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Saphira — One of three red dragons born to the Phandalin Four after they stole a trio of eggs from a cavern in the condemned mines north of Phandalin.


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Vrakthis — One of three red dragons born to the Phandalin Four after they stole a trio of eggs from a cavern in the condemned mines north of Phandalin.

Thraxis Corvale

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Thraxis Corvale — an older gentleman-scholar, Thraxis is a member of the Seekers of Helix, is one-quarter dragonborn, and is a self-avowed expert on dragonkind. He has given advice to the Phandalin Three (sometimes Four) and is helping them navigate their ...scaly complications.

Whiteheart At Overall Level 11

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Whiteheart Stiffwhiskers
Paladin of Saint Ygg
Overall Level 11
Lawful Good Mousefolk, HP: 62
Damage Reduction: 1/- XP Total: 65,000
TNL: 12,000

Str: 16/55 (+2)
Dex: 12/40 (+0)
Con: 16/95 (+2)
Int: 12/40 (+0)
Wis: 13/55 (+1)
Cha: 17/40 (+2)

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 10
Paralysis/Petrify: 12
Spells/Rods/Staves: 14
Wands: 11
Breath: 13

Special Abilities:
- Advantage on CON-related saves
- Cure Disease
- Channel Energy 3 x daily
- Lay on Hands
- Paladin Party Boon
- Paladin Personal Boon
- Sohei Party Boon
- Sohei Personal Boon
- Sacrifice a prepared spell for healing
- Smite 2 + {CHA bonus} times daily

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +7
Equivalent Base THAC0: 13
+2 Holy Keen Longsword, Andurel

* Damage Dealt:
   vs mundane foe m.THAC0 9 (1d8+4/19-20)
   vs evil foes m.THAC0 9 (2d8+9/19-20)
   vs aberration/outsider/undead:
      m.THAC0 7 (3d8+12/19-20)

Overall Smiting Damage
add +4 to the attack roll, and...
aberration/outsider/undead: 3d8+27/(19-20)
other evil creatures: 2d8+24/(19-20)

* If Whiteheart successfully uses Enlightened Strike, then he may add an additional three points (the sum of Wis & Cha modifiers) of damage to the damages shown above.

If under the effect of Divine Favor he has cast, improve the above m.THAC0 and damage rolls by +2. While divinely favored and smiting a mundane evil foe, m.THAC0 04 and 2d8+26/(19-20); If divinely favored and smiting an aberration, undead, or outsider, m.THAC0 04 and 3d8+29/(19-20).

Armor Class:
   Undressed 10
   +1 Chainmail only 04
   +3 Shield only 06
   Harnessed -2
   Harn & SYS -4, & DR 3
   Harnessed but Flat-Footed 0
   Har/SYS/SOF: -7
   Har/SYS/SOF/MV: -9
   Touch 10

Spell Progression: 4/4/3/3/2
Mod for Wisdom: 5/5/4/4/3

Clerical spells:
5 1st, 5 2nd, 4 3rd, 4 4th, 3 5th

Typically Prepared:

Bless x 2 (target: caster, allies w/i 50' burst)
Detect Alignment x 1
Divine Favor x 1 (target: self)
Shield of Faith x 1 (target: single)

Consecrate x 1
Delay Poison x 1
Resist Energy x 1
Spiritual Weapon x 1
Zone of Truth x 1

Daylight x 1
Magic Vestment x 1
Protection from Energy x 1
Remove Blindness/Deafness x 1

Air Walk x 1
Death Ward x 1
Dimensional Anchor x 1
Sending x 1

Break Enchantment x 1
Commune x 1
Flamestrike x 1

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 17
   Daily Risk Dice: 09

  1. Auspicious Fortune
  2. Bite the Bullet
  3. Blessed Assurance
  4. Brace
  5. Blitz
  6. Cleave
  7. Dual Heroic Deeds
  8. Effortless Dodge
  9. Enlightened Strike
  10. Healing Surge
  11. Holy Aura
  12. Iron Shell
  13. Karmic Balance
  14. Lead by Example
  15. Primary Foe
  16. Righteous Fervor
  17. St. Ygg's Shield
  18. Unbreakable
  19. Unusual Prowess

Other Equipment:
black monster-hide belt
bronze ring
+1 chainmail
+2 keen holy longsword
daggers (pair, mundane)
ethanol (1 pt., 80-proof)
potion extra-healing x 5
scroll: group recall
+3 shield

Versus mundane evil creatures, a paladin adds his Charisma bonus to other to-hit bonuses and adds his paladin levels (max 5) to damage.

Versus aberrations, evil outsiders, and undead, a paladin gets the foregoing bonuses against evil creatures, plus gets to add his Charisma bonus to damage, and his weapon's base damage die/dice is doubled.


If accompanied by allies, Whiteheart attempts to prepare for any combat by casting Bless. If exigencies permit, the paladin will follow up the Bless spell with 2nd round use of Dual Heroic Deeds to invoke both Blessed Assurance and Holy Aura.

If fighting solo, Whiteheart attempts to begin by casting Divine Favor. He will follow this, if possible, with the Saint Ygg's Shield heroic deed. Finally, if fighting a particularly heinous foe or monster, he will seek to inflict maximum damage with his bronze ring, to be followed with healing for himself via Lay on Hands. If his bronze ring usage for the day is depleted, he may resort to Flamestrike.

Against particularly powerful evil foes, Whiteheart will attempt to use Righteous Fervor.

Lanky At Overall Level 11

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Overall Level 10, HP: 44
Lawful Evil Halfling
XP Total: 65,000
TNL: 12,000

Mount: Kevin the Cave Lizard

Str: 08/60 (-1)
Dex: 19/55 (+3)
Con: 13/55 (+1)
Int: 13/60 (+1)
Wis: 10/60 (+0)
Cha: 17/75 (+2)

Special Abilities:
Cut-Throat Party Boon
Cut-Throat Personal Boon not yet active
Thief Party Boon
Thief Personal Boon

Acrobat +4
Ruin Explorer +3
Information Seller +2
Assassin +7

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 10
Paralysis/Petrify: 12
Spells/Rods/Staves: 14
Wands: 11
Breath: 13

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 10
Undressed 07
Harnessed 01 (+1 dragonscale)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 04
Touch 7

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +4
Equivalent Base THAC0: 16

+1 dagger or shortsword:
   m.THAC0 13 (1d4+4 dagger)
   m.THAC0 13 (1d6+4 shortsword)

    Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 19
   Daily Risk Dice: 09

  1. Agonizing Sneak Attack
  2. Aim Carefully
  3. Auspicious Fortune
  4. Blessed Assurance
  5. Double Thrust
  6. Effortless Dodge
  7. Flanking Strike
  8. Improved Ambuscade
  9. Lead By Example
  10. Lucky Moment
  11. MurderHobo Madness
  12. Penetrating Backstab
  13. Silent Sneak
  14. Skin of Your Teeth
  15. Staggering Strike
  16. Steely Gaze
  17. The Trail Goes Cold
  18. Unusual Prowess
  19. player choice

Other Equipment:
2 bags of firestones (12)
book about dragons
belt of toughness
+1 boot knife (1d4+3)
+1 buckler
caltrops (6) inflict 1d4
cape of the mountebank
daggers (pair, mundane)
+1 dragonscale armor
ethanol (1 pt., 80-proof)
hemp rope (50 ft)
murdayne root
inflammable oil x 2
+1 blue dragonscale
potion of extra-healing x 4
sealed ceramic jar
drow snake-whip (discarded)
everburning torch (in jar)
+1 shortbow (does 1d6+4)
47 platinum pieces
353 gold pieces
16 silver pieces
18 copper pieces

Todd the Troglodyte
Dwargon the Duergar
Order of the Gauntlet

Spell: Spiritual Weapon

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Spiritual Weapon (2nd level clerical)

Level: Clr 2, War 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Magic weapon of force
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

A weapon made of pure force springs into existence and attacks opponents at a distance, as you direct it, dealing 1d8 force damage per hit, +1 point per three caster levels (maximum +5 at 15th level). The weapon takes the shape of a weapon favored by your deity or a weapon with some spiritual significance or symbolism to you (see below) and has the same threat range and critical multipliers as a real weapon of its form.

It strikes the opponent you designate, starting with one attack in the round the spell is cast and continuing each round thereafter on your turn. It uses your base attack bonus (possibly allowing it multiple attacks per round in subsequent rounds) plus your Wisdom modifier as its attack bonus. It strikes as a spell, not as a weapon, so, for example, it can damage creatures that have damage reduction. As a force effect, it can strike incorporeal creatures without the normal miss chance associated with incorporeality.

The weapon always strikes from your direction. It does not get a flanking bonus or help a combatant get one. Your feats or combat actions do not affect the weapon. If the weapon goes beyond the spell range, if it goes out of your sight, or if you are not directing it, the weapon returns to you and hovers.

Each round after the first, you can use a move action to redirect the weapon to a new target. If you do not, the weapon continues to attack the previous round's target. On any round that the weapon switches targets, it gets one attack.

Feyre At Overall Level 11

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Feyre Archeron
Overall Level 11
Lawful Good Human, HP: 44
XP Total: 65,000
TNL: 12,000

Str: 10/95 (+0)
Dex: 16/40 (+2)
Con: 15/70 (+1)
Int: 18/60 (+3)
Wis: 13/- (+1)
Cha: 09/85 (+0)

Magic Resistance: 45%
Allies get +1 vs spell effects
Affinity: fire

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 08 {05} (bracers/robe)
Unharnessed & prone: 10 {07}
Unharnessed 08 {05}
Harnessed -2 {-5} (shirt/robe/ring)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 0 {-3}
Touch 8

{the above boosted 3 if mage armored}

Arcane Adept: +3
Book Seller: +3
Curse Lifter: +3
Historian: +3
Loremaster: +3
Intensifier: +1

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12 (11)
Paralysis/Petrify: 13 (12)
Spells/Rods/Staves: 15 (14)
Wands: 13 (12)
Breath: 15 (14)

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +4
Equivalent Base THAC0: 16

+2 Quarterstaff:
   m.THAC0 14 (1d8+2)

+2 Short Bow:
   m.THAC0 12 (1d6+4)

+2 quarterstaff
AC -4 | roll needed = 18+
AC -2 | roll needed = 16+
AC 0 | roll needed = 14+
AC 2 | roll needed = 12+
AC 4 | roll needed = 10+
AC 6 | roll needed = 08+
AC 8 | roll needed = 06+
AC 10 | roll needed = 04+

+2 silver dagger or +2 shortbow:
   m.THAC0 12 (1d4+5)

+2 silver dagger
AC 6 | roll needed = 18+
AC 4 | roll needed = 16+
AC 2 | roll needed = 14+
AC 0 | roll needed = 12+
AC 2 | roll needed = 10+
AC 4 | roll needed = 08+
AC 6 | roll needed = 06+
AC 8 | roll needed = 04+
AC 10 | roll needed = 02+
AC 11 | roll needed = 02+

Spells 24/day - 7 1st/6 2nd/6 3rd/5 4th:

1st: burning hands, comprehend languages, eldritch bolt, hold portal, identify, sleep

2nd: invisibility, knock, levitate, mage armor, silence

3rd: fireball, fly, major image, spirit guardians

4th cone of cold, lesser sending, scrying, zone of glacial cold

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 17
   Daily Risk Dice: 09

  1. Aim Carefully
  2. Arcane Deflection
  3. Attune to Item
  4. Aura of Enchantment
  5. Charge Item
  6. Dazing Spell
  7. Death Ward
  8. Death Word
  9. Disenchant
  10. Dual Heroic Deeds
  11. Dweomer Determination
  12. Eldritch Wrath
  13. Enhance Enchantment
  14. Flawless Construction
  15. Intensify Spell
  16. Manipulate Fate
  17. Short Port
  18. player's choice
  19. player's choice

Other Equipment: bark from tree of healing (usage: d12)
bracers of protection +1
cave-fisher filament (25 ft)
daggers (pair, mundane)
enchanter's ear-rings
enchanter's robe
+1 dagger
ethanol (1 pint, 40-proof)
inflammable oil x 5
+2 mithril shirt
poison antidote x 3
potion of healing (2d6+2) x 3
potion of extra-healing (6d6+6) x 2
potion of prot. vs red dragon
potion of rejuvenation x 4
potion of vigorous voodoo x 1
potion of invisibility x 1
red dragon blood (12 vials)
scroll: flying & invisibility at 5th
wand of burning hands (13 charges)
+2 quarterstaff
sharpening stone
+2 short bow
spellbook (glyph of warding)

The Argent Twilight

Celaena At Overall Level 11

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Overall Level 11
Lawful Good Human, HP: 75
XP Total: 65,000
TNL: 12,000

Str: 17/15(+2)
Dex: 16/25 (+2)
Con: 16/55 (+2)
Int: 12/60 (+0)
Wis: 13/70 (+1)
Cha: 09/75 (+0)

Special Abilities:
Fighter Party Boon
Fighter Personal Boon
Movement 40 ft dungeon
Movement 50 ft outdoors
Ranger Party Boon
Ranger Personal Boon

Longbow Expert +2
Monster Slayer +3
Tough-Minded +3
Ruins Explorer +3
Arms Merchant +2
Animal Empathy +3

Saving Throws:
Death/Poison: 12
Paralysis/Petrify: 13
Spells/Rods/Staves: 15
Wands: 13
Breath: 15

Armor Class:
Undressed & prone 10
Undressed 09
Harnessed 1 (+2 mithril shirt)
Harnessed but Flat-Footed 2
Touch 8

Spells: none

Lv/Class-Based Attack Bonus: +11
Equivalent Base THAC0: 9
+2 Two-Handed Sword 1d10/3d6 vs large
+1 Longbow 1d10 (m.THAC0 06)

+2 Two-Handed Sword:
   vs mundane foe m.THAC0 7 (1d10+5+situational)
   vs Large+ monsters m.THAC0 7 (3d6+5+situational)


+1 Obsidian Spider-Banes
vs mundane foe m.THAC0 7 (1d6+3)
vs spiders & kin treat spider AC as 9 (3d6+3)

Heroic Deeds:
   Known: 19
   Daily Risk Dice: 09

  1. Aim Carefully
  2. Blitz
  3. Brace
  4. Cleave
  5. Deft Blade
  6. Eagle Eye
  7. Hunter's Mark
  8. Improved Ambuscade
  9. Improved Cleave
  10. Indomitable Defense
  11. Primary Foe
  12. Show Your Specialization
  13. Skin of Your Teeth
  14. Stinging Second Attack
  15. Soul of the Warrior
  16. Staggering Strike
  17. Unbreakable
  18. Unusual Prowess
  19. Vicious Focus

black hydra scabbard
+1 boot knife (1d4+3)
bag of pocket dimension
a dozen arrows dealing +1d6 fire
daggers (pair, mundane)
ethanol (1 pt., 40-proof)
inflammable oil x 5
lenses of infravision
+2 mithril shirt
potion of extra-healing x 4
potion of invisibility x 1
+3 two-handed sword
longsword +2 (+4 vs halflings)
+1 longbow
+1 spider-banes (mated)

Order of the Gauntlet

Spell: Cataclysm

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1st-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute<

The next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack before this spell ends, the attack deals an extra 1d8 psychic damage and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw as crackling energy surrounds it. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage on the next attack they make before the end of your next turn. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can increase the damage by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Spell: Blaze

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1st-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Your body ignites in magical flames, leaving you and your equipment unharmed but burning those that approach you. When a creature gets within 5 feet of you for the first time on a turn or starts its turn within 5 feet of you, it takes 1d8 fire damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

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