
for all things related to my Scarlet Horizons setting for roleplaying.

Heroic Deed: Ancient Aura

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Available to dwarven clerics 3+. You gain a +X bonus to saving throws for the remainder of this and the next Y rounds, and +Z improvement to Armor Class for the same duration — where X is the Risk Die result, Y is your levels in Cleric to a dwarven deity, and Z is equal to (8 minus X). This deed makes clerics to Geddinthor, Thaneduhr, and Moradin extremely resilient in battle. A given cleric cannot be under the influence of multiple Ancient Auras simultaneously.

Heroic Deed: Arcane Deflection

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Available to Magic-User 1+ and Bards 2+. A faintly-visible field forms around you and endures for the remainder of this round, plus the next X rounds where X is equal to your overall caster levels. Any corporeal melee or ranged attack that hits you for the duration has its incoming damage reduced by Y, where Y is equal to the sum of your Intelligence modifier and one other ability score's modifier of your choice (minimum '1' result). Exception: on the round in which the shield forms, it blocks (Y + Z) damage, where Z is the ability score modifier of a third Ability Score not yet selected (minimum Z value of 1). Each time the shield thus reduces incoming damage, there is a cumulative one-percent chance that you gain 1 percentile point to an Ability Score of your choice.

Heroic Deed: Murder-Hobo Madness

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Available to characters with 10+ collective levels in Fighter and fighter-subclasses, or in Thief and thief-subclasses. Target up to five foes, each of which is at least four or more levels or Hit Dice less powerful than you. They must all be within thirty feet of your position when you declare this heroic deed. Make an attack roll against each. If it hits, the target must make a successful Constitution check or die. If it succeeds at the Constitution check or doesn't have a CON score, it instead takes 5X damage, where X is your total Fighter and Thief (and their sublcasses) levels. You may not attempt this deed more than once on a given target during the same encounter.

Heroic Deed: Deft Blade

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Available to Fighter 1+. Let T equal the rolled result, and let D equal (8 minus T). Apply T as a bonus to your THAC0 this round of combat, and add (D + {your total Fighter and Fighter-subclass levels}) to your damage if you score a hit. You may declare a use of Deft Blade before or after making an attack in combat. If that attack hits, you are immune to all melee damage for the remainder of the round, so masterful is your bladework. When you successfully hit in combat in a round that you used Deft Blade, there is a 5% chance of gaining 5 percentile points to STR, CON, or DEX — determined randomly. A given character cannot use Deft Blade more than once per combat round.

Heroic Deed: Death Ward

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Available to Mage 3+. An invisible aura forms around you. This death ward persists for eight hours, until you dismiss it, or until it is dispelled or is triggered. If you are targeted with a Finger of Death or Disintegrate spell, or Death Word while protected in this fashion, your Death Ward defeats it (you do not need to make a saving throw), and is itself ended. You may instead opt to surrender your Death Ward when you take damage from a spell, weapon, fall, or trap. In this event, the ward winks out after preventing 3d8+X damage to your person — where X is your total caster levels.

Heroic Deed: Death Word

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Available to Mage 3+. Select one living creature within thirty feet of your position. That creature must make a DC 15 saving throw against your magic (or save vs Death, if using Moldvay saves), or else fall dead. If the creature is of higher level or has more hit dice than you have total levels, it gains a +1 bonus to its saving throw per level of difference that exists. If you are higher level, apply the difference as a penalty to the creature's saving throw. This deed can be thwarted by spell resistance. Adjust the target's SR appropriately, based on level difference between caster and target — not to fall below 5% and not to rise above 95%. It's important to be aware of the consequences of failure in using this heroic deed.

Magen Eisenthrast

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Magen Eisenthrast — An accomplished mage who commands a position of respect in the Chapterhouse to which Auriochos and Matthias belong.


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Hippotian — a now rarely-manifested crossbreed of human and one of the Outsiders' slave races that were bred hundreds of millennia ago. A consensus among sages is that fewer than one in one hundred thousand people born today manifest this particular set of characteristics. Hippotians were bred for strength, endurance, and survivability. They have resistance to slashing damage.

Hippotians are invariantly physically imposing specimens that have two hook-like fingers and a similar hooked thumb on each hand. Their feet are thick and stump-like, with three heavy, thick claws like one might have seen on a prehistoric sauroid.

Kaden Worst

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Kaden Worst
Barbarian 2
AC 6 (leather, Dex)
29 Hit Points

Str: 18/80 (+3)
Dex 14/75 (+1)
Con: 14/20 (+1)
Int 10/25 (+0)
Wis 11/25 (+0)
Cha: 10/20 (+0)

Kaden is a Hippotian barbarian, resistant to slashing type damage. He carries the unique, rune-inscribed blade known as Cirocanth that deals 5d4 base damage on a hit. He will not speak of his childhood or from whence he originally hails, and he most certainly will not talk about his sword's origin.

His blade requires Strength 14 to lift and Strength 18+ to wield in combat. It crits on natural 19 or 20 attack roll.

In combat, Kaden says, in a rumbling, gravelly voice, "Drop your weapon, and I will make your death a quick one."

Saving Throws
Death Ray/Poison: 12
Wands: 13
Paralysis/Turn-to-Stone: 14
Dragon Breath: 15
Rods/Staves/Spells: 16

Grok Goldtooth

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Grok Goldtooth
Barbarian 2
AC 6 (leather, Dex)
31 Hit Points

Str: 17/20 (+2)
Dex 12/95 (+0)
Con: 16/10 (+2)
Int 10/25 (+0)
Wis 10/85 (+0)
Cha: 08/20 (-1)

Grok is a half-orc, but looks closer to full-orc. He wields a heavy battleaxe that inflicts base damage of 1d0 (3d6 versus Large or bigger creatures). He hair prematurely graying hair, and never fails to get fighting mad when Krelg Sawsword called him 'Grandfather'. In hostile situations, Grok usually chooses to kill first and ask questions later. Truthfully, he rarely has any questions other than where his next will is coming from.

Saving Throws
Death Ray/Poison: 12
Wands: 13
Paralysis/Turn-to-Stone: 14
Dragon Breath: 15
Rods/Staves/Spells: 16

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