
for all things related to my Scarlet Horizons setting for roleplaying.

Krelg Sawsword

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Krelg Sawsword
Fighter 2
AC 4 (double-chain)
22 Hit Points

Str: 15/10 (+1)
Dex 13/80 (+1)
Con: 15/75 (+1)
Int 09/20 (+0)
Wis 12/35 (+1)
Cha: 09/75 (+0)

Krelg is a half-orc fighter who generally gives no quarter. He fell in with Savra in PR 202 and she treats him well, so as to retain his loyalty and protection. Krelg is brutal and, unknown to him, has Fey blood going back three generations in his ancestry. This manifests in-game as MR 30% magic resistance and a +2 to saving throws versus spells and spell-like effects. Krelg hasn't yet been in a situation that revealed this to himself or to his companion.

Saving Throws
Death Ray/Poison: 12
Wands: 13
Paralysis/Turn-to-Stone: 14
Dragon Breath: 15
Rods/Staves/Spells: 16

Earnest Thromb

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Revole Ting
Caravan Master 5/Thief 4
AC 1 (half-plate, shield, Dex)
22 Hit Points

Str: 09/65 (+0)
Dex: 15/50 (+1)
Con: 14/85 (+1)
Int 12/10 (+0)
Wis 12/25 (+1)
Cha 13/70 (+1)

Revole is a one-time ambitious halfling merchant and caravan-master. Unluckily, Thromb was among those unfairly blamed for Auriochos d'Rosenberg's death in a battle with gnolls. Matthias d'Slaytonthorpe nearly slew Thromb, and coerced him into pledging fealty to Asmodeus and to Matthias. Thromb came out of it alive but changed. His right arm is now covered in abominable scales and spikes and carries fell power garnered from hell.

Thromb's right cheek is similar afflicted, but he wears an amulet given him by Lord Ember (Matthias' alias) that hides these monstrous deformities via powerful illusion and also grants Thromb invisibility once per long rest.

Saving Throws
Death Ray/Poison: 13
Wands: 14
Paralysis/Turn-to-Stone: 13
Dragon Breath: 16
Rods/Staves/Spells: 15

Savra Skullmaster

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Savra Skullmaster
Cleric of Nergal 3
AC 1 (half-plate, shield, Dex)
19 Hit Points

Str: 12/30 (+0)
Dex: 13/05 (+1)
Con: 13/25 (+1)
Int 10/80 (+0)
Wis 14/95 (+1)
Cha 11/30 (+0)

Savra is a 27 year-old red-headed human woman with flashing green eyes and a quick temper. She worships Nergal, and is equipped with half-plate, a +1 mace, +3 vs good-aligned creatures and deals them an additional two dice of damage. Over the past year, she — though the last miscreant to join the Kellen's Rock Culprits — has come to lead that band of ne'er-do-wells.

Spells: 3 1st-lv, 2 2nd-lv

Saving Throws
Death Ray/Poison: 11
Wands: 12
Paralysis/Turn-to-Stone: 14
Dragon Breath: 16
Rods/Staves/Spells: 15


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Kirkilston (Hamlet)
Population: 362
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Demographics: Human, approximately 50 elves, half-elves, and halflings
Political Structure: Ecclesiastical Law (St. Ygg); Petre of St. Ygg (Human Cleric)
Industry and Trade: Primarily Livestock (Sheep) and Agriculture (Corn), Mead, Lumber.

Kirkilston is named after the church, or kirk, at its center. The church, alongside the Red Temple in Eastdale and the Watchtower in Westkeep, provide the three key centers of faith, administration, and governance in The Prelacy of Middenmark. However, unlike the more puritanical stance of the clerics in Eastdale, The Red Laws are more relaxed in Kirkilston and the immediate surrounding area.


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Westkeep (Village)
Population: 649
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Demographics: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, and Halflings
Political Structure: Ecclesiastical Law (St. Ygg); Endra of St. Ygg (Human Cleric)
Industry and Trade: Horses, Bison, Livestock (Cattle, Pigs, Sheep), Lumber, Charcoal.

A village on the far western edge of the Middenmark, Westkeep draws its name from a single watchtower-monastery built by the local populace and the clerics of St. Ygg.

The watchtower serves as a means of protection but also a place of study and training for young apprentice clerics and monks. The door to the watchtower is 20 feet above the ground and accessed by a temporary wooden staircase. In the event of an attack the guards retreat to the watchtower and the staircase can be destroyed or burned to ensure their safety. The Red Laws are observed in Westkeep, but not as strictly as Eastdale.

The Spine Mountains

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Spine, The — a mountain range that runs from south of the Darkwood Forest to the northern edge of The Forbidden Zone. It also represents the eastern edge of the Middenmark region. The mountains in the center of The Spine are ice-capped. The range is known to be rich in minerals and gemstones. The dwarves of Citadel Silver (Silverhame) mine iron ore, silver, and gold. Bards still sing songs about the first dwarves and how they built a great kingdom in the mountains. Waves of monstrous humanoids, orcs, goblins, trolls, and giants from the far north, pushed them out and they fled to the southern tip of The Spine. Some say the dwarves even found a single vein of Mithril, the most rare and precious of metals, running through the mountains.

The River Isenduin

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Isenduin, The — The river separating the Duchy of Aerik from the Middenmark.


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Eastdale — Population: 2,057
Alignment: Lawful Good and Lawful Neutral
Demographics: Primarily humans with a smattering of halflings, elves, and dwarves.
Political Structure: Ecclesiastical law (St. Ygg); His Venerable Mercy and Prelate of Middenmark, Mordicar Justhand (Human Cleric)
Industry and Trade: Trade and Financial Center, Lumber, Charcoal, Livestock (Cattle, Pigs, Sheep), Agriculture (Corn)

Eastdale is located on the eastern tip of the Darkwood Forest. Eastdale is a stockade-surrounded town, it's double gates flanked by two stone towers with wooden roofed observation posts above each. Each tower is emblazoned with the symbol of St. Ygg - a large red cross.

The town consists primarily of humans and dwarves from Citadel Silver. There is a smattering of elves, half elves, and halfings. The dwarves of Citadel Silver trade almost exclusively with Eastdale and their raw materials and finished goods filter across the rest of the region from that point. The dwarves and men of the region maintain strong relations for trade and defense. The local men o dale as they are called, are hardy folk drawn from the nomadic tribes that migrated across the Northern Reaches long ago.

The church of St. Ygg holds political and administrative control of the town, though ostensibly the heads of the merchant guillds form a ruling council that controls the town. The clerics both lead and employ men-at-arms to defend the town's wooden palisade. They also serve as civil and religious authorities.

Eastdale is not only an economic hub of human/dwarven trade, but also a religious center — providing everything from the training of new adepts to barracking a small company of Red Bannermen, St. Ygg's order of sacred paladins. Due to ecclesiastical law, Eastdale has a reputation as a stern and somber place.

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