Heroic Deed: Indomitable Defense

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Available to core fighter class at level 2. Sacrifice a Risk Die. If successful, then for the remainder of the current round and the next {your total FGT levels + Risk Die Result} rounds, you gain an improvement of X to your AC, where X is the sum of your Dexterity and Strength modifiers (minimum 1). When you successfully activate this deed, you marshal your inner resources and regain 5 HP. There is an X% chance you gain a percentile point either to DEX or STR (determine randomly).

Heroic Deed: Improve Equipment

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Available to Magic-User 3+, Cleric 5+, and Cleric sub-classes 3+. If this is your first day of enchanting and alchemically treating this particular item of equipment, then create a variable, Progress, and assign the value zero to it. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. Simultaneously, spend 25 gp on the cost to acquire and use a single day's worth of an array of special alchemical liquids to enhance and intensify the dweomers you weave upon this good quality weapon or piece of armor. Add the Risk Die Result to variable, Progress. If you are an Enchanter, also add your Enchanter level. If Progress already holds a value greater than zero, add the Risk Die Result to that value and assign the sum back to variable Progress. If the variable holds a cumulative result of sixteen or greater, you have dweomered the weapon, shield, or suit of armor into a masterwork item. If the item is a weapon, it now gets a +1 masterwork bonus that applies to to-hit rolls with the weapon. If it is a shield or armor, it gains in durability and will not rust, patinae, or mildew. If the item is not a weapon, shield, or piece of armor (i.e., it's a wand, rod, necklace, etc.), it must be made of precious materials valued at not less than 150 GP. Upon successfully improving such an item, it becomes a candidate for Flawless Construction.

Heroic Deed: Improved Cleave

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Available to FGT 8+, PAL 5+, RNG 3+. Prerequisite: Cleave. When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points or score a critical hit with a melee weapon on your turn, you can spend a Risk Die by rolling it. If the Risk Die result isn't '1', move up to 15 feet and make another melee weapon attack as part of the same action, with a +4 to-hit bonus. This is not considered a second attack. On a hit, you add twice the Risk Die's result to the attack's damage roll, and if that attack slays/destroys the target, regain a spent Risk Die and 5 hit points. These may be temporary hit points.

Heroic Deed: Improved Ambuscade

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Available to anyone with at least one level in Ranger, or four levels in Thief, or one level in Cutthroat. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. As long as the result isn't '1': Apply the Risk Die Result to your first attack in an ambush you join or orchestrate (that occurs within {your [choose one: Cutthroat/Ranger/Thief] level(s)} hours). The bonus applies to the to-hit roll. Should your initial ambush attack succeed, add the Risk Die result plus your Dexterity modifier to your combat damage and/or to the rolled damage of a trap you've set. Both you and your allies in the ambush gain the to-hit bonus, but only you gain the damage bonus. These bonuses apply only the surprise round of the ambush encounter. For each victim slain or immobilized by your ambush, there is a 1% cumulative chance that you gain one percentile point to your Dexterity ability score.

Heroic Deed: Hunter's Mark

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Available only to RNG 1+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool by rolling it. If you are RNG 4+, you succeed automatically in placing a hunter's mark on a target of your choice that is within 90 ft. of your position when you activate this Heroic Deed. If your Ranger level is less than 4, then you succeed as long as the Risk Die result isn't '1'. For the remainder of this round and for the next ten rounds, any attacks you make against the marked target gain a +1 to-hit bonus. Those that successfully strike the target inflict additional damage equal to your Wisdom bonus, or equal to one, if you have no Wisdom bonus or suffer a Wisdom penalty. If using Scarlet Heroes damage system, apply this bonus damage to one of the successful hit's damage dice only.

Heroic Deed: Holy Aura

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Available only to good-aligned PAL 1+/CLE 9+. Expend a Risk Die from your Risk Dice Pool. You draw down holy power to aid allies within thirty feet at the time of invocation. Allies gain 2 HP. For the remainder of this round and for the next ten rounds you gain an additional die of melee weapon damage, and those allies gain DR 2 against damage inflicted by evil foes. Whenever an ally is spared some damage by this DR, you have a 1% chance of gaining one percentile point to either your Wisdom or Charisma ability score.

Spell: Asmodeus Touch

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Asmodeus Touch
Level: cantrip
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 feet Duration: Instantaneous

Available to Warlock 1+ of Asmodeus. When you succeed at a touch attack, roll a Risk Die. You inflict {Risk Die result} damage on the successfully touch-attacked foe, and you gain HP equal to your Charisma or Intelligence modifier, whichever is greater (minimum of 1). These may be gained as temporary hit points if you were already at your normal maximum HP.

As a cantrip, the warlock of Asmodeus may cast this once per combat round without limitation. He may choose to cast this using a higher level spell slot, in which case the damage inflicted is {Risk Die Result + CHA or INT modifier} and you gain HP equal to your Charisma or Intelligence modifier plus two (minimum 3).

Spell: Asmodeus' Disdain

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Asmodeus' Disdain (1st level Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 20 feet Duration: Instantaneous

Available to Warlock 1+ of Asmodeus. You release a 20-foot radius burst of devilish disdain, inflicting damage on each foe caught in the burst equal to 1d6 plus either your Charisma or Intelligence modifier — no saving throw but spell resistance applies.

If you possess the Dark Magic trait, apply its value as additional damage.

For each foe affected, gain one HP cumulatively and a +1 cumulative bonus to your next die roll before the end of your turn the following round. Your AC improves by 1 until the end of the current round. Example: if the warlock rolls 3 on the d6 die and the burst affects three targets, then the warlock would gain (1+2+3) hit points and a +3 bonus to next die roll. Any hit points beyond the caster's normal maximum are gained as temporary HP. These last until removed by injury or until ten minutes have passed.

Spell: Hellish Rebuke

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Hellish Rebuke (1st level mage)

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in response to being damaged by a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see.
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Instantaneous

You point your finger, and the creature that damaged you is momentarily surrounded by hellish flames. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st, to a maximum of 6d10.

Spell: Fell Finger

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Fell Finger (cantrip)

Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 60 feet

Make a ranged touch attack by pointing your finger at a target. If you hit successfully, inflict 1d6 plus your Warlock level plus your INT or CHA modifier in force damage, and you sustain the applied ability modifier in damage yourself. You may also apply your Dark Magic trait's value to this damage.

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