ability Scores of your choice.

Heroic Deed: Limb Shot

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Available to Gunslinger 2+, Ranger 2+, Thief 9+ or its non-Bard subclasses 6+. When you hit with a ranged weapon against a humanoid foe within thirty feet and clear line of sight, roll and expend a Risk Die. If successful, that creature must make a Moldvay save versus death or suffers a hit to one of her arms (your choice which arm), drops anything in the hand on that side of her body, and makes any melee attacks at -6 the remainder of this encounter if she wields using that hand. If a foe is hit but succeeds at the save, they still suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls the remainder of the current round and all of the next round. If your target fails the save, you gain one percentile point to your Dexterity score. If they succeed at the saving throw, there is still a 5% chance you gain the one percentile point to Dex.

Heroic Deed: Leap of the Heavens

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Available to Sohei 1+, Monk 3+, Thief 9+ or its non-Bard subclasses 6+. Roll and expend a Risk Die. If you succeed, you are able to jump up to and including {Risk Die Result + overall character level} feet horizontally and three-fourths that distance (rounded up) vertically. Fail the check and the jump's range is one-half those distances. If you use this ability as part of an attack, that to-hit roll gains a +6 bonus and you add +10 bonus damage if you successfully hit. If used in conjunction with Circle or Backstab, the +10 damage is only applied after the multiplier.


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monster — a creature, natural or supernatural, that is generally feared, and/or generally unwelcome. Monsters may be (but tend not to be) humanoids. They are often powerful combatants. Some have spells or spell-like abilities. Monsters generally pose a threat to travelers, hamlets, thorpes, and towns. Adventurers are sometimes hired to slay monsters that have become problematic. A monster may also be slain in order to use one or more of its parts for spell components or to catalyze certain rituals.

Heroic Deed: Lead By Example

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Available to all adventuring classes at any level. When you successfully make a saving throw or succeed in an attack, then — if you successfully activate this deed — choose one ally. That ally gains a +4 bonus to his next saving throw or to-hit roll, and you gain one percentile point to your Charisma.

Heroic Deed: Karmic Balance

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Available to Bard 1+, Cleric 1+, Magic-User 6+ & subs 3+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it when — in the midst of combat — you fail a saving throw or take damage. On the following round, that foe suffers a penalty to one saving throw of your choice, or to its to-hit roll, that is equal to X, where X is the number of points by which you failed your saving throw or by which your Hit Points dropped. If the foe fails a save or misses a melee/ranged attack the next round, gain one percentile point to your Wisdom or Charisma, your choice which one. If you fail your Risk Die activation roll (by rolling a '1' on the d8), you experience Karmic Backlash and are -1 on all rolls for the remainder of this encounter.

Heroic Deed: Iron Shell

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Available to Cleric 3+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If you succeed, an ally you can see within thirty feet of your position gains a bonus of {Risk Die Result} to her AC until the start of your next turn, and you gain +{8 - Risk Die Result} to your next roll. You both regain 1 HP, and you gain one percentile point to your Wisdom score. This divine ability can be used simultaneously with a Fray Die use, a cast spell, or a regular combat attack.

Heroic Deed: Intensify Spell

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Available to MU 3+. Sacrifice a Risk Die by rolling it. If you succeed, add 50% to the damage the spell inflicts — calculate dice totals first, then add 50% of that amount. Intensifying a spell is dangerous: if your Risk Die comes up '1', you suffer 2d8 arcane backlash as your attempt fails. Successfully intensifying a spell of at least 3rd level results in a gain of one percentile point to your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma — your choice.

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